PDF Radical Self-publishing guide for success: How I Wrote 40 Books In 7 Months (selfpublishing Book 1)

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Table of contents

Since you know, after all, that you are in the midst of transitions and you wished for nothing so much as to change. If there is anything unhealthy in your reactions, just bear in mind that sickness is the means by which an organism frees itself from what is alien; so one must simply help it to be sick, to have its whole sickness and to break out with it, since that is the way it gets better. The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. Anna Quindlen.

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Thats OK. The first month isnt really about writing great content.

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The first month is about building the writing habit make that your main goal so, you should leave an extra month schedule in your publishing plan for you to waste this way. Get up. Make your coffee. Disconnect the internet. Stare at the screen for an hour. Write what you can. No breaks, no excuses.

When youre done, you can cross it off your list for the day. Dont bend; dont water it down; dont try to make it logical; dont edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. Franz Kafka. The second thing you have to do to be a writer is to keep on writing. Dont listen to people who tell you that very few people get published and you wont be one of them. Dont listen to your friend who says you are better that Tolkien and dont have to try any more.

Keep writing, keep faith in the idea that you have unique stories to tell, and tell them.

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I meet far too many people who are going to be writers someday. When they are out of high school, when theyve finished college, after the wedding, when the kids are older, after I retire. That is such a trap. You will never have any more free time than you do right now. So, whether you are 12 or 70, you should sit down today and start being a writer if that is what you want to do.

You might have to write on a notebook while your kids are playing on the swings or write in your car on your coffee break. Thats okay. I think weve all been there, done that. It all starts with the writing. Fantasy writer Robin Hobb. Anybody can write a book. But writing it well and making it sell thats the hard part. I know how important they are, so Ive made a whole bunch of them and put high-res versions on my website that you can download and print, including some of the quotes I used in this book.

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Jarod Kintz. Substitute damn every time youre inclined to write very; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. Mark Twain. When you finish your first rough draft,.

Youll dream of riches and TV interviews and huge payments from Amazon. But you arent done! Youve just got a bare bones story its probably about mediocre. It could do OK if you throw it out there, but it will do much better if you get it professionally edited.

A great editor will flag plot lines that dont make sense, characters acting without motivation, repetitive words or poor word choices, boring sentences, and even whole chapters to cut. Theyll get rid of the fluff and garbage and hone the story, to make it fluid and powerful. Then youll have to rewrite some, repeat the process, and when the story is finally good enough, you can give it to a proofreader to check for typos and spelling errors.

The problem with all that of course, is that editing is boring, pedantic and time-consuming, and the brilliant editors who do the best work charge a lot of money. If this is your first or second or third book, unless you have a lot of cash lying around, I wouldnt invest several thousand dollars in editing until you see whether people like the story the story matters more than the writing; even if an editor makes all the writing powerful and beautiful, it doesnt matter if the story is poor.

Its a Catch You may never be successful without a professional editor to improve your writing; but even a perfect, polished manuscript may not sell. So although its critically important, Im not going to recommend you pay for editing especially since this is a book about publishing on the cheap. Instead, Ill help you self-edit as much as possible with some tips and resources.

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I strongly recommend going to the library and reading everything you can about writing fiction. There are stacks of great books. Learn your craft. Come back to your book with a better understanding of powerful writing. I worked as a book editor throughout graduate school, during which time I edited over books. Since moving into book design, I grew my editing company and I now manage a team of Although I read less indie fiction or firstdraft books these days, when I do they usually suffer from common rookie writing mistakes.

Luckily some of these things are easily fixable.

EBook Formats and Formatting

We need to root for, pity and bond with the main character, and hate and loathe the opposition. There must be a villain, or a source of conflict, or a foilsomebody who for some reason makes the protagonist feel bad. This needs to be done quickly. No matter how cool the action scenes are, if we dont know who to root for, if we dont feel an emotional connection to the outcome, we just dont care. Before I know which characters are good or evil, when theyre all strangers to me, I wouldnt care if any of them got hit by a bus.

Which means Im not invested in your story. Before you blow crap up and have shoot outs, readers need to know, love and care about your protagonist. In many cases when a reader puts a story aside because it got boring, the boredom arose because Cut out all the lead up stuff. Cut out the explanation, back story, exposition and description of the scene.

Start in the middle of a tense dialogue. Start with an attention hooking line. Start with a close-up: zoom in on drops of blood, sweat and tears. Hook attention first then back up, fill in the details, slow down and set up the next major conflict then cut the scene and start over with the next one. At least thats all true if youre trying to write a bestselling thriller-esque type book. Other books may move slowly and are more exposition, and focus more on scene and emotion. Still, the days of Call me Ishmael have given way to About three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of himand I didnt know how dominant that part might bethat thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. Start by grabbing interest and defining the central conflicts; you can fill in the blanks once you have their attention. They might be shorttempered and snarky when they are angry. But they rarely sob hysterically, shriek uncontrollably, or shake visibly.

People And they dont flip flop between happy and deathly depressed at every unexpected catastrophe. People usually dont react at all when bad things happen; they are in shock. They hold it in, do what needs done, and only let it sink in when they have time to process their grief. So check how often your main character or any characters cry, sob, scream, shriek, etc.

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You might allow them one emotional display per book although I wouldnt allow them any. Cut all that crap out, replace it with subtle melancholy, emptiness, inability to experience joy. If you notice something else simple you screwed up, search for it you probably did it more than once in one of my books, I used thrown for throne several times, and readers couldnt stop criticizing me for it.