O culto da arte em Portugal (Portuguese Edition)

O culto da arte em Portugal (Portuguese Edition) [José Duarte Ramalho Ortigão] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
Table of contents

Among the many subjects addressed in this book are Pacheco's own paintings, providing a rare insight into his artistic thinking, the reception of his paintings by a range of religious and secular authorities, and scholarly discussion of the historical basis for the iconography of subjects such as the Trinity, the Immaculate Conception, the Crucifixion and numerous saints including Sts.

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Jerome, Francis of Assisi, and Ignatius of Loyola. Pacheco's text is also a key source for the Counter-Reformation and its cultural legacy, Spanish art and in particular the artistic and literary culture of 17th-century Seville, and cultural debates on iconography ranging from medieval heresy to Michelangelo's Last Judgment.

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Pacheco's chapters are translated in full, including the numerous Latin authorities that he drew on, and the text is accompanied by relevant bibliographical and historiographical references for all these sources and the diverse themes addressed. In addition, this volume is extensively illustrated with many of the paintings, prints, and sculptures cited by Pacheco, as well as contemporaneous works of art that illuminate his discussion.

There is no other English translation of a Spanish art treatise currently available, thus making this an invaluable resource for lecturers teaching courses on Spanish baroque art or counter-reformation visual culture.

Jeremy Roe | Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa - leondumoulin.nl

In addition, this book is accompanied by a critical introduction to Pacheco's activity as both an erudite painter and writer which sheds valuable light onto the concerns addressed in this book as well as the aims of its author. This book is a collection of fourteen essays on the Dialogues on Painting, published by the Flore This was the first treatise in Spanish on the art of painting, written as part of a campaign led by Carducho in collaboration with other prominent painters working in Madrid, to raise the status of the artist from artisan to liberal artist.

The treatise provides an overview of the melding of Italian Renaissance art theory and Madrilenian practice in the baroque era. It also offers first-hand insight into collecting in Madrid during this crucial period in the rapid expansion of the capital city.

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Cambridge Scholars Press, The papers explore a number of critical perspectives that range from the portrayal of Queens and their household to the discourse on female piety and spirituality, both in the court and beyond to lower social strata. Furthermore, the range of papers engages with prescient methodological issues facing the study of the visual dimensions of female political identity.

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  2. O culto da arte em Portugal by Ramalho Ortigão on Apple Books;
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  4. Vicente de Lisboa e seus milagres medievais , ed. The two Latin Vitae date from shortly after seventeen miracles and from the mid-thirteenth century seven miracles.

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    This is a collection of twenty-six miracles recorded in the vernacular during the fifteenth century. Administration, Church and Society forthcoming. Also found in ActaSS , 2 July, — Mettman , Walter , 3 vols Coimbra , 64 , nos and The Life of Saint Leoba , transl. Talbot, in Thomas F.

    Noble and Thomas Head, eds, Soldiers of Christ: Green , Monica H.

    Pereira , Maria Helena da Rocha Coimbra , , — Healy , John F. Email your librarian or administrator to recommend adding this journal to your organisation's collection. This data will be updated every 24 hours.