PDF The Best of the Bargain : Lincoln In Western New York

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Lincoln In Western New York John Fagant. speak and observe his actions. They would develop an opinion of him and initially influence the rest of the country as.
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To Cox, though, Sherman had supplied a promising template for racial separation. When Cox introduced his plan on the campaign trail that summer, he received messages of support from many Republicans. Radicals were horrified, however, and some withdrew their support from Cox. In November, Cox won by a landslide. Although we usually think of an isthmian canal as an obsession of the s, it was already a talking point in Washington as the war ended.

In , the New York Times told its readers that the US should annex Cuba and deport the entire black population to the island. But the goal of colonisation was never solely the removal of black people from the United States. When the war delivered four million slaves to freedom, there was virtually no foundation on which to base black claims to citizenship.

Foner is sensibly coy about the most tantalising counterfactual in American history. This may seem an odd observation. Lincoln, though, was painfully eager to rebuild the nation with minimal damage to the prejudices of the rebels. Like Lincoln, Johnson was in favour of the speedy readmission of Confederate states and opposed to the redistribution of Southern land to freed people.

Unlike Lincoln, he was a supremely clumsy politician who paid little attention to the sensitivities of black Americans or the radicals in Congress.

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The 14th and 15th Amendments, which established federal guarantees of citizenship, equal protection and suffrage, were the product of this conflict between a regressive executive and an incensed legislature. Charles Sumner met this charge head on.

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The limitless intransigence of Southern racists might have exhausted even the most sincere defenders of black rights, but the Northern preoccupation with colonisation had severed abolition from integration. When black Americans declared that they were going nowhere, they discovered that racial equality was as alien to the North as to the South.

Presidents, however, have no official role in the matter of constitutional amendments, which are sent to the states for ratification if they win a two-thirds majority in both Houses of Congress. Any proposed amendment is just that, proposed rather than a draft; three-quarters of the states must ratify the amendment in exactly the form in which Congress submitted it.

Lincoln did support the proposed amendment, somewhat tepidly and reluctantly, but he did not originate or write it, or submit it to anyone. Congress had sent the amendment to the states for ratification before Lincoln became president. Lincoln lost the senatorial contest in Illinois.

The Republicans never had secure control of them until, briefly, after the Civil War. New England remained the rock-ribbed Republican area. Eric Foner, in the book under review, reminds us that the Northwest Ordinance of banned only the importation of slaves, and did not free those already in the territory. Lincoln himself tried to return a black woman and four of her children into slavery in , despite the fact that they had migrated to Illinois with the full consent of their owner, and had resided in freedom for at least two years.

But the implication that Lincoln died a martyr to black enfranchisement is a stretch. Lincoln made his statement in the course of defending the white supremacist Louisiana constitution from its radical critics.

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Booth had for months plotted to kidnap or kill Lincoln; there is no reason to suspect that he would have abandoned his goal had Lincoln remained silent that night. Clifton Hawkins Berkeley, California. For highlights from the latest issue, our archive and the blog, as well as news, events and exclusive promotions.

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They warned that the VA was simply too big and complex to change. Others pointed out that it did not make sense to accept a dramatic pay cut in return for such enormous headaches. There are more than 20 million American veterans, about a quarter of them living in rural areas, and many of them need VA benefits just to get by.