Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body

In her groundbreaking book, Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Root of the Female Body, Tami Lynn Kent invites every woman to journey deep.
Table of contents

The Last Lecture Randy Pausch. Thinking Like a Mountain Joanna Macy. Healing Chakras Ilchi Lee. Oracle of the Mermaids Lucy Cavendish.

  • Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Root of the Female Body by Tami Lynn Kent;
  • Awaken Lost!
  • Read Tami’s Books?
  • Dying to Self (Reverse Your Thinking).
  • Gefangene der Liebe (German Edition).
  • Ästhetik der Medialität: Zur Vermittlung von künstlerischen Welten und ästhetischen Theorien (German.

The Radiance Sutras Lorin Roche. The Disappearance of the Universe Gary R. Wisdom Cards Louise Hay. The Tao of Pooh Benjamin Hoff. Review quote "By suggesting a return to the root, Tami Lynn Kent offers direction for a path largely forgotten. Within the pages of Wild Feminine lies great hope for women, natural birth, and all things precious to the female body. Kent's book is a must-read for any student or teacher of the mysteries of the female body and the energies that define us. There is not a woman in the world who would not benefit from reading it. Whether you are seeking healing from emotional or sexual wounding or you just want to learn how to more fully enjoy and inhabit the most feminine aspect of yourself, this book will be a friend for life.

About Tami-Lynn Kent Tami Lynn Kent, MSPT, is a holistic women's healthcare provider who guides women in interpreting the wisdom of their bodies and reclaiming the wild within themselves. With a master's degree in physical therapy and the ability to read energetic patterns of the body, Kent acts as a bridge between the realms of modern medicine and traditional women's wisdom. Book ratings by Goodreads. Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. The exercises in this book are really great and extremely effective.

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It's an experiential book and a book that can be very powerful in helping you connect to YOU. Feb 28, Kipahni rated it really liked it Shelves: This book was a stretch at times. Somatic memory is something relatively new to me and understanding its implications in my body and women society on a whole.

She has many exercises and contemplative questions that create a very well rounded book that is both informative and interactive. Jun 12, Megan H.


I couldn't finish this book. I consider myself pretty open minded, but this was just too much. What about women who have been sexually assaulted and suffer from chronic pelvic pain? We should just embrace it? What got me to finally stop was her implication that women who don't have children are dealing with internal conflict about their wild feminine nature. What about those of us who can't have kids or choose not to? Are we less of a woman? According to Kent, we are and have deep rooted conflic I couldn't finish this book.

According to Kent, we are and have deep rooted conflicts. Nov 17, Stephanie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Absolutely loved and gained so much from this book. If I read it a couple years ago, however, I probably would not have understood it or needed it the way I do now. This was definitely the right time for me and this book. I got it from the library, but I am definitely going to buy it so that I can use the rituals and exercises at Women's Circles and for myself.

Feb 10, sendann rated it really liked it. I'm actually always "currently reading" this one. I particularly love the exercises and meditations in the first half of the book. My only wish is for a further exploration into daily applications. Jan 16, Darlene added it. Feb 25, Jodie rated it really liked it Shelves: Nov 20, Annalee rated it it was amazing. Tami Lynn Kent truly understands the beauty and flow of feminine energy. I felt like finally someone was speaking my language. What a blessing to women. Jan 13, Lynette rated it it was amazing. Every woman should read this.

However, sometimes I feel like it goes around the same idea over and over and you get a little tired. May 10, Kate rated it it was ok Shelves: I am pretty liberal and open minded, but this was "out there" even for me. It might have some good tidbits for you I did enjoy one of the writing exercises but overall, this was a "fail" for me.

Jan 06, Jenn rated it really liked it. Very intense, but well worth it.

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Root of the Female Body

Jun 27, Andrea rated it really liked it. Every woman should read this book. May 02, Debbie Rocacaruso rated it really liked it. Very interesting and affirming. Passed it to my daughter - think all females should read this as well as males. Continuing on with my learning. Erin rated it it was amazing Sep 07, This book is one of the first places I've seen discuss how Kegels alone are insufficient for a woman's pelvic health, and how vital it is to relax those muscles.

This is especially crucial for women having common symptoms of imbalance that are either ignored or worsened by Kegels until women are recommended surgery for prolapse of some sort. Wild Feminine also discusses the connection between the emotional and physical body, and how women can reclaim their creativity, power, and energy by listening to their bodies. It's definitely challenging work, but Kent's passion for this topic is very inspiring. Basically, this book teaches women how to value their bodies, and how our voice and decisions impact our health. And if women learned this as teens, imagine the change we could all see in how our daughters handle men, childbirth, careers and stress.

Wild Feminine : Tami-Lynn Kent :

I really can't say enough about how incredible this book is, and how thankful I am to have found it. I've been reading a lot of women's books lately and this is really the first one that I've found truly useful beyond just a concept or ideal. This book is amazing! I know I'll be re-reading it many, many times!

Thank you for addressing Women's bodies in a way I have not thought about. I think this book should be in the hands of every young girl and woman. The information is presented in a way that is comprehensive and easy to understand with clearly written practices. Feedback Als je hulp nodig hebt of een vraag hebt voor de klantenservice, neem dan contact met ons op.

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