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Creationism is largely based on religious belief, but gains much support from what its protagonists see as Gap creationism adds a new idea.
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Distinct legal existence Oliver registered his "church" as a nonprofit corporation in Texas. Recognized creed and form of worship For this, Oliver invited his audience to "meditate on the nature of fraudulent churches.

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Regular services "Last Week Tonight" convenes every Sunday. Ordained, commissioned or licensed ministers Schools for the preparation of its ministers Literature of its own Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young Organized worship. Conduct political lobbying or intervene to win political campaigns Engage in illegal activities Financially benefit any private individual or shareholder.

BBC - Religions - Christianity: Creationism and intelligent design

Also on HuffPost:. Calling all HuffPost superfans! Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. Join HuffPost. Antonia Blumberg. Suggest a correction. Today is National Voter Registration Day! The World's 50 Most Unusual Churches. Scapegoating usually works very well.

Did Jesus intentionally create a new religion?

Pacific and non-fighting minorities are good, provided they stand long enough to build up the required hatred. You can always change target thereafter, as the main authority. Depends what you mean by religion. Obviously fraudulent claims about supernatural abilities and stuff like that won't fly, when there are so many video cameras around and stuff.

Notice how UFO sightings have virtually vanished ever since everyone started carrying camera phones around? Not a coincidence.

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You may still not reach a billion anytime soon, but even with 1 million followers, your cult will exercise undue influence. Uriel is right that the market currently looks quite saturated, but there are two points worth noting:. Make it unique. Make it easy to join and simple to follow.

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Make it beneficial to join, more beneficial to practice. Make it compatible with existing religions, i. Have charismatic leader s who lead by example and will never exploit the possibilities that come with the call. Ideally, people would realize, prior to joining, that they already believe everything in the creed and have always tried to live by the resulting code of conduct.

All that counts today is the Holy Spirit, the community. The point of the New Testament seen fro this perspective was that the other two parts of the christian Trinity vanished from Earth with Ascension , if they ever were on it, and humanity was left to take care of it similar to Genesis. Pentecost or something like it would therefore become the holiest or only festivity. It does not yet sufficiently cover Islam, but it should be possible to pass Mohammed as a prophet.

Morals and ethics would build strongly on individual responsibility for the social and natural environment. Freedom and liberty would be stressed, but bound by the categorical imperative. The practical benefits would mostly come from the resulting social network, not due to some promise of salvation. Since you can't do miracles you will have to lie, using theatrics and illusions. First you need a network of spies and informants. These spies will substitute your lacking oracular capabilities.

With them you will show that you are a true holy man that knows many hidden things. Your spies can kill infidels too, after you curse them in public. These rich and powerful, enthralled by your illusions and theatrics, under your thumb because your "spirits" the spies gave you their secrets, will be ordered by you to spread your message across the middle range countries you are targeting.

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The faithful will be ordered to pay you tithes. With these tithes you bribe politicians, invest in businesses to make more money maybe use your network of spies to get into drug dealing so you can multiply your money and have access to deadly sicarios?

How did wellness become our new religion?

About theology: you won't target the rich and famous that actually care about that. You will target the ignorant, the weak-minded, the bored. Your theology will be a mass of contradictions that only you know how to solve and you give the secret of solution to the initiates. The fun thing is that there is no solution but total obedience to you. About the initiations: you have to break the person's mind and sense of self, so you can rebuild it in a more useful to you way. The many elite forces, like the marines, know how to do that.

So, hire some ex-marines instructors or spetsnaz to do the initiations.

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One billion in a hundred years? Then you can teach others that you find who are worthy. You would really have to get your message out there. Could the Mormons do it? The internet which tells no lies tells me there are 15 million Latter-day Saints I wonder if the Pope has been informed they would require 4. They seem to be in a better position than you do. That said 4.

Get the Catholics to change the name of their religion to "WorldBuilding". Choosing them because out of the major religions, they have the strongest centralized authority. If you can bribe, extort, or just replace the Pope, you'll be mostly there. Maybe this isn't technically starting a new religion, but it gets a billion people to check the box for WorldBuilding. Listen now. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Active 23 days ago. Viewed times.

Best of Neil deGrasse Tyson Science vs Religion Part 1

Best outcome would be to have 1 billion followers in hundred years by Limitation: I am unable to prove my God exists and as far as miracles concern, I am not really sure I can perform any. Am I able to do it? Pavel Janicek Pavel Janicek Made a small mistake. And, yes, the decimal is in the right place. Please tell use more, so that we can follow your progress!

Uriel Uriel 2, 8 8 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Christians, at least, would beg to differ. That said, a big part of why Islam is eating Christianity's lunch is because they're willing to have a strong theology and not cave to uniformitarianism and secularism; Uriel is definitely on the right track as far as "anything that provides answers and moral guidance". BTW, don't fall into the "make everyone happy" trap. And none of them have any proof of their veracity.

Or, to put it another way, what proof can the Christians offer that the Hindus aren't right? So the concept of a religion being able to proof or refute another makes no sense. The very tools of proofs derive from the worldview of the person doing the proof. Look at whatever it is that the most successful religions promise.