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The Church Praying | 9Marks Journal [Jonathan Leeman, Ryan Fullerton, Megan Hill, Zach Schlegel, David Helm, John Onwuchekwa, Greg Spraul, Erin.
Table of contents

How do we stir up and encourage others when we gather? Paul tells us that after Jesus ascended, He gave the gifts of pastors and teachers to His church Eph.

Praying through ACTS for the church

Your elders are gifts. They are better gifts than anything you will find wrapped under a tree, because these gifts will build up you and your brothers and sisters in Christ until you reach maturity, unity, and Christ-likeness vv. Think about it: Jesus loves you so much that He has grabbed a bunch of men by the collar, pulled them off their career tracks, and told them to devote their lives to serving you and your favorite Christian friends by studying the Bible and explaining it to you—every week.

Pastors' Talk

Are you not amazed? Paul wants Christians to have words and live illustrations of those words. We need a church community around us to exemplify the message. We imitate and follow our friends, adopting their language and life patterns.

  1. 9Marks at Southeastern focuses on prayer.
  2. Many of us want a big church. But sometimes, God has other plans..
  3. Get A Copy!
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  5. Many a Muddy Morning!

We spend money where they spend money. We raise our children like they raise their children. We pray like they pray. If God aligns our affections and emotions to His Word through song, He teaches us to align our wills and ambitions to His Word through prayer. Hearing older saints pray is how we learn to pray biblically.

If we today are so proficient at ministry mechanics that we can succeed without power from on high, we have failed. But if our churches today will heed this compelling call to prayer by John Onwuchekwa, we too will prevail against all earthly powers, for Gods glory!


Its prayer. Onwuchekwa shares compelling, insightful, and biblical reasons why corporate prayer should be a priority for the church. What a privilege it is to pray together as a familythis is the vision Onwuchekwa casts for us.

Pray that your pastor would fear God and not man.

This book has the potential to transform not only individuals, but also relationships and the culture in our churches. I highly recommend it. John Onwuchekwa is that voice for today, calling the church back to one of the simplest and most powerful tools in her arsenalthe habit of communal prayer. He doesnt merely want to reawaken our atrophied prayer muscles; he invites us into the much harder work of reorienting our priorities so that theyre more in line with Gods. Onwuchekwas call to return to such first things is an excellent start to seeing Christian communities moving in the same kingdom direction.

It is biblically and theologically rich. It is also real and honest. Want to get a corporate prayer meeting started in your church? This book is a very good start. Pray that your pastor would stand in awe of God above all else.

5 reasons it's good for your church to grow slowly — Southern Equip

Pastors face the regular temptation to fear people instead of God. They wrestle with their own sinful tendencies to please others at the expense of biblical principles. Those who stand in awe of God also tremble at his word, so pray that your pastor would believe fully in the inspiration and supreme authority of the Bible.

Pray he would rely on the Holy Spirit working through the word to do the work of ministry. The modern world constantly pressures your pastor to rely on alternative power sources: technology, marketing, ambiance, management techniques, music, youthfulness, social media, celebrity, and entertainment. Pray that your pastor would look to Scripture first as he thinks through how to do ministry and shape church life, rather than following fads and trends. Pray that your pastor would devote himself to the serious study of the Bible and then preach from the Bible, allowing the main point of the text to be the main point of the sermon.

9Marks Journal Collection, 2006-2016

Evening meetings often pull him away from the dinner table. Even when he is home, your pastor may be exhausted and disengaged from his family because he is recovering from an explosive board meeting, or mentally crafting a reply to a blistering email, or grieving a tragedy in the life of a church member. The same is true for his children. Pray your pastor would have the strength and discipline to guard time with his wife and kids, and the grace to be mentally and emotionally present with them.

Pray that the elders and other leaders would support your pastor in maintaining at least one day off per week, and in using his allotted vacation time every year. Ask God to enrich his marriage and empower his parenting. God calls pastors to be examples to the flock 1 Pet. No pastor is perfect, and yet pastors ought to give us a living picture of Christian maturity and Christlikeness. Pray that the Holy Spirit would cause your pastor to hate sin and love righteousness. Pray for him to be quick to repent when he does sin—and he will.

Pray for him to be conformed more and more to the image of Christ. Ask the Lord to deliver him from the evil one.