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One False Step () Poster. While testing new technology, a UAV malfunctions and crashes on a planet. SG-1 goes to determine the cause of the malfunction.
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There was this neat little wild west game where you could be a cowboy and blow the bejeezus out of other cowboys, but if you hit the cactus, you wouldn't have any cover anymore, and then whoever you were playing shot you in the head. Sam can't get control of the UAV and it crashes into a creepy looking white plant. What's that white thing? She says she's no botanist, but evidence suggests it's plant life. Jack wants to know if they really need the UAV. Sam wants the flight recorder so she can see what went wrong. It's a 10 mile walk. Jack sighs. Six hours there and back.

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I'm in a box It certainly does. These plants are really weird. They remind me of giant fungus. If it were me, I would have skipped the fungus planet altogether. Mushrooms are evil. If they had legs, they'd attack you. SG-1 gates to the planet, where the best exchange ever occurs. When we first arrived on this planet. What was I thinking? The look on Daniel's face when the joke dies is hysterical.

Daniel sneezes, and Jack says "Bless", which I always thought was a little strange. Daniel thinks the aliens look docile. Jack thinks they looked naked. And they set off for their 10 mile walk. Why couldn't they ride the MALP's again? Or bring a little golf cart? A pogo stick? Any sort of transportation? Ok, the pogo stick isn't going to work if you have to fire your weapon. But now I have an image of Teal'c on a pogo stick I know it's just a decision they made early on that SG-1 was just going to walk everywhere, just like everyone's going to speak English, but I still wonder why.

William Corcoran directed this and Seth. He said there was a misunderstanding , between him and the producers, and wasn't asked back. I'd love to hear that story. Stargate tended to recycle their people for the most part. They come across one of the white plants, knocked over, with yellow goop oozing out of it.

"One False Step" Transcript - StargateWiki

Jack tries to hurry Sam along a little, but she reminds him that it could be useful goop, and she collects some. They continue walking and see huts in the distance. A mime pops up near them, which Sam spots. She grabs Daniel, which is kind of cute. Daniel whispers to Jack, who looks at the mime through his binoculars, which the mime then pretends to have. So the indigenous people are bald, covered in white paint, and don't speak. If my co-workers promised not to speak, i wouldn't care if they were bald, naked mimes.

Daniel puts his hand up and says hi. The mime is frightened, makes this high pitched shrill sound and runs away, and for a second you can see the zipper in his naked mime suit.

He should speak to his tailor about that. Daniel guesses that was the wrong thing to say. The mime runs back to the village shrieking, and orders the mushrooms to attack SG No, he just freaks, and from a distance Jack wonders if they're friendly spirits? I'm wondering if it's just the age-group of the producers. Bullwinkle: "Eenie meenie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak.

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Bullwinkle: "Just listen. Bad costumes, bad! SG-1 enters the village, which is basically a bunch of huts, and those white plants. Daniel tries to say hi again, and the mimes wave and move their mouths, but nothing come out. Daniel suggests smiling, which has entertaining results.

Jack's just fed up, Teal'c looks like a serial killer, and Sam just looks hysterical. Jack says that this is bizarre, and he's not kidding. This is really one of the oddest episodes ever. They really do nothing on this planet except screw it up, and no one's got a funny hat. I realize it must be hard to come up with 10 seasons of aliens, but the naked singing mimes just baffle me. The mimes move in closer to SG-1 and start groping them.

No one is too happy about this. Daniel tells everyone to not move. Maybe he likes it. One of them snatches Daniel's knife, and Sam goes to try to retrieve it. Bad mime!

Stargate SG-1 02x19 - One False Step (HQ)

Sam approaches the one who took it and quietly tells him it's dangerous and reaches for the knife, but Daniel sneezes, scares the mime, who accidentally cuts Sam's hand. Teal'c says he has never encountered a species like this. It's probably a good thing, because the Goa'uld would have eaten the naked mimes for lunch. Poor things.

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Daniel's going to try to communicate with them by himself, and find out what happened with the UAV. He enters a hut where one mime is painting another mime with white paint. You've got mellow peaceful alien music going on here. This would be a good time for those fungi to attack. No one would suspect it.

One False Step and . . .

Daniel kind of slides down unobtrusively and sits on the floor near the mimes. He tries to introduce himself, the mimes mimic him again, and he concludes that they don't speak at all. He tries drawing in the dirt, which also yields no results. A mime paints a few white lines on Daniel's face and he says "Thank you. Jack, Sam and Teal'c are sitting around outside and Jack wonders what they're talking about in there. Cut to Daniel inside running around in a circle doing a mean UAV impression. The screeching stop is excellent.

I Am Abomination - One False Step Lyrics

Two mimes look at Daniel and then at each other. Dude has lost it , they're thinking. Daniel comes out and they all start talking about how they don't want to jump to conclusions, but maybe the mimes are less evolved than humans. Daniel says he's had more meaningful conversations with dogs, but then the mimes walk over to them carrying the busted UAV.