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Nov 19, - Writing Prompts for Self-Reflection and Self-Discovery. November Try your hand and write a poem. Use one of Head out for a road trip with your camera, take some pics, and write about it; What makes you you? I hope you enjoy the prompts and that they help you in your journey of self-discovery.
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Writing your life story will be good therapy for you and a treasure to your family and friends. For many generations, your descendants will be able to read all about your life written in your own words. Over the years, I have developed a love for poetry and found it to be a way to express many of my personal impressions. Of course, I had to brush up on what I already knew. I eventually wrote over poem and prose pieces. Both of my books, my biography, and my book of poems were self-published.

I shared copies with family and friends. Another writing project of mine was the many funeral messages and experiences I had with people who were going through bereavement. In grief counseling and in conducting funerals, I had enough material to use in writing a book, All About Grief , which was published.

It is available on Amazon. It is a joy to think that someone might find help in a time of sorrow from reading something I have written. Opportunities for preaching, interims, teaching, funerals, and weddings open often. Guest Commentary. Current Stories , Feature , Georgia.

I began in absolute chaos and darkness, in a bog or swamp of ideas and emotions and experiences. Even now I do not consider myself a writer in the ordinary sense of the word. I am a man telling the story of his life, a process which appears more and more inexhaustible as I go on. Like the world-evolution, it is endless. It is a turning inside out, a voyaging through X dimensions, with the result that somewhere along the way one discovers that what one has to tell is not nearly so important as the telling itself.

It is this quality about all art which gives it a metaphysical hue, which lifts it out of time and space and centers or integrates it to the whole cosmic process.

Mary Oliver And A Summary of The Journey

From the very beginning almost I was deeply aware there is no goal. I become more and more indifferent to my fate, as writer, and more and more certain of my destiny as man. My huge failure was like the recapitulation of the experience of the race: I had to grow foul with knowledge, realize the futility of everything, smash everything, grow desperate, then humble, then sponge myself off the slate, as it were, in order to recover my authenticity. I had to arrive at the brink and then take a leap in the dark.

Miller writes:.

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On the surface, where the historical battles rage, where everything is interpreted in terms of money and power, there may be crowding, but life only begins when one drops below the surface, when one gives up the struggle, sinks and disappears from sight. Now I can as easily not write as write: there is no longer any compulsion, no longer any therapeutic aspect to it.

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Whatever I do is done out of sheer joy: I drop my fruits like a ripe tree. What the general reader or the critic makes of it is not my concern. I am not establishing values: I defecate and nourish. There is nothing more to it. I do not believe in words, no matter if strung together by the most skillful man: I believe in language, which is something beyond words, something which words give only an adequate illusion of. Words do not exist separately, except in the minds of scholars, etymologists, philologists, etc.

Words divorced from language are dead things, and yield no secrets. Miller puts it beautifully:. Understanding is not a piercing of the mystery, but an acceptance of it, a living blissfully with it, in it, through and by it. It is the stuff of life, the very sign of livingness.

One gets nearer to the heart of truth, which I suppose is the ultimate aim of the writer, in the measure that he ceases to struggle, in the measure that he abandons the wills. The great writer is the very symbol of life, of the non-perfect. He moves effortlessly, giving the illusion of perfection, from some unknown center which is certainly not the brain center but which is definitely a center, a center connected with the rhythm of the whole universe and consequently as sound, solid, unshakable, as durable, defiant, anarchic, purposeless, as the universe itself.

Journey Of Life Quotes

Art teaches nothing, except the significance of life. I believe that one has to pass beyond the sphere and influence of art. Art is only a means to life, to the life more abundant. I'm a mental health advocate, writer and blogger.

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I'm also a reformed IT project manager come marketer and mentor who ditched the corporate world and changed careers in her 30's. On this blog, I share my mental health 'journey', as well as resources, advice and tips about self-care, wellness and how to survive being an adult! November 19, Written by Janine Ripper. One of the hardest things about writing is coming up with something to write about. It happens to me a lot. In addition, you can write a monthly, quarterly and yearly gratitude list! How do you maintain balance in your life? For example, are there any changes you would like to or NEED to make?

Reflect on how you have changed since 5 years ago Are you addicted to social media?

Recovery Road 1x09 Clip: I Hate You - Freeform

How was your day? If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing and the one person you would choose to have with you and why? Afterwards, sit down and reflect on one of the photos you took If you could relive an experience in your life, what would it be? Where is your favourite place in the world? It could be a country, town, place, room in your house or something else! What does growing older mean to you? Furthermore, how do you look after your physical health? When do you feel happiest in your skin?

Events – Canadian Festival of Spoken Word

How do you handle a bad day? Reminisce about your first love. It could be a car, a person, or something else My favourite way to spend the day is … Describe your perfect day Write about your top 3 goals. What are they, how will you feel when you achieve them, and finally, what will your life look like? Reminisce about your wedding day What scares you? How do you look after your mental health?

Who inspires you? Similarly, what do you consider your greatest personal success? I feel amazing when … Try your hand and write a poem. Use one of these prompts to guide you What advice would you give your something self? I love this prompt. What was the defining moment in your life? Choose 3 photos of yourself across your lifetime and write about how you feel looking at them.

On reflection, what were you doing in the photo and what you were like at the time?

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Are you a city, a country or a beach person? What memory do you cherish the most? If you could invent something, what would it be?

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If you won lotto tomorrow, what would you do? What is the best gift you have ever given or received? If you won lotto what would you do?