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The 10 Commitments book. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Become the Parent You Always Wanted to Be! This book contains str.
Table of contents

As much as possible, attend Little League games, school conferences, and band concerts. Your presence, attention, and availability will make a significant difference in the lives of your children.

Wondering where to begin?

Children need to try new things. They need the opportunity to try and to learn from the experience. Each child is unique. Show respect for personal preferences and fears. At the same time, operate from the strength of your convictions. Children need the security of unmovable boundaries and guidelines for behavior. Doing so restores their self-respect and lets them know that their behaviors have consequences. As parents we make mistakes, and our children can see it—whether we admit it or not.

The First Commitment

It gives them the freedom to admit their mistakes as well. Facing the truth is a key to good emotional health.

Actions speak louder than words. Fight the temptation to just drop them off at church—go with them! If you read for enjoyment and self-improvement, your children are more likely to enjoy learning. Read with them and discuss new ideas to stimulate their thinking. Help your children reach conclusions for themselves.

Also, expose your children to new opportunities for learning, such as going to the library, surfing the Internet with them, and taking them to museums. As our children grow up, some of them will make us think we have done a good job; others may make us wonder if we did anything right at all. The time comes when we have to back off and let our children make their own decisions and mistakes. But we must never stop loving them or encouraging them to be the best they can be.

We can only give what we have inside. And if we can't manage our own emotions. Step by step.

The First Commitment

Here are 10 Commitments that will make you a better parent — and a happier person. Start with one, or commit to all ten. Commit to taking care of yourself and staying centered so you can be the happy, patient, encouraging parent your child deserves. Most important of all, commit to managing yourself. When your emotions are dysregulated, you're in fight or flight, and your child looks like the enemy. Calm yourself before you engage with your child. The one thing we know for certain about child development is that kids who feel loved and cherished thrive.

The kids who thrive are the ones who FEEL loved and cherished for exactly who they are. Every child is unique, so it takes a different approach for that child to feel seen and loved. The hard work for us as parents is accepting who our child is, warts and all — and cherishing him or her for being that person, even while guiding behavior. The secret? See it from his perspective, use a positive lens, and celebrate every step in the right direction.

10 Commitments for Dads - E-bok - Josh Mcdowell, Sean Mcdowell () | Bokus

Separation happens. Hug your child first thing every morning and when you say goodbye. What do you do in that 15 minutes? Listen, commiserate, hug, roughhouse, laugh, listen some more. Stop working before dinner time so you can devote your evening to your family. Eat dinner together.

10 Commitments™ for Dads: How to Have an Awesome Impact on Your Kids

Have a chat and a silent snuggle at bedtime every night with each child. Want to raise kids who are considerate and respectful, right through the teen years? Take a deep breath, and speak to them respectfully. In addition to modeling emotional self management, we help kids learn to manage their emotions by:. If yelling at him about his behavior were going to change it, that would have worked already. Kids only behave to please us. When we constantly criticize and discipline, they harden their hearts to us.

Stay positive and choose your battles. Every negative interaction with your child uses up valuable relationship capital. Focus on what matters, such as the way your child treats her siblings. Want to feel more love in your heart? Give it to yourself! Love is a verb.

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Yes, love can just happen — but we only make more and feel more by giving it away. And we can only give our children as much love as our own hearts can hold. Go ahead — stretch your heart. Every time you feel bad, for any reason, offer yourself love. Sure, your kids will make mistakes, and so will you. There are no perfect parents, no perfect children, and no perfect families.