In the Name of Jesus

Will God answer your prayer if you don't end with, "In Jesus' name, Amen?" Learn what praying in the name of Jesus really means. I taught this.
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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to draw the conclusion that we are, first, to pray in the name of Jesus, and second, praying in the name of Jesus doesn't mean ending your prayer with the phrase "In the name of Jesus. Amen," because it is never done in the New Testament. Ending prayers with that phrase might do nothing whatsoever to the efficacy of your prayer. I even submit that it might be hurting your prayer, depending on what you mean by the phrase.

Names Of Jesus

What does it mean to pray in the name of someone if it doesn't mean saying, "In the name of Here's what it means. The name of someone, in the sense that the Bible authors used it, was what the person stood for, the substance of their character, or their authority. Israel was to witness to God's name, I mentioned.

That means they were to witness to His character and who He is. Like it says in Exodus This is testifying to the name, or nature, or power, or substance of God.

In Jesus' Name (Revealing Jesus Project) - Darlene Zschech

When we pray in the name of Jesus or baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, what we are doing is acting in their authority, in their stead, according to their command, and consistent with their desires. When we pray in the name of Jesus it might be better for us to drop the phrase "In the name of Jesus" altogether because generally we don't mean, "I am praying in the authority of Jesus Christ. Practically speaking, it means the prayer is over. That is the Christian exit. Translated it means, the prayer is over, let's go do what we were doing, or let's eat. There is power in praying in the authority of Jesus Christ, by the authority He has given you, consistent with His character, His desire, and His will.

It's like when we say, "Stop in the name of the law. To the degree that he speaks for the law, then he can enforce the law and he has authority. When he steps outside of the law, he has lost his authority even though he still says, "Stop in the name of the law. It might be better for us to start our prayers with that phrase instead of ending it.

But don't even use that phrase. It would be better to start your prayers by saying, "Father, I come before you, not in my own power, not in my own righteousness, not in my own capability. Shaharaim dawn , Hodesh new moon. The condition of the mother also frequently inspired a name: Leah exhausted and Mahli sick.

Jesus was named prophetically.

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She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. The names serve as a description of who Jesus is and how He works in the lives of individuals. Some scholars have located over titles and different names for Jesus in the Bible.

  1. In The Name Of Jesus.
  2. Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament;
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Let's study a few of them here. God - Jesus is called God in several passages in the Bible. Along with His sinless life, miracles, and resurrection from the dead, His claims to be God stand firm John Lord - In the New Testament, this term is used as a salutation to honor a man of distinction. The disciples used this term to salute Jesus as their teacher and master Matthew Word - This title was used by the apostle John to describe the mission of Jesus.

The title states Jesus' Godhead and eternal and absolute deity John 1: Messiah - The long awaited "anointed one" who would deliver Israel. Jesus came to deliver mankind from sin and death John 4: Alpha and Omega - These two characters were the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.

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This descriptive title expresses the eternal nature of God - the beginning and the end Revelation 1: The series of statements regarding the Logos at the very beginning of the Gospel of John build on each other. The statement that the Logos was "with God" asserts the distinction of Jesus from God. The statement that the Logos "was God" states the unity of Jesus with God, thus stating his divinity. In 1 John 1: Although as of the 2nd century the use of the title Logos gave rise to debate between the Alexandrian and Antiochian schools of thought regarding the interaction of the human and divine elements in the Person of Christ , after the First Council of Nicaea in and Council of Chalcedon in the Logos and the second person of the Trinity were often used interchangeably.

For thousands of years, emperors and rulers ranging from the Western Zhou dynasty c. Crossan argues that early Christians adopted this title. When, in Matthew In the new Testament, Jesus uses the term "my Father" as a direct and unequivocal assertion of his sonship, and a unique relationship with the Father beyond any attribution of titles by others, e. Of all the Christological titles used in the New Testament, Son of God has had one of the most lasting impacts in Christian history and has become part of the profession of faith by many Christians.

In The Name Of Jesus

The term Son of man appears many times in all four gospel accounts, e. Yet, the Christological analysis of the relationship between the two terms has been the subject of much research. In modern biblical research the occurrences of Son of man in the Synoptic gospels are generally categorized into three groups: The presentation in the Gospel of John is somewhat different from the Synoptics and in John 1: Although Son of man is a distinct from Son of God, some gospel passages equate them in some cases, e.

For centuries, the Christological perspective on Son of man has been a natural counterpart to that of Son of God and in many cases affirms the humanity of Jesus just as Son of God affirms his divinity. Geza Vermes has argued that "the son of man" in the Gospels is unrelated to these Hebrew Bible usages. He begins with the observation that there is no example of "the" son of man in Hebrew sources.

50 Names and Titles of Jesus: Who the Bible Says Christ Is

Based on his study of Aramaic sources, he concludes that in these sources: In monologues or dialogues the speaker can refer to himself, not as 'I', but as "the son of man" in the third person, in contexts implying awe, reserve, or modesty. Talmage , a prominent writer and leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints argued that the definitive article used in the new testament makes the title "the Son of Man" a distinguishing appellation exclusive to Jesus.

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  • Talmage supports the view of Vermes, but adds to it the additional meaning that Jesus is the Son of an exalted Man, subscribing to the LDS doctrine of Exaltation. In this sense, too, the title is unique to Jesus, as He is the only literal physical offspring of God the Father. The title "Son of David" indicates Jesus' physical descent from David , as well as his membership of the Davidic line of kings. The phrase is used a number of times in the gospel of Matthew. It appears in Matthew 1: It is found on the lips of the blind men healed in Galilee "Have mercy on us, Son of David", Matthew 9: Finally, it also forms part of the shout of the crowds when Jesus enters Jerusalem: A variant of this title is found in Revelation These two proclamations of Jesus as the Lamb of God closely bracket the Baptist's other proclamation in John 1: From a Christological perspective, these proclamations and the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove in John 1: The Book of Revelation includes over twenty references to a lion-like lamb "slain but standing" which delivers victory in a manner reminiscent of the resurrected Christ.

    The theme of a sacrificial lamb which rises in victory as the Resurrected Christ was employed in early Christology, e. For he underwent death without being guilty of any inequity. Why a lion in his resurrection? For in being slain, he slew death. Just as the Gospel of John proclaims the universal relevance of the Incarnation of Jesus as Logos , the Pauline view emphasizes the cosmic view that his birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection brought forth a new man and a new world.

    Unlike Adam, the new man born in Jesus obeys God and ushers in a world of morality and salvation. In the Pauline view, Adam is positioned as the first man and Jesus as the second and last Adam 1 Corinthians The birth of Jesus, on the other hand, counterbalanced the fall of Adam, bringing forth redemption and repairing the damage done by Adam. The theme is reiterated by Paul, in Romans 5: Therefore just as one man's trespass led to condemnation for all, so one man's act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all.

    For just as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. In the 2nd century Church Father Irenaeus continued this tradition and stated: Jesus from the Annunciation to Calvary. The tradition continued in the 4th century by Ephrem the Syrian and later by Saint Augustine in his Felix culpa , i. Jesus again claims to be Light of the World in John 9: This episode leads into John 9: