Just Politics: Human Rights and the Foreign Policy of Great Powers (Cornell Studies in Security Affa

Just Politics: Human Rights and the Foreign Policy of Great Powers Series: Cornell Studies in Security Affairs Published by: Cornell University Press.
Table of contents

Walldorf argues that it is in legislative bodies of democratic states that ferment over human rights is concentrated; executive officials, even those sympathetic to idealistic liberal aspirations, tend to embrace a traditional realist orientation. Walldorf also finds that strategic termination is most likely when nongovernmental This book joins a growing body of work that illuminates the role of human rights in foreign policy.

Just Politics: Human Rights and the Foreign Policy of Great Powers

In this rigorous study, Walldorf challenges this conventional wisdom, arguing that human rights considerations play a more influential role than is commonly assumed. To support his claim, he relies on one 19th-century case study of British-Ottoman Empire tensions over the persecution of Christians and Walldorf argues that when strategic concerns come into conflict with humanitarian norms, the latter often prevail over the former—especially when initiatives by nongovernmental organizations and interest groups result in legislative actions in support of human rights.

Additionally, he claims that humanitarianism provides a better explanation for how major powers respond to conflicts between strategic commitments and human rights concerns than either realism or domestic institutionalism. This book is an important addition to the growing literature on the role of moral norms in global politics and is strongly recommended for all academic libraries.

William Walldorf , Jr. A regional power is a state that projects influence in a specific region.

John Mearsheimer

If this power capability is unrivaled in its region, the state could rise to the level of a regional hegemon. The regional powers display comparatively high military, economic, political, and ideological capabilities enabling them to shape their regional security agenda. There are also cases in which there is a mismatch between the self-image of a regional power and its actual capabilities and influence.

The domestic-international nexus plays a critical role in shaping the material and ideational impact of middle and regional powers.

The author would like to thank Ariel Gonzalez Levaggi of Koc University and the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable suggestions and comments, and Jean Bennett for her able assistance during the editing process. Middle powers, regional powers, and regional patterns of security are becoming increasingly prominent in shaping international politics. As a valuable reference work on the role of middle powers in international politics, Holbraad provides historical insights about the role of middle powers and sheds light on the structural determinants of middle-power behavior.

Patience examines the concepts that shape middle-power imagining in regional and global affairs and their potential foreign-policy implications. There is also a burgeoning literature on regional powers and regionalism. Although the concept of regional power is frequently used in IR literature, the defining characteristics and sources of regional power status, as well as its connections to the global power structure and security, lead to different perspectives and interpretations. The regional power status stems from the ability to shape a region within which one may be great. There is also the interaction among self- and other-ascribed identity, structural position in the system, goals, behavior, and the ultimate impact on international processes.

In assessing the factors that determine the sources of regional power status, Neumann , while offering on an impressive compilation of case studies, demonstrates that solely building a military or economic power base does not suffice for the attainment of regional power status. This approach aims to capture the diversity and complexity of security dynamics in different parts of the world.

Just Politics

A landmark study on regions, Katzenstein , also highlights the dramatic shift in the global arena since the end of the Cold War, analyzing which regions have become critical to our understanding of world politics. The book offers a compelling analysis by challenging the arguments regarding the overarching resilience of the nation-state or the inevitable march of globalization.

A comprehensive volume of edited chapters, Flemes presents us with multiple lenses to assess regional powers and leadership within intraregional, interregional, and global contexts.

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While highlighting differences and similarities with the relatively more traditional concept of middle powers, Nolte presents an analytical concept of regional powers suitable for earlyst-century IR research. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism. Oxford University Press, An excellent compilation offering a systematic and multidimensional survey of the extant scholarship on regionalism, regionalization, and regional governance from a comparative perspective, with original contributions from leading scholars in a flourishing field.

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