Busy Kitten Goes to School

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Professor Sir Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology at Manchester Business School, says kittens in the workplace could be a valuable way of tackling short-term stress. There is chronic stress, where you're stressed out by something substantial, such as a bullying boss at work.

But there's also temporary, acute stress, like an exam, or a very busy week.

Having a kitten could help with the latter. So how does it work? Distraction, says Professor Cooper. Going to the gym takes your mind off work, because you have to run, so it's similar to that. Anything that takes your mind off the pressure you're under can help.

Need to de-stress? How about some kitty therapy - Telegraph

It's also calming because it lets you experience unconditional love, which is probably not something that many people feel while battling with a spreadsheet on a rainy Monday morning. So that's excellent news for cat-loving spreadsheet warriors. But even for the most desperate, New Mexico might be a bit far to go for some feline therapy. So here are some UK locations where you can de-stress and unwind with some kittens for company.

Kitten School

Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium in East London attracted significant attention when it opened in March last year, and bagging a table there is as difficult as getting into the Ivy. Once you do, though, you're free to munch on paninis and cake while surrounded by kitties. For the ultimate stress-free experience, they also offer Cat Yoga on Wednesdays - so you can combine meditation with pet therapy.

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A cat cafe in Moscow. Who could say no to cats, coffee and cake? If you're not in London, don't despair - Nottingham has its very own Kitty Cafe which rehomes strays and rescue cats.

They've also popped up in Moscow, Vienna , Tokyo , New York and Amsterdam, proving that kittens and cake are a winning combination. And if that's not enough cat action for your liking, you can help a London couple who are attempting to crowdfund the world's first cat cinema.

Upcoming Events

Students traditionally deal with stress by heading to the pub or letting it out on the rugby field. But universities across the country have come up with a rather gentler - and healthier - way to relax. They've introduced stress-busting puppy and kitten rooms to help their students cope with a busy exam season.

Aberdeen University teamed up with the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association to offer puppy rooms to stressed-out students. Every year Battersea Dogs' and Cats' home runs a kitten shower , which includes a kitten creche where you can meet the centre's newest arrivals. Make holes on lid of one box. Put a small kitten in each box.

After some time open the boxes. What do you see? The kitten inside the box without holes has died. Several infuriated parents contacted the editor to demand the immediate retirement of the book from the syllabus.

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  2. A Better Mousetrap (Shipscat Book 4)?
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  4. A Paris Affair (Mills & Boon Spice Briefs).
  5. Parvesh Gupta, spokesperson for PP Publications, said:. A parent had called us a couple of months ago and asked us to remove the text from the book because it was harmful for children. We recalled books from our distribution channel and will come out with a revised book next year. Sadly, however, despite this announcement, the schools who have already ordered the textbook will continue to use it. FIAPO contacted the publishers, who then made another statement reiterating their promise to withdraw the textbook from the shelves as soon as possible.

    This is not the first time that a school textbook has made scandalous headlines in India. In , a book used in the state of Gujarat stated that Japan had dropped several nuclear bombs on the United States during the Second World War.