Life is Sales

The recognized leader in the psychology of sales. Gary offers industry Life is Management review 12 hours ago .
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For example, we typically measure marked improvements in attendance at sales presentations and online webinars when prospective customers are asked in advance of the meeting to submit a question that they would like an answer to. The question acts as commitment and, realizing that if their question is called out publicly and they are not present, they will likely been seen in a less than good light, thus increasing attendance.

In addition to reducing no-shows at restaurants, health centers, sales presentations and online webinars, an understanding of how this motivation can be triggered can even lead to increased honesty in your organization. Consider the humble expenses form. Employees furnish details of mileage, sustenance and other out-of-pocket expenses and then sign their name at the end of the form to confirm their claim is an accurate and honest one.

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But what might happen if the space for their signature is moved to the top of the form thus requiring people to make a commitment to accuracy and honesty before, rather than after, they complete the form? According to studies led by Lisa Shu from Northwestern University and her colleagues, this small change can make a big difference. In one of their studies asking for a signature at the top of the form rather than at the bottom reduced cheating from 79 percent to 37 percent.

It really does pay to be positive, and people should say they are excited. Use the power of self-talk to change your results. Gary Ford Life is Sales inc. The message is very clear; to increase your sales — follow up. It shows the client you really care about their needs and their understanding of your value proposition. I have tried it many times and often I have been invited back to the meeting to discuss an extra point and got the sale. Try it — you really have nothing to lose. Your client gets over emails a day and yours get lost. A handwritten note is far superior to the email and will get read.

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You can even leave it with the receptionist when you leave. The best follow up is a phone call and the sooner after the meeting the better. You can demonstrate your uniqueness in the marketplace with a disciplined follow up process. Most competitive products and services are similar and the real difference is you the sales person. Take advantage of this simple technique and watch your closed ratio increase. I had been thinking about this, and right on cue, along comes Gary L.

Ford, with his book Life Is Management. He contends that life is all about managing — our money, our time, our diet, our relationships — and we all have some capacity for doing this well. Ford says there is a definite difference between being a leader and being a manager, but he counters the claim that leadership is further along the evolutionary scale. He believes that we must have both capabilities for true organizational success. We have to manage the day-to-day tasks and deliver results, while at the same time keeping the big picture and long-term objectives in mind.

Life Is Sales - Gary Ford, Connie Bird - Google Книги

He likes to think of a leader as someone who knows where to go, while it is their management skills that actually get them there. Visionaries may have wonderful ideas, but without the ability to execute them, those ideas will never see the light of day. As well, they often have a tendency to change their vision without letting the rest of us know.

How do they do this? Ford believes that good managers, just like good teachers, build on strengths, rather than focus on weaknesses.

Keynote Speaker

He also agrees with Malcolm Gladwell that greatness requires an enormous investment of time. He cites the Beatles as an excellent example of these two principles. Lennon and McCartney had unique musical gifts, and they focused their energy on these strengths. They devoted untold hours to honing their craft. That is not the way to make work.

The author sees coaching in a very different light. Rather than setting the bar and then teaching employees how to reach it, Ford sees coaching as the art of asking thoughtful questions, and then listening; they facilitate a discussion so employees can discover for themselves what they can do more of, or can do differently, to achieve better results.

The author also suggests that if we want to change behaviour in others, there is no better place to start than to make some changes in ourselves. And he does warn us that change is difficult, even when the end goal is clear.

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Whether the change is in you or your employee, start small, be clear and be consistent. Life is Management is a meaty, practical book. I have little sticky notes and highlighted passages throughout its pages.

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Not only has the author written a book intended to meld two critical workplace skills, managing and coaching, he also hands out some good advice for managing our time and our meetings. There is a lot of common sense wrapped between the two covers. And as a bonus, it is written by a Canadian who uses Canadian examples like Canadian Tire , Tim Hortons and a Newfoundland lighthouse in his stories.

Ford is a graduate of the University of Waterloo with a degree in psychology.

Featuring Gary Ford

He has held a series of executive positions in retail banking with Canada Trust and most recently as. Paperback , pages. Published January 1st by Insomniac Press first published September 1st Using the psychology of persuasion to influence everyone in your life for more success and happiness. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Life Is Sales , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

Unloquacious rated it liked it Apr 08, Jonathan Anderson rated it liked it Dec 04, Charles Stevens rated it liked it Dec 20, John rated it really liked it Feb 10, Leah rated it really liked it Jul 03, Colin rated it liked it Oct 04, Chris Diniz rated it it was amazing Jun 05, Rosalicious rated it liked it Nov 26, Grace Deforeis added it Feb 03, My Pseudonym marked it as to-read Jul 19, Shawn marked it as to-read Sep 25, John marked it as to-read Sep 25, Marla A marked it as to-read Oct 02, Nikta marked it as to-read Jan 02,