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Release The Struggle.
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Careless people are complacent, even negligent. Being carefree, or caring less, is quite the opposite. You can care deeply about the significant stuff without the worry that weighs down many high achievers with a need to please others and be perfect.

To know what to care about, you need to know what you value. What you value trumps all else—period. Let this be your guiding light when you make decisions. Do you care about being a mentor to junior staff at work? Great, go for it. Do you care about streamlining office procedures into an organized, efficient flow? Brilliant, take charge! Do you care about sitting in non-mandatory internal meetings trying to keep your eyes open where you seem to always leave none the wiser and simply an hour older? Well, bow out politely.

And this attitude and focus will probably get you noticed too.

And yet we all secretly strive for it, then blast ourselves on occasion when we fall short, right? But I still shoot them, post them, and share them. My husband checks them first to watch for any major mishaps and I even make him wear headphones! If I do those two things, my work is done. If I were waiting for perfection, I would never record a single word.

Just start. You'll be so glad you did. My Christian faith is the core of my personal and professional life.

2. Surrender (or, stop resisting)

I believe and have experienced that there is something greater helping me out in life, and continually working on me to change me for the better there is a lot to fix, believe me, it is literally endless. There are endless studies that show the benefits of faith, prayer, church-going etc. Everything just goes better even when everything is going wrong, which it still often does. Learning to listen to your body is a key skill in life.

Drink water when you're thirsty. Eat good food when you're hungry and stop when your body says it's full. Sleep when your body wants to. Stop pushing when you feel tired. Take a vacation when every cell in your body and mind is screaming for it. Take a break when your shoulders creep up around your ears or your neck starts aching.

Take really good care of your body, and listen to it. In turn, it will take really good care of you. Susan Biali, M.

  1. Dusty Clouds;
  2. 7 Ways To Get A Carefree Attitude And Start Enjoying Life.
  3. Secrets to Living a Healthier, More Joyful Life | Psychology Today.
  4. Inspired & Motivated: An Emotional Journey Back To Me.

She dedicates her life to to helping people get healthy, decrease stress and enjoy more meaningful lives. Connect with Dr. Biali on Facebook , Twitter, and LinkedIn. Susan Biali Haas, M. Back Psychology Today. Back Find a Therapist. Back Get Help. Set up a time, just for you, when you can disconnect from daily responsibilities and get away from the noise, stimulation, and demands of your world.

Joy comes easily when we focus on our own needs in a caring and loving way. Get a massage. Close the door, put your feet up, and watch the world outside your window. Take a nap. These kinds of activities replenish us and give our body and soul a chance to feel pure joy. Remind yourself: My job is to take care of myself. Repeating and contemplating the word joy can actually create that emotion. Say it over and over, varying the speed, tone, and tempo until you laugh.

The way to a happy and carefree life

Notice how your body feels when you say the word. Did your chest expand? Did your face relax? Think about what joy means to you. Be as specific as possible, imagining the feeling of joy, the images it conjures up, perhaps even the people and situations who trigger joy. Sign off your emails with the word joy. Paint the word on a smooth rock and keep it on your desk.

  • Fractured (Book 1)!
  • The way to a happy and carefree life - The Economic Times.
  • 16 ways to feel insanely energetic, happy, and carefree.
  • Study Guide: Elephant.
  • More joy will rise up if you simply invite it to do so. Want to find out more about the attitudes and emotions that dominate your character? Take a quick self-quiz here , and then try the coping strategies designed to address them. You are now subscribed Be on the lookout for a welcome email in your inbox! Main Navigation. Log in My Account. Saved Articles. Gift Purchases. Contact Support.

    11 signs you are a carefree person | A person who has no imagination has no wings

    Log Out. Your cart is empty. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Explore Classes. Written by Jude Bijou, M. Share on:.