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Growing up poems about adolescents and childhood and growing up. The challenges that a child must deal with throughout the life cycle are Featured Shared Story The childhood of a person might be a mixture of both pleasant and.
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This series sometimes has cursing, violence in their The Wizard of Oz parody, the witch is shot with a gun and pop culture jokes that kids wouldn't understand for example, Bing Bong singing a parody of a song from an R-rated movie in their Inside Out parody. An episode by the creators of the show is also included on a DVD of The LEGO Movie , a film targeted at children, which might fool the target audience into thinking that the rest of the show might be appropriate for them.

In China, the company behind the once-popular comic Little Cherry AKA Xoyto made Flash shorts starring the titular little girl, some having inappropriate elements such as blood, potty jokes, alcohol, death threats, and sexual material, most of them done by the adult characters. The shorts more or less shared stories with the comics, which probably had a broader audience than the ones created since the late s.

In , a TV animated series debuted which includes some of the same characters and was aimed at children. The South Korean web shorts series Medical Island by Studio Animal may look adorable owing to the very deformed characters, but the show contains brutal gory violence and visible male genitalia. DSBT InsaniT : Despite its simplistic style, it's definitely something kids shouldn't watch, mainly due to the adult language.

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This is even brought up in 'VRcade'. The same goes for Dreamscape. It also features the boy tearing out Pony's heart in a nightmare sequence. Many a Multi-Animator Project can wind up as this; a lot of them are neat-looking cartoon music videos , frequently featuring lots of cute animal characters and sometimes featuring characters from popular kid-friendly works such as Gravity Falls , made by animators who each choose certain segments of the video to animate and draw those segments largely independently from one-another.

The exact rules as to what any given Multi-Animator Project can contain vary wildly, as can what each person chooses to draw, so a segment featuring kittens having a tea party can be suddenly followed by anything from murder to strippers.

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The song lyrics or other audio, on the rare occasions that something other than a song is used can also be rather family-unfriendly. However, the video is not as kid-friendly as the cartoon it spoofs, as Dora mostly deals with problems adults can relate to mainly being an alcoholic and drug addict and swears from time to time. There's also an episode in which Dora goes to a strip club in Las Vegas.

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Web Comics. An Epic Comic at first, it looks like a mere kids' comic book with kid-friendly iconic villains.

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However, later on, it introduces characters from really raunchy franchises, violent video games with people blowing up with blood everywhere, and even the Nostalgia Critic. Awkward Zombie has a cutesy art style, but many of the jokes involve M-rated video games. The authors of Girl Genius felt it necessary to explain the comic is for older teens and up. For readers who skip the New Reader page, the blatant Fanservice is probably a clue. Homestuck may seem innocuous — it's a webcomic about kids playing a videogame, after all.

But that's only if you overlook the frequent and creative usage of very foul language Karkat Vantas is the best example of this , bloody violence Dirk rather infamously manages to get decapitated more than once , the repeated sexual references and jokes, and occasional mild nudity. Not to mention the abstruse subject matter, characters, and plot details. Jix is about a blue furry alien, but has mild cussing and various comics filled with copious amounts of cartoony gore Lackadaisy contains gorgeous art of furry cat people with often enormous and adorable kitty eyes the author admits she was influenced by Disney films like Bambi as a child - and they earn their keep by bootlegging, people-hacking, and general classy dirty-handedness.

Even the cutest member of the cast turns out to be one of the craziest. Lookism , a seemingly Gag and Fighting Series. Has fun characters and lots of color. At first glance, it would seem safe to assume that The Noordegraaf Files would be OK for kids to read, with bright colors, teenage heroes, and a cartoonish artsyle.

However, you'd be wrong. While the first three chapters are fine for readers of any age, by chapters Never Say "Die" is averted, Blood is spilled, and adult themes such as Parental Abandonment , Homosexuality, and Cold-Blooded Torture are discussed. While the comic is still quite lighthearted in tone, despite many characters having very dark and troubled pasts , it still shouldn't be read by anyone younger than 13 due to the more serious nature of some topics brought up.

Several posters in the Giant In The Playground forums were offended by sexual content in an Order of the Stick comic , on the grounds that "children read this comic. Never mind that anyone who's mature enough to realise it's a masturbation reference probably has first-hand experience of the activity. The creators of Penny Arcade did a sketch about the possibility of children reading their work.

Elsewhere , they mention being invited to a school to give a class on drawing — they went, and enjoyed it, but they made damn sure to cut the URL from the make-your-own-comic templates that they handed out. One comic is a fictionalized account of Gabe meeting a kindergartner whose favorite game was Slender. Sandra and Woo : Since it's about a girl who finds a talking raccoon, it must be for little kids, right? Only if you ignore all the early clues. Slightly Damned : Don't let the comic's cutesy art style and comedic moments fool you.

Between the surprising amount of blood, violence, and foul language, the horrors of Hell, a violent, Knight Templar angel society, a main character dealing with depression, suicidal thoughts, and Self-Harm issues, villains on both sides who Would Hurt a Child , a demon army's brutal onslaught of scores of innocent people, and Heaven's blatant use of Child Soldiers with one of them shown getting brutally killed , it's made very clear that this is NOT a webcomic for young children to read. Twokinds gets heavily hit with this.

Despite NSFW content, most parental advisory sites still rate it "kid friendly". The fact that that NSFW content only appears later in the comic may have something to do with that. VG Cats looks like a cutesey comic about two Funny Animal cats who go on adventures in various video games. Strong profanity and adult jokes are common, not to mention the creator spends time drawing pornographic bonus art on his Patreon. This especially happens with the comic book "xkcd: volume 0". Blade Under Mask is set in a Japanese inspired world inhabited by anthropomorphic bugs and is about Nae, a female mantis becoming a geisha , who begins to suffer Nightmare Fuel -induced hallucinations.

The art style could be mistaken for being aimed at children, but it really isn't due to scenes like Nae's adopted mother striking her with a bamboo stick, her adopted brother having a threesome with two female moths and her touching herself after that. Web Original.

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Tasakeru : It's a series about cute, fluffy talking animals like squirrels and rabbits A lot of parents seem to think that because it is a musical, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is perfectly fine for small children. A lot of it probably goes over the kiddies' heads anyway one would hope , but still Not to mention the "the hammer is my penis" line.

Felicia Day mentions in the commentary not that one a fan who wrote to tell her "my nine-year-old daughter loved you in this Unless you have really warped kids. He also had a song on one of his albums, ostensibly the theme song for a cartoon show, called "Smoky the Kid-Loving Trout".

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  7. Someone that stumbles across ZTV might initially think "Oh, it's a cute little newscast with an adorable purple-haired anime girl! Oh, and she's also a demon that sometimes loses control of her illusionary human form. Just because Blackburn features colorful superheroes does NOT mean it's for kids. It's not even before the first chapter ends that Martha bloodily massacres a gang hideout, including a young boy. Consider how many songs in that genre are about sex. You know, that song that's pretty much about cybersex. Many religious websites are family-friendly, which would lead you to think Jesus Is Savior would be too.

    It's not. Instead, the site is designed to Scare 'em Straight , with grotesque imagery, anti-homosexual propaganda, Paranoia Fuel and surprisingly strong language being commonplace in there. That's all we're gonna say about this subject, by the way. Dave Granlund shares with viewers the Open Secret Moral Guardians are only ones still Locked Out of the Loop about what really scares the crap out of kids. You'd think that since That Guy with the Glasses reviewers often review children and family films and entertainment that it'd be appropriate for children. You'd be wrong.

    Even Linkara the "tamest" of them all shows comics featuring gore, sexual innuendo, drug use, and fanservice though to be fair, he is criticizing these scenes. On an August edition of his Radio Dead Air Internet radio program, TGWTG contributor Nash recounted the story of Pushing Up Roses receiving an angry letter from a parent which admonished her for using "foul language" in her videos because "children watch them".

    Nash was rather noticeably furious while recounting this, noting that That Guy with the Glasses is not a site for children and that he hosts a show titled What the Fuck Is Wrong with You? The reaction from his stream's chat was similarly astounded and angry, especially because the letter was sent to Roses, who rarely uses profanity in her videos.

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    5. In a vlog, Doug gets pretty upset with the fact that ten-year-olds come up to him at cons and say they love his stuff, as he thinks they really shouldn't be watching him at such a young age. Mario Plush Forever , a plush series on Machinima. The name and the introduction of each episode makes it sound like it's a kid-friendly show, but you'll get to the first episode, which involves a curse that makes people have uncontrollable farts The first few episodes aren't too graphic, but once you get to Episode 10, things start getting graphic to the point where the director begins putting a viewer discretion warning before each episode.

      It looks like a Sesame Street clone at first but there's a reason it's called that. Several Let's Play videos of Minecraft fall into this territory. Minecraft itself is an all-ages game, but the commentary on it is generally unsuitable for kids for several LP groups such as the Minecraft series made by the Yogscast or Achievement Hunter. The creations and skin system also fall into this to an extent, as you can build anything or have your character appear as pretty much anything. The Yogscast in general get this very badly, with common complaints being profanity leading to the meme "X swore in the video and now my child is Y", which promptly overshadowed any serious complaints and Black Comedy.

      The fact is that short of Zoey Proasheck , who is the only one that actively aims for that demographic, plus In The Little Wood and the explicitly family-friendly "Conquest" channel, the Yogscast do not aim to be family-friendly in the first place. Martyn in turn plays a fair numbers of games that aren't family friendly. Captain Sparklez is a variation. His Minecraft content, unless he's collaborating with someone else, is mostly family-friendly, with some milder swearwords at worst, but anything else on his channel, such as Garry's Mod or Trouble in Terrorist Town , and you're flat out of luck.