Called to be saints

How stirring it must have been for them to hear the Apostle Paul call them “ fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God” (Ephesians ) and also.
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But do I want to improve, to be a better Christian? This is the path to holiness. When the Lord calls us to be saints, he does not call us to something hard or sad It is an invitation to share His joy, to live and offer every moment of our lives with joy, at the same time making it a gift of love for the people around us. If we understand this, everything changes and takes on a new meaning, a beautiful meaning, to begin with the little everyday things.

A lady goes to the market to shop and meets another neighbor and starts talking and then comes the gossip and this lady says, "No, no, no I will not gossip about anyone.

Called To Be Saints (Part One)

Then, at home, your son asks you to talk to him about his fantasies: This is a step towards holiness. Then at end the day, we are all tired, but prayer That's one way to holiness. Then Sunday comes and you go to Mass and to take Communion, at times, a good confession that cleans us up a little. Then, Our Lady, so good, so beautiful, I take up the Rosary and pray. And so many steps towards holiness, little ones Then I go down the street, I see a poor person, someone in need, I ask him, give him something, another step towards holiness.

Small things are small steps toward holiness. And every step towards holiness will make us better people, free from selfishness and being closed in on ourselves, and open us up to our brothers and sisters and their needs.

Treasury of Sermons

Dear friends, in the First Letter of Saint Peter we hear this exhortation: Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God; whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, 4. Here is the call to holiness! Accept it with joy, and let us support one another, because we do not travel the path to holiness by ourselves, no, each on their own, but together, that one body which is the Church, loved and made holy by the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us go forward with courage, on this path towards holiness.

More Lent & Easter

Friday, November 21, on the liturgical memorial of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple, we celebrate the Pro Orantibus, dedicated to cloistered religious communities. It is a good opportunity to thank the Lord for the gift of so many people who, in monasteries and hermitages, dedicate themselves to God in prayer and silent work, recognizing the primacy that only He deserves.

We thank the Lord for the testimony of cloistered life. May they never lack our spiritual and material support to carry out this important mission. And in his greetings to Italian-speaking pilgrims, the Pope appealed for prayers for the victims of flooding in northern Italy:. We remember, too, the victims of the recent flooding in Liguria and in the north of Italy: Let us pray for them, and for the families, and let us be in solidarity with those who have suffered damage.

Called to Be Saints: Be Perfect, Just as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect

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Welcome visitor September 18, Subscribe to daily updates. Dear brothers and sisters, good morning.

April 2011 General Conference

After the catechesis Pope Francis made the following appeal: And in his greetings to Italian-speaking pilgrims, the Pope appealed for prayers for the victims of flooding in northern Italy: It does not matter the circumstances, trials, or challenges that might surround us; an understanding of the doctrine of Christ and His Atonement will be the source of our strength and peace—yes, brothers and sisters, that internal tranquility that is born of the Spirit and which the Lord gives to His faithful Saints.

He nourishes us, saying: I do not have words adequate to express my appreciation and admiration for all of those faithful Saints with whom I have had the privilege of associating! Even though our understanding of the gospel may not be as deep as is our testimony of its truth, if we place our confidence in the Lord, we will be sustained in all of our difficulties, our trials, and our afflictions see Alma This promise from the Lord to His Saints does not imply that we will be exempt from sufferings or trials but that we will be sustained through them and that we will know that it is the Lord who has sustained us.

My dear brothers and sisters, how blessed we are to have been brought into this fellowship of the Latter-day Saints!

How blessed we are that our testimonies of the Savior are found alongside those of past and modern prophets! In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, amen. Russell Ballard All speakers Atonement Jesus Christ plan of salvation Sabbath All topics April Called to Be Saints. Your browser does not support the audio element. Play Pause Skip Backward 10 Seconds Audio Download Print Share close Audio. To these we repeat the welcoming words of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: To these we repeat the comforting words of the prophet Jacob from the Book of Mormon: The Miracle of the Atonement.

The Importance of a Name. Have We Not Reason to Rejoice? Fear Not to Do Good. Where Two or Three Are Gathered. Let Us All Press On. Precious Gifts from God.

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