Manual Phillip’s Loose Tooth: Based on a True Real Life Story, Written by a 5 year old

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Unfortunately, with one exception, their stories don't have anything to do with each other, so you are essentially reading standalone stories that all just happen to take place in the same town. Also, none of the characters are likable or memorable. Most of them are narrow-minded, prejudiced, and quick to judge others.

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When faced with choices, they inevitability make the wrong ones and end up with the wrong men. But instead of learning from their mistakes, they choose to suffer, as if suffering itself was a noble cause. Then, once having chosen that, they look down their noses at others trying have a little joy in their life.

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It's an odd culture that permeates this town and this book. I almost abandoned this book many times, but I thought it would get better if I toughed on. The only parts of the book I found interesting are the ones related to the crime itself, which are just the beginning and the end. The rest was a meandering journey through unlikable characters making the worst of circumstances and feeling bad for themselves.

I'm sorry to say that this isn't for me. View all 25 comments. Jaime Agreed! Great beginning and then felt lost Jan 02, PM. Yun Jaime wrote: "Agreed! Great beginning and then felt lost" Yes, so much lost potential. It's too bad you didn't like it either! Jan 02, PM. Two you g girls go missing. Each succeeding chapter covers a month since they are gone. Each chapter also introduces new characters, whose life has been marginally impacted by this tragedy.

The problem is not only that I was bored, which I was, but that I wasn't taken by any of these characters, just didn't care about them. A pristine paradise for those who 4. A pristine paradise for those who love being surrounded by nature, it is also a place with regions that continue to remain mostly hidden, unspoiled, from the world. A place where people, or bodies, might remain hidden. It is here that two young girls, sisters, go missing. Through the eyes of the people of this town, the police, friends and neighbors, we learn a little about this town, about the people of this town, as well as their views on what they believe happened to Alyona and Sophia.

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For a while, the news holds their attention, and then life goes on. In a style that is somewhat similar to Reservoir 13, this story unfolds through the eyes and thoughts of the people who live there. Very, very slowly. A stunning debut novel. Many thanks, once again, to the Public Library system, and the many Librarians that manage, organize and keep it running, for the loan of this book!

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Both novels start almost the same way, only in Julia Phillips' book two girls, sisters Alyona and Sofia, went missing. And at both titles initial situation is merely a ground for subsequent events. Both authors focused not on the mysterious disappearing, though we never lose it from sight, but took this as an opportunity to weave stories of place and people. In my estimation McGregor is more detailed and pays a lot more attention to changing seasons, weather, descriptions of nature world, clouds and colours of the sky and even the tiniest symptom of every day life.

In his novel we witness several years after the girl's, her name is Becky, missing. Julie Phillips in her novel took only one year to introduce her protagonists and events, primarily from woman's point of view. You could read the novel as a collection of short stories as well. One month and one tale.

Journalists who uncritically accepted Nathan Phillips' story got this completely wrong.

Of lost illusions, unrealized chances, disappointment. Disappearing earth. Vanishing girls. Dying tradition. Broken ties. Past history. The author managed jam in her novel quite a number of issues: racist attacs on economic immigrants, homophobic actions especially visible in smaller cities, disregard for ethnic minorities, she does give us a lot details on tribes living on the far north, their culture and life that goes unchangingly for years, but her main focus is on a small group of people, maybe not directly connected to missing girls, apart from their mother obviously, but in a way participating in searchings.

The woman who allegedly saw a potential abductor, policeman conducting an investigation, school teacher, member of rescue team, mother of the other girl that vanished some years back to mention only few of them. Each family has own painful story that beggs to be told and all of them create mosaic of different fates. Youngsters feel attracted to big cities, the old seem to still mourn for bygone times under USSR leadership while autochtons are less at home than Russian citizens what one may see in approach to the investigation.

The novel seems pretty much embedded in post Soviet reality, reality when the Soviet union collapsed and what emerged afterwards not entirely met expectations of many its inhabitants. Bleakness and overwhelming sense of failure, lack of security or loss of integrity and unity are the feelings protagonists of Disappearing Earth experience on daily basis.

It's set on the Kamchatka Peninsula, I enjoyed description of Petropavlovsk, the main city of the region, miserable and prospectless, though if not evocation of tundra, volcanos and geysers further on the north it could be almost every other city lost in economical and structural transformation. View all 10 comments. Aug 10, Jenna rated it really liked it Shelves: fiction , mystery. After cataloging it for my library, I left it sitting on my desk for a couple of hours just to admire the cover when my eyes needed a break from the computer. The colours are exquisite! I had to read the book, just because I fell in love with the cover.

Thankfully I didn't waste my time on a book I hated. It paid to judge this book by its cover! Set on a remote peninsula in Russia, the book opens with a chapter on two young The reason I added this book to my TBR list is because I love the cover. Set on a remote peninsula in Russia, the book opens with a chapter on two young girls, sisters. They are spending the day at the lake when a strange man injures his ankle and asks for their assistance getting back to his car. Yeh, you guessed it Instead of focusing on the police investigation, each chapter is concerns a different person, in consecutive months following the abduction.

It details each woman's specific life, what is going on in it and how the abduction touches upon her life personally. The book is gorgeously written, with believable and well-developed characters. Normally I don't like books that have several POVs but it works for this novel. It works very well. Instead of finding myself disoriented with so many main characters, I felt like I got to know each of these women personally. I came to care about each one. I did get annoyed a few times when the book focused on some of their relationships with men.

I get tired of reading about straight relationships -- no offense to straight people, it just gets to be a bit much when most novels are mainly about straight people, and I can't relate to woman-man relationships. For that reason alone, with my interest waning during those parts, I'm giving this 4 stars instead of 5 and want to point this out because it's not a problem most people will have with this book.

It is extremely well-written and grabbed my attention in the very first chapter - on the very first page! And of course -- that cover!! View all 24 comments. May 19, Tatiana marked it as dnf Shelves: May I suggest Ludmila Petrushevskaya for example? Herring again? Goodness, why?

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View all 5 comments. Sep 10, Lisa rated it really liked it. Disappearing Earth transported me to a world that I barely knew existed, the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. The setting, like the painting on the cover, is vivid and memorable. The book is a series of snapshots of women loosely linked by geography, one for each month of the year after the disappearance of two young girls.

I loved learning about life in Petropavlovsk and the Peninsula and flipped back and forth to the map constantly. The blurb on my book calls it propulsive and suspenseful which Disappearing Earth transported me to a world that I barely knew existed, the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. The blurb on my book calls it propulsive and suspenseful which is quite misleading. This is a slow moving book and feels much longer than pages.

It is not a thriller or a page turner. No matter - this wonderful book reminds me why I read. View all 13 comments. Oct 12, Victoria rated it it was ok.