Peace In Uncertainty!

Human spirit is the ability to face the uncertainty of the future with curiosity and optimism. It is the belief that problems can be solved.
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How to Make Peace with Uncertainty

In Idaho, everything is slower. Instead, I take a few minutes out of my day to meditate. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

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Only I will remain. With rejection after rejection and no actual job prospects on the horizon, life was a waking nightmare.

  1. Stardancer;
  2. Catholicism on Trial Series - Book 2 of 7 - The Bible Alone vs. The Catholic Mass - Revised Edition .
  3. Cole Mayer.
  4. 4 Things to Help You Make Peace with Uncertainty — Purpose Fairy.
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I have very little effect on what happens in the long run. After so many job rejection letters filling my real and virtual inboxes, and so much time passing without a steady income, I learned to simply let go of the fear. Now that I have a job, I can take a few minutes at my desk to relax, repeat the mantra, and make peace with uncertainty. Speaking of stress, one of the things I discovered while I had no job was the sound of a small waterfall or flowing water can ease your mind. It suddenly occurred to me why I loved living on the beach.

While I was in college in Monterey for two years, I could see the beach from my dorm room. I could be on the beach, listening to the waves, within 10 minutes of even thinking about it. After a hard day at work, I can sit at my desk and relax, flex my creative muscles while the calming sound of water washes the workday troubles away. I always forget — I forgot to eat the muffin I planned to eat earlier — and it takes time out of my morning.

Ajahn Brahm: At Peace With Uncertainty 12.10.17

Time I could instead use to finish getting dressed or start writing. All through college and three years working at a newspaper, I could count the number of times I ate breakfast each month on one hand. If you're feeling stressed out and anxious, your sleep will be negatively affected. Avoid naps too close to bedtime.

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Turn off TVs, phones, and computers at least an hour before bed since the blue-light from these devices keeps you awake. Make your bedroom off-limits to other activities besides sleep or sex. And, try to go to sleep and wake at the same times every day. A Stanford University study found that walking in nature for 90 minutes can have a positive effect on your mental health.

Practice mindfulness and allow yourself to be in the moment — take deep breaths and smell the air, notice the sounds and sights around you. Opening up to the healing connection of nature could potentially provide further insight into your own personal experiences and how you are emotionally and cognitively affected. Talk to friends or family.

Uncertain times can make you feel isolated and alone; however, you can choose to seek out the comfort or support of others to help you through. Friends, family, or trusted co-workers can serve as a listening ear or shoulder to cry on when life seems crazy. Say, "Mom, everything in my life seems to be going wrong. I could really use your problem-solving skills right now. Do you mind helping me out? Release your fears to your higher power. Ask God, Buddha, the universe, or whomever you believe in to take your anxious feelings away from you.

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Give your worries over to your higher power so that you are able to live in peace. Letting go of your need to be in control and putting trust in something else to take care of you may be just what you need to get through your time of uncertainty and feel that everything will work out. Talk to a therapist. Seeking the help of a therapist allows you to understand the cause of your uncertainty, which may help you to stop the fear once and for all. Be honest with your therapist. Tell your therapist that you are afraid of the uncertainty in your life and are fearful of what is to come. Holding back will hinder your recovery.

Join a support group.

  • The Archer & His Horse: The Wonder Tales Vol.One.
  • 3 Ways to Find Peace During Times of Uncertainty - wikiHow.
  • Finding Peace with Uncertainty.
  • Figure out what is bothering you the most — whether it is anxiety, depression, or something else — then find a group that can help. You may find that joining a religious group is beneficial, as you can talk to others about what you are enduring, and find help through your religion or beliefs. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

    Between his long commute, crazy hours, and ever-increasing stress, he lived perpetually exhausted. I feared my hard working, persevering, provider husband was crumbling. Or perhaps God held my tongue because, well, He knew what lay ahead. Over the next few weeks, God and I had some highly-emotional conversations, most of which involved me begging Him to intervene. Fast forward a few months; we prepared to put our home on the market.

    By now, my husband had begun to talk with career headhunters, so I had a little hope. With nowhere to go. And Steve was determined to quit his job. And two months later, we packed up our van, handed our house keys to our realtor, and headed to Louisiana, where we thought and hoped a job was waiting.

    Finding Peace with Uncertainty, by Leo Babauta

    Steve got the call that afternoon. The job was his. Our house sold the very next day, for full asking price.