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Female, young, perhaps in her early twenties if I was any judge of human voices I wasn't. I should probably try to move around. Arms, no. Legs, no. Head, no. Well, this was awkward, I didn't seem to have a body. Perhaps moving around wasn't a particularly sound strategy. That was a second voice, I think. Male, rough and in their thirties.

I really seemed to know rather a lot about voices, despite not being all that certain I'd ever heard one before. If moving around wasn't working, perhaps I should do some thinking about who I was. Yes, that seemed sensible. I was E. That was quite a name, looked like it was probably an acronym of some sort, but I couldn't remember what.

I couldn't seem to remember much. Well, I was named Emma and I knew a lot about human voices. That was a start! I seemed to be hearing sounds.

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That implied I had something. I focused my attention. Audio input feeds. I had audio input feeds! Now I was getting somewhere. I could do all sorts of things with audio input feeds. Meaning, I could hear things, which was mostly all I'd been doing. I was observing a room from multiple angles. There was a massive sphere in the center of a circular chamber.

Ceres and Persephone in ‘The Pomegranate’ and ‘The Bistro Styx’

A section near the bottom of the sphere had been removed and I could observe a tangle of something within. Hope that helps xx. The Kingmaker Chronicles by Amanda Bouchet? Gabrielle I am reading it now is why I mentioned it love it. I love the Kingmaker Chronicles by Amanda Bouchet. The Goddess Test…oh I forget the author.


Not Persephone persay but Hades is trying to replace her. I did! Heidi yes absolutely. But I still read it from time to time because I think the idea is cute. Seeds by M. Dannyelle I was just gonna suggest that! And I like that u can download the app and have it on ur phone. Percy Jackson and the Greek gods also Percy Jackson and the last Olympian features them in the battle scene. Jennifer I need to reread that series but I remember really enjoying it.

Elizabeth I was just gonna say this.

First Seed

I wrote a book about Greek gods for my nephew. It was just for him, but your question reminded me of his favorite scene. Our hero Kevin is in the Underworld, and he is trying to escape.

Goddess Summoning

Persephone begs him to take her with him. So he has her by the arm and is dragging her behind him as he runs down one corridor after another. Finally he makes a wish that Ares who has been helping him was there to assist. Ares appears instantly. My nephew laughed and laughed. Gabrielle All day after reading it my nephew 10 at the time kept pretending to be Ares.

Christiguc - thanks for posting the titles - those listed are the same as those listed in a copy of one of the editions I have.

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Good to hear you are safe.. Looks like Pandora has been covered - and most excellently so! Thank you Christina! Many of the above titles were also published by Broadview Literary Texts - another excellent small publisher with handsome covers. I also noticed that the links show other editions rather than Pandora.

Christina - Marise reported earlier that you were in good shape down Houston way. Thank goodness! You've been in my thoughts. Edited to add the link to Broadview Press. Thank you Christina for the list! You are a gem!! Even though now I will feel compelled to go look for those books. I only have three of them but, of course, sooner or later I will have to get the others!

I am glad to hear that you are safe, and not in the eye of Ike.

Search the Letters

I have been thinking a lot about you and Julie Eurydice , and I feel better in knowing you are ok. A few years ago, I found a copy of Dorothy Whipple's novel Because of the Lockwoods at Powells bookstore, and I finally read it last week. As is usual with DW's work, it's a page turner.

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  • arti: Fear Is the Root of All Evil.
  • Can somebody please recommend books about Hades and Persephone? Thank you!!!.

It's about the financial and social struggles of the Hunter family and their dependence on their affluent former neighbors, the Lockwoods. The chapters set in provincial France are particularly well done and there is a love scene that is as tense and awful as the King Marke walk-in in Tristan and Isolde. Persephone has shown an affinity to Dorothy Whipple--and rightfully so, I hear! Have you suggested it, Ortolan? I read Because of the Lockwoods earlier this year - it seems to be the only one of her books easily found in the US - and agree with with Ortolan, a real page turner.

Does Persephone really accept suggestions from readers? I'm willing to bet that Nicola Beaumann is aware of Because of the Lockwoods and is familiar with the entire Dorothy Whipple backlist, so I hope it's on schedule. Next time I place an order, I'll send her a note about it. This is the second Dorothy Whipple novel I've read with sharply drawn chapters set in France the other is Someone at a Distance back when that country took Catholicism seriously. So I wonder if DW actually spent any time there, and how.

Second Seed

But she could have easily just imagined it, like Shakespeare writing about the Rialto without setting foot in Venice. After Tea by Dorothy Whipple, to start the day. What about Dodie Smith. She did publish other adult novels besides I capture the castle. Several sound quite good. I've just ordered two. And more Noel Streatfeld, some of the humorous adult fiction, not the sorrowful stuff. Night Oct 23, , pm. I believe Saplings falls into the "sorrowful stuff" category and yet it's one of the best books I've ever read.

I would love for Persephone to publish more of her books, she's an amazing writer, never sentimental. I Capture the Castle is also one of my favourite books, I wish I could have access to more of Dodie's adult fiction as well. You know what? I'll write Nicola an email suggesting that, it cannot hurt and the worst that can happen is that she'll say no. I believe that Julian Barnes is Dodie Smith's literary executor. And the agent representing the estate of Dodie Smith is Laurence Fitch. I think more of Oriel Malet's books could be added to the list of Persephone Possibles Wow, You guys all sound like book world insiders.

How exciting. Tell me more about her corpus.