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Ten Tales to Burn Your Loins Volume 1: Ten Erotica Stories - Kindle edition by Hot File Size: KB; Print Length: 76 pages; Publication Date: November 18​.
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Published June 19, Stephen R. Bissette Latest book: Horrors! Published September 14, Sylvia G. Walker Latest book: Blackout. Published April 6, Follow them on Twitter: sylviagwalker. Tess Mackenzie Latest book: Naughty or Nice. Follow them on Twitter: TessTheWriter. Published September 10, Follow them on Twitter: tomcovenent.

Published February 23, Follow them on Twitter: walkerlongstory. Smashwords book reviews by Aussiescribbler. While a longer story with a slower build-up and more character development might have made it a true classic, still it is supremely arousing and definitely a must read for all fans of playful romantic erotica. The great strength of her writing is simplicity and directness. She takes you straight into the experiences and thoughts of her characters with very little time spent on setting scenes or giving detailed descriptions.

Best dirty books - Erotic books to read

Never-the-less she conjures up deliciously erotic images and sensations with great economy. Her best stories, which include Naked Housekeeping, Naked Slumber Party and Naked Robot, are incredibly sexy because of the way they convey the excitement of a character caught up in a unfamiliar erotic adventure which opens up previously unforeseen possibilities. While the stories may vary in their eroticism, all are interesting in some way, with the science fiction and vampire stories consisting of brief incidents which manage to sketch out a larger context in just a few details and imaginatively explore such issues as post-Apocalyptic sexual politics and interspecies sexual encounters in outer space.

Many of these stories have been made available previously in smaller collections, but this is the best way to get plenty of Kendall Swan bang for your buck. It is also appallingly tasteless.

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I loved it. Bedtime Stories Vol. At times it gets very tasteless, but in a fairytale context this doesn't seem offensive. And it has a wonderfully erotic exuberance. But, at the risk of giving a spoiler, Zaria's stories always lead to happy endings for both the main characters and the reader. Blink on Oct. What you need to know on Oct. It should be in the Christianity section as it comes from a very specific religious perspective and consists largely of quotes from the Bible.

Secondly, it is sometimes unintentionally hilarious is its extremism and irrationality. Thirdly, it gives a description of what the life of a masturbator is like which I find hard to relate to as a masturbator myself. Maybe masturbation is practised differently in Nigeria, but I've never bruised my penis. I'm far to fond of it. Some choice passages : "If the mid-stage is not controlled or stopped, the individual progresses to the late stage i.

At this stage, it is an addiction and it will take great self-control not to do it in public in the full glare of everybody. These two involves sic body stimulation thus, masturbation is a precursor to homosexuality or as a friend of mine rightly described it, "homosexuality is masturbation full blown.

Oduwaiye asks himself the question "Where did masturbation begin? Since other primates also masturbate it stands to reason that our pre-human ancestors did too, and thus that it has been with us since our beginning as a species. The real question should probably be "When did we become afraid of sexuality and feel the need to control our sexual behaviour?

Sexuality can be an anarchic force. It threatens any society founded upon its repression. And those who are in positions of power - particularly the law-makers and moralisers - are generally those who are most repressed least in touch with their genuine loving self and these are the men who wrote the Old Testament and said that homosexuality was "an abomination" etc. Paul was also such a man, clearly obsessed with sex and the threat he felt that it posed. Jesus was not like those men.

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He appears to have not been obsessed by sex like they were. He talked a little about lustful thoughts being equivalent to adultery, but this seems to have been merely advice against hypocrisy. Which of us doesn't at some time want to have sex with a person married to someone else? Thus we shouldn't judge those who do. That seems to me to have been the point. But Jesus appears to have been a healthy, non-repressed, non-neurotic individual.

For all we know he may have had the occasional wank himself. If someone feels shame about masturbation then that will cause a problem for them. But such shame is not evidence that masturbation is offensive to God. Our conscience is a learned part of our ego, it is an internalised code of expectations we have about ourselves which we pick up from our parents and other members of society.

Thus, what someone feels guilty about varies from culture to culture.

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A Catholic might feel guilty about being a homosexual, but in ancient Greece sex between men in the army was the norm and not at all a source of shame. What makes the kind of ideas put forward in this book a problem is that battling against a natural urge to do something which doesn't harm others and which, research supports, is both physically and psychologically good for us, can make us self-obsessed. When we are struggling with ourselves we become unavailable to others, we are less loving.

If we have a wank when we feel like it the desire is satiated and we can forget it and get on with our lives. If we are religious we can more easily do God's work. But if we try to suppress this natural urge we are liable to become a slave not to masturbation but to the battle against it. We might even be so obsessed that we end up writing a book about it. My short story on Oct. It's not a short story, but a sentence.

Why not just post it on a reader profile? And I'm not sure I understand the significance of the word "moneymaster" on the cover.

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If God is sufficient, where does money come in to it? Perhaps it is meant to be ironic. There is also sloppy thinking. I'm not sure where the author got the idea that Jesus said "Pan is dead! I've done a Google search and found the statement only attributed to Plutarch. The author adopts the same narrow-minded view of Jesus and of God that is common in the established churches and then knocks these paper tigers down as if they were the real thing.

And also implies, just like the churches, that a universe without god is a universe in which there is "no point to life, no point to good behaviour". Here again he shares their folly. The fact that an insecure patriarchal society projected onto their perception of the creative principle of the universe a face like their own, that of an intolerant, controlling man, does not mean that that creative principle does not exist.

Nothing is truly random because everything which occurs is part of an interactive net of cause and effect. Through this process energy unfolded eventually into intelligent life. This would not have happened by a series of unrelated accidents equivalent to the throwing of dice. But this is a blind process with no inherent sense of justice, so people who behave well towards their fellows will still perhaps die a painful death and kind people have died in concentration camps.

See a Problem?

There is no God who can protect an individual against a sickness in the system. But love is the creative principle at work in human society. Without at least a modicum of love, society would collapse into chaos and the human race would come to an end. Though Jesus used the term "God", which had been misused by those who came before him, what he was talking about was love and impediments to love. He used the term "sin". In this scientific age it would be more correct to use the term "neurosis". He recognised that our intolerance towards our own imperfections was what made us intolerant of others and also selfish.

So he put forward a philosophy of mutual forgiveness. God can't magically solve our problems, problems like cancer, war, poverty, etc. But we can solve those problems if we cooperate with each other. And the more we love the more we cooperate. The author also talks disparagingly about the belief of some that Jesus will return.

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Like these people he makes the mistake of the superficial in thinking that Jesus' promise was that of a physical return of himself as an individual. He gave voice to the creative principle that was at work within him, just as it is at work in the depths of the subconscious of us all, and what he meant was that there would come a time when his vision of the transforming power of love would return with a vengeance.

I think this will happen, and that the angry conflict taking place between the atheists and the churches are the death throws of two dinosaurs - those of mechanistic nihilism and supernaturalism. This is the sort of book you won't be able to resist reading out passages of to your friends. No matter what your taste in humour, from gross out to pop culture references to puns, Nardone incorporates it in these examples of an ingenious literary prank.

The Origin of the Universe on Oct.