Petronius: A Handbook

Petronius: A Handbook unravels the mysteries of the Satyrica, one of the greatest literary works that antiquity has bequeathed to the modern.
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J. Prag, I. Repath (dir.), Petronius: A Handbook

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The E-mail message field is required. He is the author of the forthcoming article, Plato in Petronius: Fiction and Metafiction in Ancient Narrative.

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Reading Petronius to Write Economic History: Includes a dozen original essays by a team of leading Petronius and Roman history scholars Features the first multi-dimensional approach to Satyricon studies by exploring the novel's literary structure, social and historic contexts, and modern reception Supplemented by illustrations, plot outline, glossary, map, bibliography, and suggestions for further reading Jonathan Prag is a University Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Oxford, and a Tutorial Fellow of Merton College. Jonathan Prag and Ian Repath. Petronius and Greek Literature: Petronius and the Roman Literary Tradition: Letting the Page Run On: Poetics, Rhetoric, and Noise in the Satyrica: Sex in the Satyrica: