Guide Words and Noise

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This page lists all the words created using the letters in the word 'noise'.
Table of contents

Synonyms: stochasticity , dissonance , disturbance , racket , haphazardness , randomness , interference. Synonyms: haphazardness , disagreement , stochasticity , racquet , racket , interference , dissonance , dissension , fraudulent scheme , disturbance , randomness , illegitimate enterprise. Synonyms: commotion , mental disturbance , hurly burly , disturbance , mental disorder , interference , preventive , upset , stochasticity , folie , hitch , hoo-ha , intervention , psychological disorder , disruption , dissonance , flutter , racket , fray , kerfuffle , preventative , hoo-hah , incumbrance , encumbrance , hinderance , hindrance , ruffle , to-do , haphazardness , randomness , affray , perturbation.

Synonyms: haphazardness , stochasticity , racket , randomness , dissonance , interference , disturbance , entropy.

Noise Synonyms, Noise Antonyms |

Synonyms: make noise , echo , reverberate , resound , ring. Sound is the sensation produced through the organs of hearing or the physical cause of this sensation. Sound is the most comprehensive word of this group, applying to anything that is audible. Tone is sound considered as having some musical quality or as expressive of some feeling; noise is sound considered without reference to musical quality or as distinctly unmusical or discordant. Thus, in the most general sense noise and sound scarcely differ, and we say almost indifferently, "I heard a sound ," or "I heard a noise.

In music, tone may denote either a musical sound or the interval between two such sounds , but in the most careful usage the latter is now distinguished as the "interval," leaving tone to stand only for the sound. Note in music strictly denotes the character representing a sound , but in loose popular usage it denotes the sound also, and becomes practically equivalent to tone. Aside from its musical use, tone is chiefly applied to that quality of the human voice by which feeling is expressed; as, he spoke in a cheery tone ; the word is similarly applied to the voices of birds and other animals, and sometimes to inanimate objects.

As used of a musical instrument, tone denotes the general quality of its sounds collectively considered. Synonyms: note , sound , tone. Synonyms: sound , clamor , rattle , din , uproar , tumult.

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  • Direct Anagrams and Compound Word Anagrams of noise!
  • The Words-in-Noise Test (WIN), list 3: a practice list.!
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Synonyms for noise. Keep scrolling for more. Learn More about noise. Time Traveler for noise The first known use of noise was in the 13th century See more words from the same century.

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Thesaurus Entries near noise no-goodniks no-goods no-holds-barred noise noise about or abroad noised about or abroad noiseless See More Nearby Entries. Phrases Related to noise noise about or abroad. In the development of a language, sounds that are associated with natural objects then go on to form words with related meanings. When first exposed to sound and communication, humans are biologically inclined to mimic the sounds they hear, whether they are actual pieces of language or other natural sounds.

During the native language acquisition period, it has been documented that infants may react strongly to the more wild-speech features to which they are exposed, compared to more tame and familiar speech features. But the results of such tests are inconclusive. In the context of language acquisition, sound symbolism has been shown to play an important role.

The Japanese language has a large inventory of ideophone words that are symbolic sounds.

Words that contain Noise

These are used in contexts ranging from day to day conversation to serious news. The two former correspond directly to the concept of onomatopoeia, while the two latter are similar to onomatopoeia in that they are intended to represent a concept mimetically and performatively rather than referentially, but different from onomatopoeia in that they aren't just imitative of sounds. For example, "shiinto" represents something being silent, just as how an anglophone might say "clatter, crash, bang! That "representative" or "performative" aspect is the similarity to onomatopoeia.

Sometimes Japanese onomatopoeia produces reduplicated words. As in Japanese, onomatopoeia in Hebrew sometimes produces reduplicated verbs: [22] : There is a documented correlation within the Malay language of onomatopoeia that begin with the sound bu- and the implication of something that is rounded. As well as with the sound of -lok within a word conveying curvature in such words like lok , kelok and telok 'locomotive', 'cove', and 'curve' respectively. The Qur'an, written in Arabic, documents instances of onomatopoeia. There is wide array of objects and animals in the Albanian language that have been named after the sound they produce.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Word whose pronunciation imitates sound of its denotation. This article is about the category of words. For the comic character, see Onomatopoeia comics. Further information: List of animal sounds.

Main article: Ideophone. Main article: Cross-linguistic onomatopoeias. Main article: Japanese sound symbolism.

Words that mention noise in the Dictionary

Anguish Languish Japanese sound symbolism List of animal sounds List of onomatopoeias Sound mimesis in various cultures Sound symbolism Vocal learning. A Grammar of Iconism. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. Editions Artisan Devereaux. I was just beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was trying to make a fool of me when I knew his tattarrattat at the door he must Booty 1 January Funny Side of English. Pustak Mahal.

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