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Dec 31, - A life insurance medical exam takes about 20 minutes. It includes height Avoid unusually salty foods 24 hours before the exam. Additionally.
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How to Prepare for a Life Insurance Medical Exam

Fasting, therefore, ensures more accurate results. Fortunately, the hours you spend sleeping are considered a part of your fasting period so you can fix your appointment as early in the day as possible. Alcohol is one of such and should be avoided when doing some certain body checkups. Tests that assess liver health or Triglyceride levels are affected by alcohol which could remain in your system, in trace amounts, for several days after consumption.

Alcohol also raises your cholesterol levels, indulging before a blood test will definitely cause a change in readings. Alcohol should be avoided at least 24 hours before blood tests, but the professional opinion of your physician should be sought first.

Coffee should also be avoided. Coffee may temporarily increase your blood pressure. This may give the appearance of high cholesterol, stress or excessive salt, and false blood pressure readings, which in this case would lead to the wrong diagnosis. Sweets and chewing gum introduce sugar into the blood in the form of glucose, at this point there is an increase in glucose levels in your blood. When this happens, your body works to process that glucose into energy and transport it to your cells. To do this, your pancreas produces insulin. The end result is a drop in glucose levels in your body.

This rise and drop can cause inaccurate reading during a blood test for sugar levels. What you can consume within this fasting period is water; and lots of it. Water hydrates your body, making your blood vessels easier to find and access.

Water helps with the transport of oxygen around the body through your blood and also helps maintain blood pressure. Although fasting is required for some checkups, it may not be a prerequisite to all checkups in your health screening package. Some checkups only require you cut back on certain foods or avoid certain activities. The ones that require total abstinence from food include Blood sugar test, Liver function test, Cholesterol test, Triglyceride level test, High-density lipoprotein HDL level test, etc. While you should always talk to your physician about the terms of your fast or whether you should fast at all—like in cases of those that suffer from diabetes, you can use this as a checklist of some sort for consumables you should avoid prior to your test.

Life Sciences Industry Group. Trish brings with her more than 30 years of extensive experience in senior positions in various healthcare organizations. During her 10 years of leadership, Pindara was transformed to become a major healthcare facility for the Gold Coast, providing a much broader and complex range of services. Life insurance rates are determined, in large part, by your assigned rating class. You can think of this rating class as a snapshot of your overall health as determined by the answers regarding your health you provide on your application and by the results of your life insurance medical exam.

Third-party medical information from shared medical databases may also be considered. However, different insurers have unique underwriting guidelines and you may be rated more favorably with one versus another. Generally, all insurers are looking at the same or similar rating criteria, but some will weigh a particular aspect of your health differently than others.

Insurers sometimes use different terms to describe their rating classes, but most follow these general groupings. Preferred Select: You can think of preferred select or any of its other names as the best rating class for life insurance, with lower premium costs than other rating classes. This category indicates excellent health, normal weight, and that other medical data points to a generally low risk of early death. Preferred: As its name suggests, preferred is again an indication of excellent health.

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However, there may be some minor issues like cholesterol levels or other factors which prevented a preferred select rating. Expect competitive life insurance premiums with this rating, but not as low as the select group. Standard Plus: Generally good health is associated with the standard plus rating class, but there may be some other factors which prevent the applicant from rating in the preferred classes.

These might include weight, blood pressure, or other considerations which may indicate an increased risk.

Choose from below:

Standard: You can think of standard as average, indicating average health and a life expectancy on par with most people. Weight or other factors might place an applicant in this rating class, as might the early death of a parent due to health factors. Preferred Smoker: Preferred is the elite rating class for life insurance and preferred smoker recognizes an applicant who is in generally exceptional health, but who smokes.

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Occasional smokers, such as cigar smokers might be placed in this rating class if all other factors indicate above-average health. Standard Smoker: This category is for smokers of standard health. As it recognizes the health risks of regular smoking, this rating class will have higher premiums than standard and preferred rating classes for non-smokers. Rated Applicants: In some cases, health conditions prevent an applicant from qualifying for either standard or preferred rating classes.

This does not necessarily mean the applicant is uninsurable, but premiums higher than those for standard or preferred rating classes may apply. All companies will send them to you for free.

21 Tips & Tricks To Ace Your Life Insurance Medical Exam

For the most part. It just gets a bad rap. What is a life insurance medical exam? What information do they collect? How can I prepare for a life insurance medical exam? The following tips will help you prepare for your exam and help you get the best results. Schedule the appointment for the least stressful time of the day.

1. Drinking too much coffee

Do not eat for four hours before the exam. You can and should drink plenty of liquids during this time. Drink a glass of water one hour or so before the exam. Avoid caffeine coffee, soda, tea, etc. Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco for at least one hour before your exam. Avoid alcoholic beverages for at least eight hours before the exam. Have photo identification available.

Limit salt intake and high cholesterol foods for 24 hours before your examination. Avoid strenuous physical activities for 24 hours before the examination. Advise your paramed examiner regarding any medications you are taking, even non-prescription medicines.