Therapeutic Pluralism: Exploring the Experiences of Cancer Patients and Professionals

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Homer, Caroline and Broom, Alex Evidence-based paradigms and contemporary midwifery. Broom, Alex and Tovey, Philip Patient understandings of evidence and therapeutic effectiveness. Adams, Jon , Andrews, Gavin J. An international reader pp. Qualitative researchers' understandings of their practice and the implications for data archiving and sharing. In John Goodwin Ed. Research capacity building in traditional, complementary and integrative medicine: The inequalities of medical pluralism: Hierarchies of health, the politics of tradition and the economies of care in Indian oncology.

A critical social science of evidence-based healthcare. Gender and end-of-life care. The social and cultural production of health in South Asia. Health and healing in South Asia.

Associate Professor Alexander Broom

The practice and meanings of spiritual healing in Nepal. Prostate cancer and masculinities in Australia. The role and implications of the Internet in healthcare delivery. An introduction to health sociology 4th ed. Men's health in context. Body, identity and social context pp. Broom, Alex and Germov, John An introduction to health sociology 4 ed. The status of complementary and alternative medicine CAM in biomedical education.

In Caragh Brosnan and Bryan S.

Associate Professor Alexander Broom - School of Social Science - University of Queensland

The Internet and the doctor-patient relationship. A reader for health professionals pp. A study into the impact of internet use on disease experience and the doctor-patient relationship. Readings in health communication pp.

Broom, Alex and Willis, Evan Competing paradigms and health research. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods pp. Jurisdictions, responsibility and professional asymmetries in pharmacists' accounts of antibiotic decisions in hospitals.

  1. Handbook to Survive Life (Handbook to Survive the Nineties)?
  2. Therapeutic Pluralism.
  3. Exploring the Experiences of Cancer Patients and Professionals!

Social Science and Medicine , 95 - Sociology , 49 4: Health , 19 3: Adams, Jon , Frawley, Jane , Steel, Amie , Broom, Alex and Sibbritt, David Use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological labour pain management techniques and their relationship to maternal and infant birth outcomes: Examination of a nationally representative sample of pregnant women. Midwifery , 31 4: Qualitative Health Research , 25 3: Journal of Child and Family Studies , 24 3: Bowman, Diana , Steel, Amie , Adams, Jon , Sibbritt, David and Broom, Alex The characteristics of women using different forms of botanical medicines to manage pregnancy-related health conditions: Advances in Integrative Medicine , 1 3: City, Culture and Society , 5 4: Midwifery , 30 Kirby, Emma , Broom, Alex and Good, Phillip The role and significance of nurses in managing transitions to palliative care: BMJ Open , 4 9: Frawley, Jane , Adams, Jon , Broom, Alex , Steel, Amie , Gallois, Cindy and Sibbritt, David Majority of women are influenced by nonprofessional information sources when deciding to consult a complementary and alternative medicine practitioner during pregnancy.

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , 20 7: Violence Against Women , 20 7: Findings of a qualitative study with implications for health communication. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 14 1: Asian Journal of Criminology , 9 2: Social Theory and Health , 12 2: A disability service provider and clinician perspective. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability , 39 2: Results from a nationally representative sample of 1, women.

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , 20 2: Sahara-J , 11 1: Mortality , 19 4: Women and Health , 54 2: PloS One , 8 Health Expectations , 18 5: Internal Medicine Journal , 43 9: Health , 18 4: Clinical Rheumatology , 33 2: Broom, Alex and Kirby, Emma The end of life and the family: Sociology of Health and Illness , 35 4: Culture Health and Sexuality , 15 5: Qualitative Health Research , 24 2: European Journal of Integrative Medicine , 5 1: Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics , 36 1: Doron, Assa and Broom, Alex Gender and masculinities: South Asian History and Culture , 4 2: BMJ Open , 3 4: Culture, Society and Masculinities , 5 1: A cross-sectional survey of Indian men.

Asian Social Science , 9 1: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 12 Journal of Palliative Medicine , 15 Qualitative Health Research , 23 1: Complementary Therapies in Medicine , 20 5: Internal Medicine Journal , 42 9: A study of , Australians aged 45 years and older. PLoS One , 7 7: Complementary Therapies in Medicine , 20 3: Cultural understandings, structural inequalities and the emergence of the clinic. Health , 16 3: Asian Social Science , 8 6: Broom, Alex On euthanasia, resistance and redemption: The moralities and politics of a hospice.

Qualitative Health Research , 22 2: Bonnette, Shari and Broom, Alex On grief, fathering and the male role in men's accounts of stillbirth. Journal of Sociology , 48 3: Health , 17 3: Journal of Sociology , 50 4: A national survey of 1, women.

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Journal of Advanced Nursing , 67 3: Broom, Alex and Cavenagh, John On the meanings and experiences of living and dying in a hospice Health. The social, political and economic context. Broom, Alex and Adams, Jon The reconfiguration of expertise in oncology: The practice of prediction and articulation of indeterminacy in medical consultations. Qualitative Health Research , 20 South Asian History and Culture , 1 2: Results from a survey of cancer patients.

Public Health , 4: Examining the ideological, political and historical factors behind the 'decline'.

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