The Undoing of Langston Black The Undoing of Langston Black (): T. Harrison: Books.
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It was barely noticeable because she was so soft spoken but, when she did speak up he could hear it. It made her tongue lie flat when it should be rolling and thrust against her teeth when it should be lying still. Of course, Langston observed all of this from a distance. Safely and unobtrusively perched on the outer fringe of the people she called friends while he quietly watched and memorized her simple gestures frame by frame. He was content to watch her from a distance and did it for quite some time.

But as the days wore on, he began to feel a yearning for more. Just a look of recognition from her. One of those crooked smiles thrown in his direction. He must have worked out a million scenarios where he introduced himself and they got to know each other. All of which seemed to fall flat along with his self confidence whenever he was near her.

He thought he was too tall—too awkward. His face was a confused mixture of features which he thought were attractive individually but, crowded on his face they looked odd. He disliked his nose the most. So Langston ruled out any hope of a real interaction with her but, he thought of her endlessly. Allowed his imagination to run wild with thoughts of two of them together.

And that was what he was doing the night she finally spoke to him. He was sitting in the back of the railcar smoking a hastily rolled joint. He knew was taking a chance smoking on the train but, he needed it. So he settled into his seat, closed his eyes and breathed the thick, white smoke in deep. She boarded the train with her friends at their regular stop. They were loud—as usual—and he found himself slightly irritated with their presence until he saw her slip through the doors. He drew himself up straight when the group chose seats closer to him than usual. He focused in on her. He imagined himself kissing it.

He noted the black, feathery shadow of her lashes against her cheeks. The fullness of her upper lip and then…she looked at him.

Category: The Undoing of Langston Black

She looked right at him. Brown eyes met brown eyes and his heart stopped. He, of course, looked away. During a lull in their conversation, she separated herself from the throng and walked directly over to him.

He watched her take a long, slow drag, pausing for a moment to spit out a seed. Langston cursed himself for not rolling it tighter. When she passed it back to him and he took another toke, Langston reveled in the fact that just moments before her lips had touched the same place. We meet Langston in the interrogation room of a Philadelphia Police Station.

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Handcuffed to a table. Charged with a serious crime. All because of a beautiful girl named Sonrisa.

Sonrisa whose name means smile, though she rarely ever does. Sonrisa, a girl who would be his undoing. Sonrisa is one of those characters I love, brave and bold but also delicate and flawed.

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  • {Review} The Undoing of Langston Black by Tasha L. Harrison - The Sweet Escape?

Sonrisa probably had no way of knowing what he had endured in the past for his mother, but she must have also known that Langston loved her and would give his life to protect her. I could stand a much longer version of this sort of noir tale.

The Undoing of Langston Black - Tasha L. Harrison - Google Книги

He sees her pretty eyes close slowly. He feels her give in. She was everything he ever wanted. Everything he ever imagined. He still doesn't know how it went so wrong" We meet Langston in the interrogation room of a Philadelphia P "When Langston thinks of it now, it's hard to seperate the truth from the lies. He still doesn't know how it went so wrong" We meet Langston in the interrogation room of a Philadelphia Police Station.

Handcuffed to a table. Charged with a serious crime.

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All because of a beautiful girl named Sonrisa. Sonrisa whose name means smile, though she rarely ever does. Sonrisa, a girl whou would be his undoing. Nook , 0 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Undoing of Langston Black , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Undoing of Langston Black. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. So, disclaimer, this is noir. This novella was impressive for its layered characters in such a short time; It is my first Tasha L.

The story is cleverly told, with flashbacks fr So, disclaimer, this is noir. And yes, I said interrogation. There were some editing issues. What if your love was doomed prior to the first kiss? What if you knew that? Feb 15, Lisa Tetting rated it really liked it. What would you do for love? Would you take a murder rap? Well, Langston Black finds out how far he would go for the love of his life. He falls for her hard; love at first sight.

They start seeing each other, but Sonrisa is keeping a big secret, a couple of big secrets. So big that they can't be together. Being apart doesn't make the love go away, and when she needs his help to get out of a serious situation, he shows up for her in a big way. This was a quick, easy read. It was my first b What would you do for love?