Herbs for A Healthy Pregnancy: From Conception to Childbirth

Herbs for A Healthy Pregnancy [Penelope Ody] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. Ina May Gaskin · out of 5.
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A dose of drops helps clear your mind, eases your tension, and assists you in discerning the best path to follow. Bach flower remedies excel as helpers when you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Aspen when you feel anxious, apprehensive, or afraid of the unknown. Mimulus when you are dwelling on a specific fear. Elm when you feel overwhelmed or inadequate. Red Chestnut when you are afraid for or worried about your baby to be. Rock Rose when you are trembling, shaking, or weeping from anxiety or fear.

Regular gentle massage or Reiki treatments not only help you calm your distress, they also guide you in creating a strong center that's resistant to being pushed around by other people's opinions. The single most important herb for pregnant women over forty is comfrey Symphytum uplandica hybrids. The leaves of the mature plant contain an abundance of constituents beneficial to mother and babe, including generous amounts of minerals, alantoin, proteins, and many vitamins.

The minerals in comfrey help insure healthy nervous system growth; the fetus's developing brain uses the proteins. And the alantoin helps the mother's tissues become stretchy and elastic. Aging can lead to increases stiffness and brittleness in bones and muscles, making pregnancy more arduous and painful, labor slower and more difficult, and injury more likely during birth.

The hormones of pregnancy, which help soften and relax the pelvic tissues, may not be produced in adequate amounts. Comfrey comes to the rescue! Comfrey creates flexible and strong tissues throughout the body especially mucus surfaces including intestines, uterus, bladder and vagina the bones, the ligaments and tendons, and the skin.

Regular use of the leaf infusion, at least a quart a week, promotes a safe delivery by: I harvest the flowering stalks when they are fully formed; and I am careful to use the cultivated garden comfrey, which grows very tall and has purplish, pinkish, bluish flowers. I avoid wild comfrey which stays rather small, even when flowering, and has cream-colored, white, or yellowish flowers.

Some people feel that comfrey is not safe to use during pregnancy. Some people feel comfrey is not safe to use internally at all. The roots of comfrey do contain compounds that are best avoided during pregnancy. As do all parts of the wild plant. In fact, I rarely use comfrey root because of the possibility of liver congestion, and I strongly caution those who have had hepatitis, chemotherapy, or alcohol problems to strictly avoid comfrey root.

Yet even these people can benefit from use of comfrey leaf infusions. Another important herbal ally for women over forty who desire a child is chaste tree Vitex agnus-castii. It has been used in Africa and parts of Europe for several thousand years to discourage the male libido. In women, the effects seem to be the opposite! It may also be a fertility enhancer. Most importantly, chaste tree is a strengthening tonic for the pituitary gland, the master control gland for the endocrine system.

Because it can lower prolactin levels, chaste tree is best discontinues during the last trimester of pregnancy. Dong quai Angelica sinensis is not recommended for women over forty. In general, this herb promotes blood flow to the uterus and surrounding tissues. This can promote the growth of fibroids and increase the risk of post-partum hemorrhage.

Ginger is a better warming tonic; motherwort is better at relieving pain; and raspberry is better at preparing the uterus for birth. For permission to reprint this article, contact us at: Visit Susun Weed at: Simple, safe remedies for pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and newborns.

Includes herbs for fertility and birth control. Inhaling essential oils of neroli, ylang-ylang, lavender, rose, and jasmine are said to calm the nervous system. The following remedies are often recommended for occasional difficulty sleeping: Coffea, Pulsatilla, Arnica, and Chamomilla. Consult a homeopathic self-help book to choose the correct one for you. Combination remedies for insomnia are also widely available.

Dangerous Herbs and Vitamins during Pregnancy

According to Green, massaging a pregnant belly and breasts with aromatherapy oils can help the skin expand and thus prevent stretch marks. She says that topical use of diluted essential oils is generally safe for healthy pregnant women, especially after the first trimester. She combines 15 drops lavender oil, 5 drops neroli oil, 2 drops rose oil, and IU vitamin E in 4 oz. Melt the ingredients together and rub this oil over belly and breasts two to three times a day. Their Sitz Bath combines comfrey, yarrow, uva-ursi, and sea salt in a muslin bag, to infuse into warm water.

Used after the birth, this remedy helps heal tears and sore muscles of the pelvic floor. Sage Mountain has a salve of comfrey and St. Because cold temperatures constrict swollen veins, Gladstar suggests you keep it in the refrigerator and apply it two to three times a day. You can chew or make a tea of the seeds of digestive herbs such as fennel, anise, or dill. The Common Cold Herbs. Echinacea when not combined with goldenseal is fine for any pregnant or lactating woman. Garlic, which is antibacterial, antiviral, and expectorant, may also be safely taken.

Ginger, which is warming, can ease cold symptoms. Gladstar likes to use echinacea immune boosting and antimicrobial , mullein demulcent, expectorant , and elderberries or flowers expectorant, diaphoretic, helpful in the early stages of cold and flu alone or in combination. Self-care homeopathic texts list a number of homeopathic medicines. The choice depends on your symptoms. Alternatively, you can go with the shotgun approach of homeopathic combination remedies for colds. National Academy Press, The Toxicology of Botanical Medicines. Eclectic Medical Publications, This edition is due out August Herbal Healing for Women.

Simon and Schuster, Handbook of Clinical Nutrition. McGuffin, Michael, Hobbs, Christopher, et al. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. National Academy of Sciences. Nutrition during Pregnancy and Lactation. Fall River Press, Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Ash Tree Publishing, An herbal sales, information, and publishing center providing natural alternatives for the optimization of health. Offers an extensive range of herbal extracts and teas, including many for childbearing and infant care.

Calcium , cup , dandelion greens , matrushka dolls , nutritive herbs , orange , RDA , red raspberry leaf , rosemary gladstar , Vitamin. You must log in to post a comment. Ease the Discomforts of Pregnancy. Home About Bonnie B. Herbs to Avoid during Pregnancy Experts agree that pregnant women should avoid herbs that have strong medicinal or potentially toxic effects. Herbs that stimulate uterine contractions: Herbs that stimulate menstrual flow: Herbs high in volatile oils which can stimulate or irritate the uterus: For the common culinary herbs, the concern lies with the use of high doses in women susceptible to miscarriage, not with using herbs to flavor food.

Plants high in alkaloids which can also stimulate the uterus: Herbs that affect hormonal function: Nutrition during Pregnancy You need to stay well nourished for your own health and that of the child developing within. Vitamin E is important for red blood cell growth and proper immune function. Natural Remedies for Common Pregnancy Complaints Morning sickness afflicts millions of pregnant women to some degree. Bibliography Brinker, Francis, ND. The Nutritional Ages of Women. Number of weeks into your pregnancy: Childbirth Solutions 2 years ago.

Check out this awesome book marketing checklist from timgrahl: Childbirth Solutions 3 years ago. Join My Grassroots Effort kellybroganmd. Yes, there are some great teas for sore throat. Licorice and peppermint is classic, as is a sage gargle. Salt water gargles are safe for everyone! Gargle every 2 hrs. And there are some wonderful throat sprays from some great herbal companies. Check out the one by Urban Moonshine on their website!

I'm curious if this particular tea is safe during the 1st trimester. This is our 4th baby and I have experienced one miscarriage. Thanks so much in advance for your response!!! It's a black tea infused with bergamot, orange peel and lavender. I've been drinking one large cup per day with 1 steep bag.

Herbs for Pregnancy and Childbirth

I usually recommend waiting until after first trimester for herbs when there is a history of miscarriage unless working directly with a practitioner who knows how to support you with herbs safely during prengnacy. Hi Aviva, Thank you for all of this wonderful information! I am only in my 6th week of pregnancy but am experiencing severe insomnia Hopefully the chamomile helps! I'm 10 weeks and I have morning sickness everyday I can't take it no more.

I have ginger tea in front of me right now, and I don't know if I should drink it. I didn't really read the article I just kind of scrolled threw it. What should I do? I know it's my first trimester but I can't help it no more. My morning sickness is really bad. I just want to cry. If your sickness is really bad so y can't keep anything down,maybe y should seek a medical advice. Tea will not harm baby, but continues sickness, when y actually become hehydrated, will.

Speak to yr nurse and make sure they do urine test. I am pregnant for the first time, almost at the end of 12 weeks.

Herbs and Pregnancy

I have had a lot of nausea but no vomiting during the first trimester. I was happy to come across your article as everything else I have read regarding echinacea during pregnancy is inconclusive. Do you have any thoughts or recommendations? I am taking cranberry concentrate, liquid acidophilus and echinacea. I am having trouble distinguishing normal pregnancy symptoms from infection or sickness. Hi Miriam There is very little value to checking urine for protein in the first trimester, and in fact, it is a bit outdated to check it routinely.

At 12 weeks it is highly unlikely to be preeclampsia or any sort of problem. A urine culture should show an infection if you have one. If you don't have a UTI you don't need to take all of those supplements! I'd revisit with your midwife -- and if she's not able to give you the info you need, midwife shopping is totally appropriate -- or see a family doc or OB for another opinion. Hi there, A little off topic maybe, but I need to know Do you have any information or experience with artichoke extract 5: I took one capsule on two separate occasions and, while it had the positive result I was hoping for I am worried about taking more as I can't seem to find any information other that the disclaimer that there is no information!

Anything you can tell me would be super appreciated.

Additional Information

Oregano tea is not typically recommended as safe in pregnancy; it's probably ok for a few days as long as you're not in the first trimester. Simple honey is a safe option, and soothing lozenges like slippery elm are also safe. If you can get it, please see my pregnancy book for further ideas. I'm so happy to have come accross your websiite!

Herbs, Pregnancy, and Safety

I am 6 weeks in, and have chronic urticaria. Since I am not allowed to take antihistamines, I started looking for natural alternatives. I read somewhere that taking Echinacea quells itching spells caused by urticaria. I tried it yesterday and it worked like a charm! I'm really pleased, and wondering if I can carry on doing this with caution. The itching is really acute and happens almost every evening. Would love to know your advice, many thanks x. Hi Sara, Please let me know how things turned out as I suffer from chronic urticaria as well and the itching is driving me mad!

Have you seen the herbs in vegan shakeology? Do you know if those are safe? Elderberry syrup can be used for a week or so safely in pregnancy, though I generally avoid most herbs in first trimester unless necessary, and be careful about the sugar content is the elderberry is made with honey.

Last year when i was 18 weeks pregnant and my water broke, at 21 weeks i lost my child. Can you please advise me of what type of herbs are suitable for me. Hi Virgina I am so sorry that you've have such a tough experience. The herb I use for mommas who have had such a loss is motherwort extract. It is very helpful for rebalancing hormones and restoring uterine tone, while easing the heart and emotions. I wish you the best.

I have been drinking herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, ginger and lemon, rosehip and forest berry tea. I just found out yesterday that most of these herbal tea is not recommended during 1st trimester. Is there any herb tea you can recommend to prevent miscarriage? I'm really worried that I will miscarry again. Can you please assist me? Hi Christie, So sorry you have to have this worry.

Ginger, chamomile, rosehips, and mint are fine in first trimester -- you don't have to worry about the herbs you've been taking at all! Most miscarriages do not repeat. It's usually a one time sad event. But the worry the next pregnancy can be awful. As for herbs that prevent miscarriage, it really depends on the causes -- low progesterone, a methylfolate issue, nutritional, a chromosomal issue, other hormonal issues. I'd recommend looking on line for the issue of Plant Healers Magazine where I write an article on miscarriage for herbalists in practice.

And I'll do a blog on this but it probably won't be soon enough. Hope all goes well and you can put this behind you. Sending you the best wishes. I know you were asked last year about the shakeology shakes and you weren't familiar with it. I was wandering if you or anybody on here knew if it is safe during pregnancy. I am 19 weeks and I have been told it is safe but only by a few people I work with who drink it. Also, is kava kava safe for relaxation?

I was wondering your thoughts on this hot cocktail to relieve son bronchial irritation. Ginger is considered perfectly safe up to 1 gm in pregnancy. Honey is best for cough; otherwise I generally recommend herbs like marshmallow and slippery elm for bronchial irritation, whereas those other herbs are more antimicrobial. I don's usually recommend cloves internally in pregnancy for prolonged use though I am sure a few doses did not harm. I am 15 weeks. I got a cold recently and started drinking some herbal tea I had because I didn't thing anything of it. But now looking it up im worried I'm in my first trimester and I love cooking with herbs such as basil, rosemary, parsley, thyme, oregano.

Actually I have 20 olde Thompson's herbs and I use them. Thanx for the article. My great grandson is due the end of April 29th. By the way my child birth went well I had me daughter naturally and was in labor only 7 hrs. It was the best experience Going to day to take care of my daughter in law today.

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This is a really great article! I think that they have everyone too scared to take natural remedies, this article should ease some fears. I am 20 weeks pregnant now and have been having the worst nightmares of my life, I hardly sleep. Excited to know that I could drink Camille before bed. I miss drinking it and I hope it helps.

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Thank you for this article I can't wait to read more. Generally considered quite safe in pregnancy -- there's no known association with miscarriage to my knowledge. I am weeks pregnant. I suffer from chronic constipation. To treat this I take mg of magnesuim caltrate daily or at least every other day. I read where that much magnesium is toxic for pregnancy. I do not take it I am constipated.. I eat LOTS of veggies, fruits, etc. I have never found out what is causing this constipation or what helps other than the magnesium. I also have no gall bladder. So maybe it could be that.

WHAT can I safely do now during pregnancy? Risk it and take the magnesium? Of course herbal things like senna or aloe help. But I do not take them regularly or when pregnant. I take honey water first thing in the morning. Wait 30 min to 1 h and then have breakfast. Hello, I had my first child at 46 with the help of Chinese herbs and acupuncture. Now I am pregnant at 50 and I owe that to herbs, false unicorn, comfrey, skullcap, hawthorne berry, red clover, damaina, red raspberry, dandelion root, vitex, nettle, chamomile, bromelain, On top of my age I have bad PCOS, so it is recommended that I do not stop the vitex until the end of my last trimester.

I stopped the bromlain after conception and I stopped false unicorn after ovulation but I am not sure if and how to stop the other herbs. I am a clotter and have palpations from the PCOS so I have to be careful since some of the herbs help with that. Some of these herbs nourished my body so that I could conceive a healthy baby and I do not want to put that in jeopardy. Any advice would be appreciated. Hello Beth I am very happy for you and for you pregnancy. I am 48 and still have not lost the hope to get pregnant again was once at You mentioned the herbs you used and helped to get pregnant, did you took them all at the same time along the period, or some at certain times?

I'm 33weeks now but have been having thrombosis hemorhoid, I want to know if mint tea will help ease the pain and if it's safe. If you could give guidance on this situation, I would be so grateful! I've spent hours researching online how to safely cure uti naturally without much success on finding anything that has worked.

My obstetrician placed me on Keflex for seven days, but I'm still experiencing discomfort in my lower abdomen. She wants to place me on a higher dosage for another week. I'm only 11 weeks pregnant and am nervous about taking so many antibiotics during the first trimester. I'm not one to even take headache meds when not pregnant. I found what looked like the perfect cure, D-Mannose, until I read of one study where the conclusion was that it caused birth defects in lab mice. I've tried juicing vegetables, drinking pure cranberry juice, eating cloves of garlic, drinking a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.

I don't know what else to do. Would you have any suggestions for me? Hi Jenna, This is Megan from Dr. I am so sorry to hear about the UTI! I know how uncomfortable they can be, and how disconcerting it can be when you are pregnant. I wanted to give you a direct link to a blog post that Aviva wrote specifically on UTI's. I hope this is helpful for you! I am 10 weeks and this is my first pregnancy and I been having a really bad cough for a week now I was told to drink ginger lemon tea is that safe or what do u recommend? Yes, this is considered safe in pregnancy. Make sure to avoid any teas that contain the herbs called coltsfoot and comfrey.

Hi there, I'm in my second trimester of my second pregnancy and experiencing horrible insomnia. If love to take passionflower tincture to help with my wandering mind and lack of sleep but can't find any information on dosing. Can you recommend a safe dose of passionflower tincture?

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Hello my dears i just have question i'm a 26 weeks pregnant and since yesterday i have got a cold i ve been coughing and its very dry so i decided to make some herbal tea home made dry rosemary and cloves and thyme a little bit of everything can someone tell me please if is safe for the baby and i thanks. Hello, I have had horrible insomnia since before pregnancy; needless to say, it hasn't improved. Or if you have any other suggestions, I would gladly take it.

Or provide a link to a blog or article with reputable information? Trying to avoid the prescription drugs but do not want to repeat the experience after my other child was born. This one is due in a month. Hi Amy, This is Megan from Dr. Aviva's book Natural Health After Birth addressees postpartum depression and if you check out the article that she wrote on Depression in Pregnancy link below , the tips and tricks that she shares in that article are entirely appropriate to continue and use after birth.

I hope this helps Amy and stay tuned for more blogs to come from Aviva on this subject! Hi, Is rosehip syrup safe to take during pregnancy. Most sites seem to recommend rosehip tea but the only article I could find on rosehip syrup said it could cause blindness in my baby.