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to be dead indeed unto sin: but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. vi. 9. LMIGHTY God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ hast |0_ gate of everlasting life; We humbly izl'g'sf- 2'? eseech thee, that, as by thy overcome deatk,] God is said to “have overcome death through our Saviour,​”.
Table of contents

I was super nervous, but I just did it. I shared about my alcoholic father, about feeling abandoned and wanting young people to have strong male role models in their lives. I know we are all called to share about our faith and the things God has done in the hardest parts of our stories.

Something incredible happens when we share, we give people a glimpse of how awesome God is and we free ourselves. I do know we will all be asked to share and speak about the great things God has done in and through us. But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

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But do this with gentleness and respect. The whole aspect of faith is that we are trusting in something we cannot see or prove.

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Following Jesus means trusting that better things are ahead, that even in the most treacherous of storms, God will send a lifeboat. And he does. He always comes through, often in ways we never expected. Believing that even in the deepest of pain, better things will come. I can tell you that there is a peace with God that passes all understanding, that if you put your trust and your faith in him, incredible things will happen in your life. Know that struggle is a part of the journey this side of heaven.

Reach out for help. Talk to a friend.

Wisdom in the Midst of Trials – Dr. Charles Stanley

Walk your body into a church. Open up your bible and learn about the risks and rewards for following Jesus. What struggles have you faced in following Jesus? What advice do you have for others going through really tough times? Leave them in the comments below! There is so much I could say but not sure how to word. Our struggles are uniquely our own, but coming from a fellow struggler, I just kind of want to give you a hug. Im learning to trust in the Lord, and oh boy its a journey. Just when it feels like things have calmed down BAM, here we go. Way to be, Sam. I really hope you attract more and more people who are tired of church, religion, and business as usual because your writing inspires them and directs them back to Jesus.

Another great post! Your honesty is so refreshing. I always say, I would rather be on the cross with Jesus than any where else without Him. Besides we know that he who has died with Christ will rise with Him.

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  4. Reflection 9: Meditation on His Passion at the 3 O’Clock Hour.
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  6. Lesson 9: The Christian Mission and How To Fulfill It (Philippians 1:27-30);
  7. Be assured of my prayers!! Thank you for the post!

    Be Strong: God’s Reminder to Us When Our Circumstances Overwhelm Us

    Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. These are all so true, and most particularly no 9. Remember, God already tried it once. He created man to live and work with Him in eternity and we flunked it, we turned the other way and chose the evil option.

    Now, He is not about to have that happen again — He is not going to have sin living an eternal life, which is precisely why our ancestors were sent out of the Garden. So we have to prove individually that we are worthy sorry, folks! He does not send evil and trouble upon us, it was invited into our lives by the exercise of free will — the greatest gift He gave us, and every day we reap the consequences. It is there where the rubber hits the road… It is in our hardest moments, when we are battling to keep our faith in the face of all that surrounds us, that the testing comes.

    Paul knew and explained that clearly — Romans The adversary of our soul would have us beaten down, feeling less than who we are, wanting payback for the injustices I could go on but you get the point- I so love to read your posts because I know you truly love Christ! No one can accuse you of sugar-coating things, Sam. The truth you share here is so powerful, so painfully beautiful, so true.

    Once again, thank you. Thanks, Sam. Be encouraged that your words give people hope and you are making a difference. But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God's terms. The thing is, your heart was made with that prayer woven into it, it IS part of you. But, Sam, to have a heart that God has woven together with such gentleness, is rare to find in our world today.

    You are an exception, a beautiful, shining light upon the hill.

    9 Reasons Why Following Jesus Can Be So Damn Hard – Recklessly Alive

    Focus instead on the good that you do, and boy, do you do A LOT. You have personally made my depression a bit easier to bear and to me, a bit is quite a lot. I have very bad days. Sunday was a very bad day. I kept thinking, umm, maybe I should watch your famous video again. Finally, I went to my Pinterest board.

    I heard what I knew I needed to hear… again. After having a well-deserved meltdown, you compose an incredible post, perfect for this Holy Week. Nothing worth doing is easy and it seems when you really start trying to do [something], you find a lot of backlash and roadblocks. And press toward the mark of the high calling of God.

    We love and need you out here. Being able to express your feelings verbally and in writing which you do very well requires special skills that God has given you. Concerning the Christian life being hard,I agree, and that is why God wants us to see ourselves as players in an Olympic game.

    Overcoming Obstacles

    Because if we see ourselves as spiritual athletes it will give us a new understanding of our trials and tribulations and help us to endure. I have been patient and praying for a wife for years. Some time ago I fell back into addiction that had plagued me half of my life and has probably come close to ruining my testimony at this point. He broke and defeated the power of sin and death. The victory gained by Christ himself of overcoming sin —the greatest victory ever achieved—would never have been gained if he had thought only of the struggle and the possibility of failure.