Guide Sociology of Education

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provides a forum for studies in the sociology of education and human social development and publishes research that examines how social institutions and i Society (required)‎: ‎The Int Society for Research.
Table of contents

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  7. The Education Programme.

Evaluating the Marxist perspective on education — medium length evaluative post focusing on a range of contemporary evidence which either supports or criticises the Marxist view of education. NB should be read in conjunction with the Education reform Act post. This just covers the theory. Postmodernism and education — a medium length post outlining some of the ways in which education seems to have responded to the shift to postmodern society, by becoming more individualised and diverse, for example.

Sociological perspectives on the relationship between education and work — a brief summary post covering the Functionalist, Marxist, Feminist, New Right and Postmodern perspectives on education and work.

Sociology and Education (BSc)

Sociological Explanations of Educational Underachievement — class notes, and an introduction to the sub-topic. To what extent do home factors explain social class differences in educational achievement? What is the gender gap in education? Gender and identit y — revision notes.

White Working Class Underachievement — summary of a thinking allowed podcast. Social democratic perspectives on education — social democrats emphasize the important role which education can play in promoting equality of opportunity. Combines and analyzes theory and studies in the sociology of education and the sociology of work. Includes case studies to illustrate conclusions drawn from a combined study of education and work.

Written in a concise, readable format for students.

Schools & Social Inequality: Crash Course Sociology #41

About the Author David B. Table of contents List of Tables And Figures. Is The U. Name Index. Bourdieu used the idea of cultural capital to explore the differences in outcomes for students from different classes in the French educational system. He explored the tension between the conservative reproduction and the innovative production of knowledge and experience.

Sociology and Education

Bourdieu argues that it is the culture of the dominant groups, and therefore their cultural capital, which is embodied in schools, and that this leads to social reproduction. James Coleman also focused a lot on the themes of social reproduction and inequality. Coleman inspired many of the current leaders of sociology of education, but his work also led to a heightened focus on empiricism. The cultural capital of the dominant group, in the form of practices and relation to culture, is assumed by the school to be the natural and only proper type of cultural capital and is therefore legitimated.

RC04 Sociology of Education

It demands "uniformly of all its students that they should have what it does not give" [Bourdieu [31] ]. This legitimate cultural capital allows students who possess it to gain educational capital in the form of qualifications. Those lower-class students are therefore disadvantaged. To gain qualifications they must acquire legitimate cultural capital, by exchanging their own usually working-class cultural capital. Class ethos is described as the particular dispositions towards, and subjective expectations of, school and culture.

It is in part determined by the objective chances of that class. The subjective expectations influenced by the objective structures found in the school, perpetuate social reproduction by encouraging less-privileged students to eliminate themselves from the system, so that fewer and fewer are to be found as one journeys through the levels of the system.

The process of social reproduction is neither perfect nor complete, [30] but still, only a small number of less-privileged students achieve success.

  1. Sociology of Education!
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  4. Typical Projects?
  5. The sociology of education!
  6. The Short Stories!
  7. Theories of Education.

For the majority of these students who do succeed at school, they have had to internalise the values of the dominant classes and use them as their own, to the detriment of their original habitus and cultural values. Therefore, Bourdieu's perspective reveals how objective structures play an important role in determining individual achievement in school, but allows for the exercise of an individual's agency to overcome these barriers, although this choice is not without its penalties.

Drawing on Bourdieu's ideas, Fuller [34] adds to the theoretical understanding of structure and agency by considering how young people shape their educational identity and how this identity is often the result of messages reflected at them, for example, through grades, setting and gendered expectations. Social location is considered important but its role is complex. Her work considered the importance of understanding the ways that individuals identify within an academic discourse, a discourse that typically situates young people dichotomously; as those who will achieve and those that will not.

Understanding the importance of areas such as self-efficacy, confidence and resilience in shaping educational identity at the level of agent and subsequently, educational attainment and aspirations, has been central to her most recent work. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the journal, see Sociology of Education journal. Social class and gender differentials in England and Wales, Oxford Review of Education 37 2 : Retrieved Leaders in the Sociology of Education.

SensePublishers, Rotterdam.


Journal of European Social Policy. Early childhood education Primary education Secondary education Tertiary education. Alternative education Homeschooling Adult education Portal. Education in Africa. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Somaliland. Education in Asia. Book Category Asia portal. Education in Europe.

PhD, Sociology of Education | NYU Steinhardt

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