Dialogue and the Development of Childrens Thinking: A Sociocultural Approach

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Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms. Action Research for Improving Educational Practice. Psychology and Adult Learning. Dyslexia in the Early Years. Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology. English Language Teaching Textbooks.

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The Power of We. Research on Technology in Social Studies Education. Methods for Analyzing Talk, Text and Interaction. Topics in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers. Teaching as a Professional Discipline. Learner-Centered English Language Education. Children Learning Second Languages. The Field Trip Book. Managing the Literacy Curriculum. Elementary Mathematics in Context. Learning to Read Critically in Teaching and Learning.

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The Psychology of Education. Learning Relationships in the Classroom. Putting talk to work. Contemporary Identities of Creativity and Creative Work.

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Dialogue and the development of children's thinking: a sociocultural approach

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