Manual Sixes and Sevens [with Biographical Introduction]

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Table of contents

In a state of.

Robert Plant - Sixes and Sevens

She is at sixes and sevens with him. They are at loggerheads over how best to tackle the fiscal cliff.

  • Memories of the Ford Administration (Penguin Modern Classics).
  • Greensboro Library, NC.
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The city was at the mercy of the occupying forces. Ireland, stressed pronunciation bothering, irritating, causing discomfort to. Usage notes He threw the ball to me — so I could catch it. He threw the ball at me — trying to hit me with it.

Tommy, the Unsentimental | Willa Cather Archive

He talked to her — conversationally. He shouted at her — aggressively. Noun plural ats the symbol. Pronoun Contraction of that. Country code top-level domains Active:.


English Wiktionary. The fastest PC in Home Dictionary Definitions at. Sentence Examples. Correct Grammar Usage of At.

at sixes and sevens pt 1: when it rains, it pours

In February he was indicted for embezzlement of bank funds. Friends aided his flight to Honduras. When convicted, Porter received the lightest sentence possible, and in he entered the penitentiary at Columbus , Ohio; his sentence was shortened to three years and three months for good behaviour. As night druggist in the prison hospital, he could write to earn money for support of his daughter Margaret. His stories of adventure in the southwest U. Porter had become O.

Works about Greeley, Horace

In O. His first book, Cabbages and Kings , depicted fantastic characters against exotic Honduran backgrounds. Both The Four Million and The Trimmed Lamp explored the lives of the multitude of New York in their daily routines and searchings for romance and adventure. Heart of the West presented accurate and fascinating tales of the Texas range.

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Despite his popularity, O. A second marriage in was unhappy. After his death three more collected volumes appeared: Sixes and Sevens , Rolling Stones , and Waifs and Strays If things had stayed that way the origin of the phrase would be fairly cut and dried and there would be little more to say. As we know though, it is now given as 'at sixes and sevens', having mutated via 'at six and seven', and the current meaning refers to a state of confusion, disorder or disagreement, not one of risk.

There's no question of these different versions arising independently; the movement from one to another was gradual and they overlap each other in time.

  • Heritage Press Archives | Chicago Public Library.
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  • At dictionary definition | at defined.
  • GENERAL - Sixes and Sevens - Paper Plus.

The first appearance in print of 'at six and seven' is in and the last citation of 'on six and seven' in The first appearance of 'at sixes and sevens' was in , in Leti's Il cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa , translated or, as the subtitle of the work helpfully notes, 'faithfully Englished' by G. There are two other stories that contend for the honour of being the source of this phrase or one of the versions of it at least.

One is the biblical text - Job King James Version :.