Body Building Meal Plans

When I began my fitness career, I didn't know anything about muscle-building nutrition other than the standard "eat lots and lift heavy" rule.
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Forging new muscle requires a menu that is high in both carbs and calories.

Best free custom bodybuilding meal plans

But remember, going on a muscle-building diet is not an excuse for eating everything in sight. Instead, you'll eat just enough high-quality, nutrient-dense carbs when your body needs them most—around your workouts.

Note that the plan here is for a guy who trains in the afternoon. If your sessions are in the morning, simply rearrange it so you're eating the starchy meals before and right after your workout and then avoid starchy carbs later in the day. To accelerate your weight loss, limit starchy carbs to the period directly after weight training. This plan places a heavy emphasis on leafy greens and veggies for the remainder of the day—a practical way to cut both calories and carbs.

You'll be eating more fat, as well, to switch your body from using carbs to fats as its main source of energy an insider trick for torching fat but not muscle. View all articles by this author. Meal Plan For Every Guy.

Choose from our pre-designed fitness meals or put your own menu together

Double Chocolate Cherry Smoothie. Protein Bar Recovery shake. Olive Oil Extra virgin. Cheesy Scrambled Eggs with Scallions. Steak with Tomato Bean Salad. Steak Grilled flank steak.

The Beginner Meal Plan

Protein Powder Recovery shake. Should contain 50 grams carbs and 25 grams protein. Chicken with Quinoa Salad. Sweet Potato or yam. Collard Greens or swiss chard.

Eat Like A Beast! Brandan Fokken's Bulking Meal Plan

Sandwich 2 slices grain bread, 8 oz sliced turkey breast, 1 thin 2-oz slice low fat provolone cheese, fat-free honey mustard, lettuce, tomato. Waffles Oat bran waffle mix, skim milk, and whey protein. Make a half serving of waffle mix, following the package directions and add 2 scoops of pure whey protein. Cook in a waffle iron, or flat in a skillet like a pancake. Tuna Sandwich 2 slices grain bread, 4 oz tuna-drained, 1 thin 2-oz slice cheddar cheese, non-fat mayo, lettuce, tomato. Sandwich 2 slices grain bread, 4 oz sliced ham, 1 thin 2-oz slice reduced fat Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mustard.

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Burger Patty homemade, on a whole-wheat bun. Sandwich 3 slices whole grain bread, 3 tbsp peanut butter, 2 bananas. Top each slice bread with 1 tbsp peanut butter, slice banana place between bread. Pasta whole-wheat, with 1 cup favorite marina sauce, mixed with steamed broccoli.

Best free custom bodybuilding meal plans

Meal Replacement Shake With 2 cups low-fat milk and 2 cups frozen fruit plus 1 tbsp flax oil. Add water to desired thickness.

Bagel multi-grain, topped with 2 tbsp reduced cream cheese and 4 oz smoked salmon. Cottage Cheese low-fat, dip crackers in cottage cheese. Ham 2 slices whole-grain bread with 2 oz.