Manual The Snow Angel

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A picture-book edition of Glenn Beck's tale of family, resilience, and love across distance, following in the footsteps of his #1 New York Times bestselling The.
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This is a gem of a book - it's not your typical happy holiday novel. It deals with real-life issues, scabs, scars and hurting wounds. I got caught up in Beck's Christmas Sweater last year and was hoping this read would be as good or even better - I was not disappointed. Oct 01, Susan rated it really liked it. A beautifully written novel about love, heartbreak and the decisions we make. This novel is narrated by two people Mitch and Rachael.

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Mitch has Alzheimer's for him every day is a struggle to remember who he is and the ones he loves. Rachael was abused by her alcoholic mother while her dad did nothing.

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Now she finds herself in an abusive marriage and trying to keep it all together for her daughter. This novel puts you in the shoes of both Mitch and Rachael and why they made the decisions that they A beautifully written novel about love, heartbreak and the decisions we make.

This novel puts you in the shoes of both Mitch and Rachael and why they made the decisions that they did. Oct 28, Marie rated it it was amazing Shelves: novels , real-life.

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I read this book in one sitting, it is an uplifting story about how to stop to cycle of abuse. Having been in an abusive relationship I can relate to hearing that your ugly, worthless and never good enough. It's wonderful to see Rachel realize that these things are not true and it's helpful to see those realizations in my own life. Definitely a book that everyone should read. I read this book today while looking around at big lots. It was a cute story about a brother and sister who missed seeing their parents, tired of eating mac and cheese every night and wanted to spend family time with them.

I loved the artwork in this children's book as well. A very good read. Definitely check it out. View all 6 comments. Dec 04, Nolan rated it liked it Shelves: nls-audio. Rachel Clark grew up with a dad who loved his wife despite some serious flaws and behaviors. The little girl was anything but pretty according to Mom. Naturally, Mom was lying, but young Rachel heard only what she heard.

Snow Angels

His work consumed his life and energy so much that he had neither the strength nor the will to combat the abuse his wife Rachel Clark grew up with a dad who loved his wife despite some serious flaws and behaviors. His work consumed his life and energy so much that he had neither the strength nor the will to combat the abuse his wife nonchalantly doled out on young Rachel.

There was one winter night when little Rachel Clark got to make snow angels with her dad.

How to Unlock the Snow Angel Skin

So perfect were the snow angels that Dad would carefully lift her up off the snow when one was completed so there would be no footprints near it. That one crystalline night, Rachel and Mitch crafted a veritable heavenly host of snow angels. A few days after the funeral, she is walking near her home when an elderly man calls out to her. Max Wever operates a local tailor shop with his wife, Elena. Max offers teenaged Rachel a job, and she becomes a skilled seamstress in her own right. Rachel met football star Cyrus Price at a school dance.

He flattered her—told her she was beautiful and talented. No boy had ever done that. The two marry, and Lily is a mirror image of her mother when her mom was little. Cyrus Clark is clever enough to keep the abuse away from his daughter, and Rachel is willing to do whatever is necessary to stand between his physical and verbal abuse and the little girl. This is a horrifying story of bruised faces, a broken wrist, and an insidious grinding down of a once-effervescent woman into an almost-drudge automaton who would be the glamorous wife in public and the punching bag back at the house.

When Cyrus leaves town for a week, Rachel gets an opportunity to be reunited with Max who had employed her years earlier. But what of Mitch Clark? He, too, yearns for truth to be revealed. The final scenes of this book are memorable indeed. But nor is there an unrealistic happy ending. There is much here that speaks to second chances and the ability to discover new horizons and reach for new and clearer vistas. It is, in short, a Christmas story in so many ways. Glenn Beck comes by whatever expertise is reflected in this story honestly.

His alcoholic mother took her life when Glenn was young, and for a significant part of his life, he, too, was an alcoholic. Today, he worries out loud frequently about finding the balance between his work life and raising his adopted adolescent son. Dec 13, Don rated it really liked it. I must admit that I thought long and hard before reading this book. This one, however, is powerful indeed.

It's far from a typical holiday story; it deals with abuse in an extremely realistic manner. What I love about the book is that, without ever sugar coating the subject or denying the horrible impact it has on many lives, Beck tells a story which shows the amazing power of the human spirit and of our I must admit that I thought long and hard before reading this book.

What I love about the book is that, without ever sugar coating the subject or denying the horrible impact it has on many lives, Beck tells a story which shows the amazing power of the human spirit and of our connections with each other. Feb 16, Donna Mork rated it really liked it. Little boy and girl are tired of their parents being gone to work all the time. Then grandma tells them a story about when she was young and her father went off to war.

She made him a snow angel and the love was stored in their hearts.

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They decide to do the same for mom and dad, but with paper since there was no snow. Dec 31, Andrew rated it really liked it Shelves: realistic-fiction. I picked this book up a few weeks ago at the Scholastic Warehouse sale.

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  • Yes, this is a book by conservative political commentator Glenn Beck. The book has nothing to do with politics, and there is not one political statement in the whole book. To be real honest, I don't care what your politics are, this is a book anybody could get something from. It is a very touching story! The book is told in the first-person by the I picked this book up a few weeks ago at the Scholastic Warehouse sale. The book is told in the first-person by the main character, Rachel.

    She was raised in an abusive home with an alcoholic mother. Her father didn't really do much to stop the abuse and just stood by as it happened. Her mother was more psychologically abusive then physical, but it was the psychological abuse that formed the foundation for Rachel's later mistakes. Rachel's mother died in a car crash while she was young, and she was raised by her father, Mitch.

    How Do You Make a Snow Angel? Everyone Loves This Flapping Kid Who Does Not Understand

    Mitch wasn't a good father, he just did not have the skills to help her daughter, doing the best with what he had. Rachel grows up and continues the cycle of abuse by marrying, Cyrus. Twelve years have passed since Rachel was married. She has completely lost touch with her father, partly because of the relationship, and partly because of Cyrus.

    Mitch is suffering from Alzheimer's and is in a home. It is interesting how his story is included in the book. It is told in the third person and appears about every other chapter.

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    • Mitch's story collides with Rachel's narrative toward the end of the book. Shortly after her marriage to Cyrus, Rachel lost touch with Max Wever, a local tailor who served as a mentor after Rachel lost her mother as a child. Cyrus told her that she was never to see him again. Rachel decides after years of being prevented from seeing Max that she no longer is going to follow the orders of her husband and secretly starts going to see him at his shop. As the story develops we see Rachel slowly develop the courage to leave Cyrus aided by the support of her friend Max, her daughter Lily, and her friend Sarah.

      Beck really gets this element of the story right.

      Snow angel - Wikipedia

      People that are abused often try to rationalize and create excuses to stay in the situation they are in. You see Rachel do this even after Cyrus breaks her wrist. You really feel the tension that Rachel experiences in the book. She believes that the life of freedom she doesn't know is more risky than the life she does know.