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A job interviewer is almost certain to ask you if you're organized. I am a very organized and thorough person, which I think contributes to my success.
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I have a good sense of humor, I love laughing out loud, sharing experiences and stories. I am a happy, sensitive person and I have a 6th sense. I always want to share love and positivism. I am grateful with life because for me this experience in this world is beautiful and it is worth living it to the fullest.

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I am also grateful for all the experiences of my life that have made me and make me grow every day. Skip to content About Eli Puerta Organized, keep moving, believe in you. Now I get them resoled, and they last and last.

The Secret to a Clean and Organized Home

And now I have one nice black sweater— and it actually holds its shape! I adjusted my budget to reflect this new mindset, because I'm worth taking care of — and I needed to own up to who I really am. I'm not going to lose those last 10 pounds, or be a person who loves drapey blouses which I bought plenty of, but never wore. I'm just not.

Organized Person: 21 Habits to Become More Efficient

And that's OK. This feels like an indulgence, but it's made such a huge impact on my closet. The tidy, matching hangers remind me that my clothes and myself are worth treating well. Plus, now it feels less burdensome to keep my closet neat — as Maeve taught me, if the action is something you're actually willing to do, you will keep up with it. Why did I need all of these credit card bills from years ago? Finally, I bit the bullet and we purged 10 years of paper — I even had a shredding company come!

With Maeve, I redid my filing system , which now has "in and out" spots for bills. I'm so paranoid of going back to how it was, overwhelmed by paper, that I make myself purge monthly now. As both a mom and an entrepreneur, I toggle between many hats each day — and that means I need a lot of bags, too. So I cleaned out the closet in my entryway and created a "drop zone" — it was one of the single greatest changes I made.

I leave four bags and totes there, and I have this amazing "go drawer. Now, I feel like I'm in the Amazon warehouse — I pick and pack my bag for the day and go. For instance, Maeve told me to hang pictures in my closet. These nice mementos make places fun to open up and use — for instance, while decluttering we came across a sticker that said "be brave and brilliant," and we decided to stick it in the back of my filing cabinet. It reminds me to not let it get too packed, and is just an extra little thing that helps honor my quirks and passions.

Which brings me to one of the most important points…. I learned this lesson in both big and small ways: In the grander scheme of things, I used feel like my clothes and clutter were controlling me, and saying a lot about who I am. Decluttering and organizing, of course, helped me mitigate some of that shame — but now I also refuse to be embarrassed by my stuff.

My home is uniquely mine and it truly reflects who I am. And on a granular level, being honest with myself has turned out to be one of the biggest keys in staying tidy. For example, Maeve was big on not storing stuff on the floor, so we made a place for step stools because I'm short. I have to honor the fact that I am a short person to make my life easier.

I've really felt the payoffs of this project, and I never want to go back. I can have people over without playing an epic game of "hide the stuff. It used to take me so long to unpack from a trip, but now it's so much easier. Below are 21 success habits of organized people. With each of these habits, form an individual core belief for every single one of them. Examples of a good core belief for each are given.

The act of writing down tasks clears your mind so that you can remain creative. This is an extension of just simply maintaining a calendar. Part of remaining organized includes knowing exactly where money is spent. Develop a system for tracking profit and loss and returns on investment.

Knowing where all of your money goes not only shows your profit and loss quickly, but it enables you to identify where you can cut back in the case of an emergency or unexpected expense. Want to do more to improve your finances? Check out some: better money habits. For example, how many times have you been in the middle of writing an article, you see your empty coffee cup and all of a sudden it triggers you that you need to put coffee on the grocery list?

14 Habits From Organized People That We ALL Should Borrow | HuffPost Life

Looking for a misplaced item exudes time, stress and energy. Have a designated place for everything so that when you need it, you know exactly where it is. This is the back-up plan for Habit 4. This is an absolute must for children. You can even make it fun by seeing who can pick up and put away the most items in a given amount of time.

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For times when you have to run errands or even just leave the room for something, double up and do several things in one trip. If you need to go pay a bill, go pay it and stop at the store on the way back to pick up the gallon of milk you need. When you get up to use the restroom, check the room. Is there anything that needs to be put away? Take it with you. Designate a specific place for these things.

Interview questions: How do you keep yourself organized?

This is something you need for both work and for home. To avoid out of control situations, pick two things every day to get rid of, or eliminate. If you have an empty box sitting in the corner, break it down and throw it in the recyclables. Regardless of what it is, cut out, eliminate, toss…2 things daily. You need a plan or a system for everything. It goes back to success habit 1 writing everything down. By creating systems, manuals, plans of action and step by step processes for as many aspects of your work as possible, it enables you to easily repeat processes.

This frees up your brain which in turn deters stress and promotes creativity.