Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment

Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment [Ennio Cipani PhD] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Both parents and professionals who work with.
Table of contents

Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment

Board Review and Certification. Complementary, Integrative, and Alternative Medicine. Critical Care and Emergency. Maternal, Neonatal, Women's Health. MedSurg and Acute Care Nursing. Palliative Care and End-of-Life. Professional Issues and Trends. Research, Theory, and Measurement. Watson Caring Science Institute. Assessment Diagnosis and Clinical Skills.

Administration Management and Leadership. Ear, Nose, and Throat.

Related Specialties

Maternal, Neonatal, and Women's Health. Living and Working with Chronic Illness. Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders.

Double click on above image to view full picture. Read a Sample Chapter. Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment. We now accept Amazon Pay. First-hand accounts of the intellectual and behavioral progress of seven autistic children, written in a narrative style by the ABA professionals who conducted the consultations Contributors include Audrey Gifford, who is both a professional Behavioral Analyst and a parent of an autistic child who received ABA treatment Overview of autism research prior to ABA and an introduction to the development of the method Analysis of ABA treatment demonstrating why ABA is the most effective of all treatment methods.

Contributors Foreword Preface Section I: Graupner A Parent's Story: Mruzek, and Robert Peyton Appendices: Why is Joint Attention Important? Why Artie Can't Learn! You May Also Like The Psychology of Oppression E. Rowles , Pamela B. The title provides a hint that this was not the purpose of the book, and the editor makes quite clear his intention of presenting only best-outcome cases. Nevertheless, one might argue that more modest success stories i.

Triumphs Early Autism Treatment Cipani – calpact

Regardless, the reader should keep in mind that the outcomes of EIBI fall on a continuum, only part of which is represented in the book. It should be noted that this point is made quite clearly at least three times in the book; first in the preface, then in Rebecca McDonald's chapter, and finally in appendix D, which describes outcome studies.

That being said, the book serves the purpose of illustrating the potential power of EIBI in sometimes achieving outcomes previously thought impossible. The book's second section contains two chapters that describe the history of applied behavior analytic treatment for autism and the development of what today is called early and intensive behavioral intervention EIBI. The first of these chapters is written by the editor, while the second is coauthored by Tristram Smith, Daniel Mruzek, and Robert Peyton.

Case Studies of EIBI Treatment

These chapters serve as an introduction to the empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of EIBI, as well as a narrative of the historical background and development of the application of behavior analysis with children with autism. The background and context that these authors provide may serve to increase the readability of this section for the layperson; the chapters read less as review papers or technical journal articles and more like history.

As is the case with other parts of the book, this section is straightforward and jargon-free. The interested, non-expert reader, his or her interest having been evoked by the case stories, may find these chapters to be an accessible gateway to the science documenting the effectiveness of EIBI. An appendix, outlining in more detail the evidence for EIBI from outcome studies, provides more information, while taking the reader one step closer to more technical information.

The emphasis on outcome studies that have helped establish the evidence base for EIBI is certainly appropriate. However, future books of this sort might also include a fuller treatment of the importance of single-case research in establishing the scientific foundation of EIBI. The value of single-case research designs is often less intuitively apparent to non-experts, in particular those that have received preliminary training e.

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However, the science of applied behavior analysis, which forms the backbone of EIBI, would not exist without single-case research; indeed, by its very nature behavior analysis deals with the behavior of individuals, which is uniquely captured by the single-case experimental designs. A user-friendly text introducing the importance of single-case research to non-experts interested in the treatment of autism would be a useful contribution to the literature.

As mentioned above, the strategy of mixing accessible anecdotal information with scientific information is one of the strengths of the book. This strategy increases accessibility and readability, while respecting the importance of scientific research in establishing the effectiveness of the approach. It is interesting to consider Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment in light of the approach that science writer Michael Shermer has termed integrative science.

So far, integrative contributions of this sort have been lacking in the behavior analytic literature with a few exceptions, notably Karen Pryor's Don't Shoot the Dog. Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment represents a step in the direction of providing such treatment, and might serve as an appropriate introduction to EIBI for parents, teachers, administrators, and legislators who have vested interest in early autism treatment, but are not knowledgeable about behavior analysis. Future books might take the process of integrative science one step further by including research stories from behavior analytic single-case studies - through which many of the procedures used in EIBI have been developed - into accessible narratives of the challenges and triumphs experienced through behavioral interventions.

Triumphs Early Autism Treatment Cipani

The author wishes to thank Shahla Ala'i-Rosales for her guidance. Address correspondence to Einar T. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Behav Anal Pract v. Published online Fall Einar T Ingvarsson , Ph. Open in a separate window. Case Studies of EIBI Treatment The bulk of the book is contained in the first section, which is comprised of seven best-outcome case studies, written by the providers who were responsible for designing and overseeing treatment in each case.

An Historical View of ABA in Autism Treatment The book's second section contains two chapters that describe the history of applied behavior analytic treatment for autism and the development of what today is called early and intensive behavioral intervention EIBI.

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  • Triumphs Early Autism Treatment Cipani – oceansaretalking.
  • Triumphs in Early Autism Treatment |Springer Publishing Company;
  • Increasing Accessibility Through Integrative Science As mentioned above, the strategy of mixing accessible anecdotal information with scientific information is one of the strengths of the book. Footnotes The author wishes to thank Shahla Ala'i-Rosales for her guidance. Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Triumphs in early autism treatment.

    Outcome of comprehensive psycho-educational interventions for young children with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities. A work in progress. Behavior management strategies and a curriculum for intensive behavioral treatment of autism.

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    Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Teaching individuals with developmental delays: Let me hear your voice: A family's triumph over autism.