Guide A part of her was scarred before her time

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But some wounds run too deep to heal, and pierce the deepest layers of one's soul. “Time may heal your wounds but it doesn't heal your scars!” she says: 'I promise you that when you take them off you'll be just as you were before.' And it.
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Contact your GP, breast care nurse or specialist straight away if you think you may have a wound infection. You may need a course of antibiotics to stop the infection and discomfort. Some people who have had lymph nodes removed may be left with a degree of permanent numbness or altered sensation in their upper arm. This happens because the nerves under the arm have to be disturbed to reach the lymph nodes that lie behind them. This can lead to a number of symptoms including:. If you have breast reconstruction using a flap of your own tissue you may also feel a change in sensation in the area from where tissue was taken.

Mother shares transformation after using a £18.99 cream to heal her lip scar

If you're concerned about these symptoms, tell your specialist or breast care nurse. Although it may not be possible to relieve all of your symptoms, some helpful treatments are available.

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Whatever breast surgery you have will leave some type of scar. Looking at and feeling the scar for the first time can be difficult.

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Some people find it helpful to have someone with them when they first look at their scars, while others want to be by themselves. For many women this can take some time. Getting to know how your scars look and feel will help you notice any possible future changes. Scar tissue is produced naturally by the body during healing.

At first your scar will feel uneven to the touch and may feel tight and tender. Scars are often initially red but will fade and become less obvious over time. Your specialist team should be able to tell you when you can start moisturising your scars. At first you may find it uncomfortable to wear a bra or anything that puts pressure on the affected area.

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As the scars become less sensitive you should be able to wear a comfortable bra. For more information, see our Breast prostheses, bras and clothes after surgery booklet. If you have a sentinel node biopsy including the use of blue dye, your breast may be discoloured.

This is temporary and usually fades slowly. The blue dye usually flushes out in your urine, which will make it look a green colour for a few days. You may feel sick after surgery because of the anaesthetic. Any nausea is usually only short-term. Anti-sickness drugs anti-emetics given as a tablet or injection can help to relieve it.

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Recovery after surgery involves healing both physically and emotionally. The time this takes will vary from person to person. Going home can bring mixed emotions. You may feel relief that the operation is over but concern about needing to go back for your results. You may feel vulnerable because you no longer have the immediate support of the nurses, doctors and the hospital team. You will be given a contact number for the ward and breast care nurse, in case you want to talk through any issues.

Our booklet Breast cancer and you: coping with diagnosis, treatment and the future discusses some of the emotional issues you may face during and after your treatment. You may also find our Moving Forward book useful. Before you leave the hospital you may be given, or be told, when to expect an appointment to discuss how the operation went, your pathology report which describes the results of any tests done on tissue removed during surgery and any further treatment that may be recommended.

When you leave hospital follow any instructions you are given about caring for your wound. This will vary from hospital to hospital and depends on the kind of surgery you have. This may sound frightening, but if your treatment team suggests it, they will give you all the information and support you need.

The nursing staff on the ward will give you specific advice on caring for your wound and any dressings. They will also make any arrangements for the removal of your stitches if they are not dissolvable. Try not to set yourself big tasks and remember to get a good amount of rest. Your body needs time and energy to recover. You'll usually be advised not to lift or carry anything heavy until your wounds have fully healed. Your breast care nurse or surgeon will be able to provide advice on practical issues such as driving, returning to work and leisure activities.

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To hear from us, enter your email address below. Skip to main content. Home Information and support Facing breast cancer Living with and beyond breast cancer. Surgery Breast reconstruction. Recovering from surgery 1. After your operation Most people recover well after surgery with few major side effects. Wound dressings After your surgery you will have an adhesive dressing applied to your wound. Wound drains You may have wound drains in place following surgery, although not all surgeons use them. Back to top 2. Bruising and swelling Bruising is common after surgery but will disappear over time.

Seroma After surgery some people may develop a collection of fluid called a seroma. Haematoma Occasionally blood collects in the tissues surrounding the wound causing swelling, discomfort and hardness. Stiff shoulder Your arm and shoulder on the operated side may feel stiff and sore for some weeks.

Caring for and Minimizing Your C-Section Scar

If you have any symptoms you are concerned about tell your specialist as soon as possible. Back to top 3. Back to top 4. Wound infection A wound infection can happen any time until the wound is completely healed. Any of the following symptoms could mean you have a wound infection: the wound feels tender, swollen or warm to touch redness in the area discharge fluid from the wound feeling generally unwell with a raised temperature Contact your GP, breast care nurse or specialist straight away if you think you may have a wound infection.

Back to top 5. These symptoms are usually temporary and improve or disappear with time. Back to top 6.

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Scars Whatever breast surgery you have will leave some type of scar. Back to top 7. Other after-effects Discoloration after sentinel node biopsy If you have a sentinel node biopsy including the use of blue dye, your breast may be discoloured. Nausea You may feel sick after surgery because of the anaesthetic. I thought it was dry skin and it would heal up and therefore ignored it for some time. Speaking of her scarring following the surgery, Lindsay explained: 'It would have been awful if I'd had to go to the wedding looking like that.

Lindsay's face after using the cream and applying make up pictured. Delighted with the results, she explained: 'The difference between how the scar looked on day one and how it looked on Eilidh's wedding day was incredible'. At first my lips, nose and mouth were swollen and it was very red. She continued: 'It would have been awful if I'd had to go to the wedding looking like that, but obviously through time the swelling did go down - but you still have the scar.

I was thinking of having a hat with a veil. After the operation Lindsay began using the clinically-approved Science of Skin cream, which is available from Amazon and contains a special formulation including an active ingredient derived from green tea. Lindsay pictured now has decided to speak out about her ordeal to encourage others to have any unusual patches of skin checked by their GP sooner rather than later.