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Is this fear that I hear? Am I lost? Is this real? Nightmares belong where dreams gone wrong. The less you sleep. The more you make. The less you feel.
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Before I can start climbing something pushes me up like there's a giant burst of air underneath me. I land safely on the other side of the fence.

A dream expert explains what the most common dreams really mean

Inside it's like a high security car park. I'm wondering what to do next when a dark, stick-like man comes charging through the fence we just climbed over. Then I say "No, I can deal with this! More and more creatures congregate in the car park below and I realize they're like super alien zombies from the movies. I surrender control back to G or the dream, whichever it is but maintain the desire to keep floating up and away from the creatures.

We float up through a kind of warehouse in the sky which harbors lots of baby alien fetuses, incubating in tubes like little pupae. They suddenly fly off the shelves at us, trying to attack.

We float up and up. Then I realize we are so high up, I can see the whole globe, all of it plunged in darkness with the smattering of lights in the cities. We are in space. I realize there should be no gravity here and we start twirling round and round, not knowing which way is up. Then G pulls us back to the intended plot. He is suddenly up against a wall in some kind of futuristic caravan or self-contained unit in hindsight, a submarine.

Water begins to seep in then. Soon it is gushing in and G is sucked off to the other end. The water turns murky yellow and green I am cornered. Seems this can only end one way now. Soon I have run out of air and I float in the submarine completely filled with dirty water, choking and drowning. I seem to have moved out of body and am observing myself dying from a third-person perspective. I think about how I once heard someone say that their soul chooses to dream of stuff they don't want to experience in real life.

WHEN DREAMS GO WRONG - The Dreams Of Melody Moonlight ~ Part 1

It seemed like quite an important insight at the time, even though I'm not sure I believe that. It takes a few more seconds to drown and the main thing going through my mind is how violent it is. It's different from anything I've seen in the movies. It's like a cramping in my chest and knowing that there is no way to get past the suffocating water.

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I experience it as a fraction of the real pain my body must be experiencing because I am floating next to it, and I can see she is suffering. I see the body finally give up and bump against the wall, the hair splayed in every direction, everything limp and lifeless. I see now, it's not me, it's a pale woman with long, thick blonde hair. Her skin is already swollen with the water.

Quality dreaming is restorative

I am zapped into my next life, maybe 30 years in. I feel a crunching pain in my chest for a moment and wonder if the drowning carried on into this next dream life. The next scene is also vivid and nightmarish, but I'm again experiencing it in a calm, almost indirect way so as not to be overwhelmed and wake up. I zoom out to watch it as a third person again. I see that I am now a skinnier, slightly older woman with short dyed white hair.

I am preparing to kill a man. He is sat down on a wooden chair, groggy and with his hands tied. What happens next grosses me out a little but I am glued. I still know I'm dreaming. The woman who is now definitely a third person, despite starting off as "me" cuts the man's throat and blood quickly seeps out. He raises his head, annoyed but clearly drugged, and says "What d'you do that for?

It cuts through the blood and his neck opens a little wider and I have the front row view. She then slaps a piece of silver masking tape over his mouth, yanks on the string one last time and shouts "Oh my god!

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Oh my god! People come running in from the next room - and she acts like she just found him. He's not quite dead though and his head rolls around as the blood spurts out. I know there's more to this story but I feel myself waking up and sensing my dog on the bed next to me. I try to hold on but my lucid nightmare is going I feel my eyes opening and when I get up I realize I have way overslept. She is currently studying for a biology degree in Auckland and blogging at her site Science Me.

A lot has happened in the last 5 months. But how did we go from business as usual to changing the face of the entire lucid dreaming supplements industry? When I was first taken on-board as Chief Lucidity Officer in , one of the first things I was tasked with was taking a good look at our operations and giving things a bit of an overhaul.

Quality dreaming is restorative

Gather round. But fear not, it has a happy ending! Our forum had some pretty impressive stats at its peak: 60, posts, people online at once and over 10, registered users. To lucid dream, I recommend being able to remember at least one vivid dream per night. That will boost your self awareness in dreams making lucidity more likely and also means you can actually remember your lucid dreams.

Which is nice. Here are four detailed tips on how to remember your dreams more frequently. And if you don't think you dream at all - trust me, you almost certainly do.

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It takes an extraordinarily rare sleep disorder to deprive someone of dream sleep. Years ago, before I had my first lucid dream, I had a very specific idea about what a lucid dream would feel like. I thought it would be intense and magical and a little bit spooky. This turned out to be a pretty accurate representation. Becoming aware in the dreamstate is like entering another world.

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One where physical laws can be manipulated there is no spoon, Neo and your fantasies can come true in an instant. There's definitely something magical about that - and it's as if the lucid dream world is a living, breathing organism that can react to your very thoughts. I had that dream nearly 40 years ago, but I can remember the details as if it were yesterday. Ask me to relate anything from a dream I had earlier this week, however, and I draw a blank. If I have been dreaming — and biology would suggest I most probably have — nothing has lingered long enough to remain in my waking mind.

For many of us, dreams are an almost intangible presence. There is little ethereal about the reasons this might be happening, however. Why we have dreams — and whether we can remember them — are both rooted in the biology of our sleeping bodies and subconscious mind. Our brains go through a rollercoaster while we're asleep Credit: Emmanuel Lafont. Sleep is more complicated than we once thought. Rather than being a plateau of unconsciousness bookended by slipping in and out of sleep, our resting brains go through a rollercoaster of mental states, with some parts being full of mental activity.

REM is sometimes known as desychronised sleep, because it can mimic some of the signs of being awake. In REM sleep, the eyes twitch rapidly, there are changes in breathing and circulation, and the body enters a paralysed state known as atonia. There is an extra flow of blood to crucial parts of our brain during the REM state: the cortex, which fills our dreams with their content, and the limbic system, which processes our emotional state. The frontal lobes, however — which direct our critical faculties — are quiet. This means we often blindly accept what is happening in this often nonsensical narrative until the time comes to wake up.

The problem is, the more jumbled the imagery, the harder it is for us to grasp hold of. Dreams that have a clearer structure are much easier for us to remember , psychology professor and author Deidre Barrett said in a recent story on Gizmodo. Noradrenaline is a hormone that primes the body and mind for action, and our levels of it are naturally lower in deep sleep. Francesca Siclari, a sleep research doctor at the Lausanne University Hospital, says there are clear definitions between our states of wake and sleep — and that is no accident.

Not being able to remember everything about our dreams is important, so that we don't confuse them with reality Credit: Emmanuel Lafont. She says that people suffering from sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, can find it difficult to tell the difference between their waking and sleeping lives, and this can leave them feeling confused and embarrassed.

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It is no accident that the dreams we remember the most come from certain periods in our sleep cycle, affected by the chemicals coursing through our sleeping bodies.