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May 31, - SAGE Studies in Discourse The focus of this series is to examine the structures and functions of text and talk in the multiple contexts of social fields, and the discourse analytical approach to important social issues and societal relationships, such as those of gender, ethnicity, inequality and power.
Table of contents

Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: Exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence. PloS one , 12 5 , e Cooke, N. Post-truth, truthiness, and alternative facts: Information behavior and critical information consumption for a new age.

Power through: A new concept in the empowerment discourse

The Library Quarterly , 87 3 , Post-truth: The new war on truth and how to fight back. Random House. Davis, E. Post-truth: Why we have reached peak bullshit and what we can do about it. Little, Brown Book Group.


Dentith, M. The problem of fake news.

Karen Lee Ashcraft and Kate Lockwood Harris

Public Reason , 8 , Fairfield, P. Lords of mendacity. Fallis, D. On verifying the accuracy of information: Philosophical perspectives.

Gender and Discourse (Sage Studies in Discourse) - PDF Free Download

Library Trends , 52 3 , Garcia, A. Gelfert, A. Fake news: A definition. Informal Logic , 38 1 , Gerhards, J. Goldman, A. Knowledge in a social world. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Experts: Which ones should you trust? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research , 63 1 , Gorman, S. Denying to the grave: Why we ignore the facts that will save us. New York: Oxford University Press. Habgood-Coote, J.

Stop talking about fake news!. Inquiry , Harsin, J. Regimes of posttruth, postpolitics, and attention economies. Helder, B. Textual analysis: An approach to analyzing professional texts. Frederiksberg, Denmark: Samfundslitteratur. Jamieson, K. Cyberwar: How Russian hackers and trolls helped elect a President. Oxford University Press. Discourse and knowledge: Theoretical and methodological aspects of a critical discourse and dispositive analysis.

Meyer Eds. Analysing discourses and dispositives: A Foucauldian approach to theory and methodology. London, UK: Sage Publications. Jesella, K. Detox for the camera. New York Times. Keller, R. Doing discourse research: An introduction for social scientists. Khaldarova, I. Fake news: The narrative battle over the Ukrainian conflict. Journalism Practice , 10 7 , Kjeldsen, J.

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Visual rhetorical argumentation. Semiotica , , Koltay, T. The media and the literacies: Media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy. Kunda, Z.

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The case for motivated reasoning. Psychological Bulletin , 3 , Levitin, D. Weaponized lies: How to think critically in the post-truth era. Lehrer, R. Siegler Eds. Mackey, T. Reframing information literacy as a metaliteracy.

Edited by Savita Kumra, Ruth Simpson, and Ronald J. Burke

McIntyre, L. MIT Press. Mercier, H.

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  • Gender and Discourse.

The enigma of reason. Harvard University Press. Messaris, P. Visual persuasion: The role of images in advertising. Neely-Sardon, A. Focus on the facts: A news and information literacy instructional program. New York: Routledge.

Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies

Browne N. Gender equity in the early years. London: Open University Press. Buckingham D. Barn 2 Burman E. Childhood neo-liberalism and the feminization of education. Gender and Education.

Clark A. Listening to young children. The Mosaic Approach. Moss Eds. Beyond listening. Bristol: Policy Press. Beyond Listening.