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He encourages the reader by showing how he learned to accept what he could not control and focus instead on what he could.

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The author relates the events of his life - made remarkable by the fact that he was born without limbs. Despite the shock they felt at his birth, his parents did all that they could to raise him to If you've ever heard any of Nick Vuijicic's speeches and I bet there's a high chance you have , you'll know of his amazing public speaking skills where he's almost always able to move an entire hall Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker and the director of the nonprofit organization Life Without Limbs. A long-time resident of Australia, Nick now lives with his wife in southern California.

But if you desire to live a life free of limits, you'll have to overcome the resistance from the following sources:.

A Life Without Limits: A World Champion's Journey

Your mind "I'm not qualified. You've talked yourself out of life-enriching opportunities. Living life fully is about trying new things, even when you're not sure if they'll work.

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It's about enjoying the moments, and giving yourself permission to be imperfect as you learn and grow. If the stars always needed to be perfectly aligned to move forward, you wouldn't get much of anything done. So stop focusing your mind on all the reasons why you shouldn't do something.

How To REALLY Live A Life Without Limits - Panache Desai

Instead, make a list of all the reasons why you should. Consider all the things that could go right. It'll change the way you see the situation.

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Your loved ones When my cousin was a toddler, her parents only let her go outside after they put her in knee and elbow pads. They wanted to protect her from the pain and scarring that would come if she fell and bruised her little limbs. When she finally got outside, she fell and scraped her nose.

  1. Life without limbs? Or life without limits? - ZenlamaZenlama.
  2. Herbert Kynaston: a Short Memoir With Selections From His Occasional Writings by E.D. Stone.
  3. Betty & Veronica #259.
  4. Life without limits? Say it isn't so!.

As much as her parents tried, they couldn't protect their daughter from all the potential dangers that could hurt her. It's a similar situation with your loved ones. Because they want what is best for you, they often try to shield you from pain and other uncomfortable situations.

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So they encourage you to stay within the boundaries of the established safe zone. They don't want you to shake things up too much, or cause trouble. Your loved ones mean well.

But no matter how much you live with caution, there's still plenty of opportunity for unfortunate situations to find you. So instead of living life in a bubble, go out and spread your wings. You may encounter bumps and bruises as you learn to fly, but you'll recover. Just like my cousin's nose did.

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  • To reduce the resistance from your loved ones, share with them your vision, your desires, and your goals. The more they understand what's driving your need to push beyond the norm, the easier it will be to support you in it.

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    The status quo If the phrase "because that's the way it's always been done," frustrates you, then you understand the danger that comes with accepting the status quo as a life sentence. Society often has a long list of norms of what people should and shouldn't be able to do. But norms are like averages.