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Washing Up in Malta is about travel, coming of age, mothers and daughters. The lives of two women, Jessica and Grace, unfold across a century of change.
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It's 'raining fish' in Malta after storm brings high waves

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Revealed: illegal tuna fishing rife around Malta’s ‘farms’

A fisherman said that some fishermen have been getting recreational fishing licences as cover for fishing for stray tuna. A senior source in the recreational fishing community could not corroborate this information. Dozens of fishermen fish for a range of species at the reef; these include octopus, mackerel, bogue, and dolphin fish. It is not known whether these fishermen, or what proportion of them, hook stray tuna.

Coexistence between the tuna farms and the fishermen soured several months ago when the tuna farms began telling fishermen to move away from tuna cages. The reason given was that there had been theft, or attempted theft, of tuna from the floating pens. At the same time, in answer to queries, the police told The Shift that they had received three reports of thefts of tuna this year, all of them made by tuna farms at Is-Sikka Tan-Nofs.

Sheep shearers washing up on a ranch near Malta, Phillips Co. | Milwaukee Public Museum

Fishermen said that catching tuna with hooks from within the cages would be a strenuous operation involving several individuals and taking some time, particularly in the dark. They were sceptical of such claims by the farms.

  • Revealed: illegal tuna fishing rife around Malta’s 'farms' - The Shift News.
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Two of the three farms have in recent weeks stopped asking fishermen to maintain distance from the cages, but one of the farms — Malta Fish Farming — has kept a perimeter around the cages by ropes placed several months ago. An email sent to the director of Malta Fish Farming Giovanni Ellul — in which he was asked why ropes had been placed around the cages, whether that was legal and whether it had anything to do with thefts — remained unanswered.

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