Last Flight from Tempelhof

BERLIN — The last flight has lifted off from Berlin's Tempelhof Airport, bringing an end to an era of aviation that spanned World War II, the Cold.
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Learn more about Amazon Prime. Set against Berlin's extraordinary Tempelhof Central Airport and its labyrinth of secret tunnels, Last Flight from Tempelhof spans six tumultuous decades in the ever-changing German capital city. Tony Swan, a career U. Air Force intelligence officer, must flush out any threats against two U.

Berlin Tempelhof Airport

One president, in June of , is about to make a speech at the Berlin Wall that could change the course of history. The other president, twenty-one years later, hopes to salvage his legacy after leading the United States into a disastrous war. He and his secretary of state join a crowd of , to witness the historic final flight from Tempelhof-the airport that once saved West Berlin and is now being transformed into a giant amusement park, thus fulfilling the vision of Hitler's chief architect, Albert Speer.

Haunted by personal tragedy and his own doubts about American foreign policy, Swan uncovers murderous conspiracies in two vastly different geopolitical eras. Racing the clock, he is eluded by the deadly secret that ties the plots together, hidden for two decades somewhere in the long-forgotten passages beneath the massive terminal building at Tempelhof. Read more Read less. About the Author D.

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Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I lived at Tempelhof for two years during the mid 70's and made a few visits to the tunnels.

It was nice to read a story centered on my old home. Of course the tunnels did not extend to some of the places in the book as acknowledged by the author , the description of the tunnels, the towers, hangers and roof really took me back.

  • Last flight from Berlin’s historic Tempelhof airport | The Seattle Times.
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TCA is a magnificent building and Berlin and beautiful and intriguing city. The story was quite gripping and a pleasant read. One person found this helpful. The author has clearly lived close to the scene and been a superb observer. I can hardly wait to circle down to Berlin for a landing. Lindemann has a great command of the subject and the location. This is an exciting read, well worth the effort.

I'm looking forward to his next book if there is to be one A wonderful adventure story surrounding Berlin's Tempelhof airport. Well-written, fast-moving, and packed with intrigue. I read the book on my Kindle on my way to New York a few weeks ago and in flight, I almost forgot this was a work of fiction. A full disclosure about "Last Flight from Tempelhof" - it was written by one of my former Air Force linguist colleagues, D.

Basically a detective story, the book moves along at a very entertaining pace. In the book, D.

Last call for Berlin's Tempelhof airport | World news | The Guardian

Mitchell Lindemann spends some time describing the design of the building and its shape - that of a soaring eagle, a symbol of Germany and of National Socialism. The building was designed and built during the Nazi era, conceptually the airport for the emerging capital of Europe. In a scene from the book, the lead character walks through the arcade area, past the shops and other amenities that were together in this area, near one of the dormitories in the Air Force, we had dorms, not barracks.

In another scene, the character visits a nearby restaurant called Columbus - it was a favorite for its Italian cuisine and the friendliness of the wait staff, and it was only a block or two off base. Columbus had a sidewalk terrace, a fine setting for dinner in the summertime, with a tall Warsteiner to accompany it.

  • Auf Wiedersehen Tempelhof: An Era Ends with Closing of Berlin Airport - SPIEGEL ONLINE.
  • Auf Wiedersehen Tempelhof: An Era Ends with Closing of Berlin Airport.
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And, anytime you went there, you could count on ending the meal with an aperitif of flaming Sambucca, which would stay pleasantly with you for the cold walk back to base on a winter's night. At the end of the war it became the gateway for more than 2m tonnes of goods, turning it into a cold war icon.

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The architect Sir Norman Foster called Tempelhof "the mother of all airports", and it continued to play a vital role. When the Berlin Wall split the city, the air link became the safest way of travelling out of west Berlin, underlining its importance in the lives of many Berliners.

He was one of those who voted against closing Tempelhof in April, a vote that failed because of low turnout. During months of political crossfire, even the chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the tabloid Bild have thrown their weight behind saving the airport. But Berlin city authorities pressed ahead with their plan.

Officials point out that Tempelhof, one of Berlin's three air hubs, has low traffic and is surrounded by densely populated neighbourhoods. Construction is under way on the new Berlin Brandenburg International airport, due to open in on the eastern outskirts of the city. Tempelhof's airfield is roughly the size of New York's Central Park.

Development ideas mooted so far have ranged from an environmental housing complex to a expensive private clinic, but its future remains unclear.