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His intense love of liberty was inflamed by a tincture of religious enthusiasm: he a giant that with the thunder of his eloquence might have shaken Olympus. kind of seduction, unchanged, and unchangeable; he seemed then a Cato. o “​Of countries vast the ruler sole-supreme, The best of kings, in war supremely brave!
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To nobody's surprise, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite were the three finalists for the golden apple of Eris, and they asked Zeus to make the ultimate selection, but wise Zeus wanted nothing to do with the final decision Athena's my favorite child, and she sure is beautiful, so I'd be tempted to award her the apple.

But then there's Aphrodite, and wouldn't you know it, she's wearing that darn golden girdle again! What a babe! Oh my What's a god to do? So Zeus assigned the volatile task to a noble young prince from Troy named Paris, who was reputed to be an excellent judge of beauty.

Bob Barker wasn't available, I guess. Not willing to chance defeat, Aphrodite bribed Paris by promising him the hand of gorgeous Helen, never mind that at the time Helen was married to Menelaus, King of Sparta The goddess of love's bribe worked, for Paris was stuck on Helen, who was said to be the most beautiful mortal alive One day I caught a glimpse of Helen as she proudly stood on the walls of Troy, taunting and challenging the enraged Greeks to come and get her Yes, she was a doll, but man was she ever full of herself.

Thousand ships, and all that So Aphrodite got the golden apple of aunt Eris, Paris got the gorgeous Helen, and the ancient world got the Trojan War. The rest is history, the subject of many heroic and marvelous myths. Since I was there, I'll be able to give you an accurate feel for the subject when it comes time to talk of Troy. I wonder if they invited good old aunty Discord to the next wedding. Aphrodite also proved instrumental in determining the outcome of the Argonauts' quest for the Golden Fleece.

At the request of Hera she made princess Medea fall in love with the hero Jason he was such a jock! More on that and the Trojan War another time. Aphrodite's love affair with handsome Adonis was fabled.

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  3. A Brother is a Friend - Bilingual Version (English-Arabic) (Hamzat Wasl Book 1).

Adonis was born when King Cinyras bragged that his daughter Smyrna we used to call her Myrrha was more beautiful than my cousin Aphrodite. To punish him, Aphrodite made the king insane and caused him to lie with his daughter. When he regained his sanity and realized what he had done, King Cinyras tried to kill Smyrna.

Now there's a sane thing to do But hang on. Vile rumours circulated around Olympus that Smyrna herself was infatuated with her father, and that with her nanny's assistance they made him drunk and Smyrna had seduced him. Grandpa Hesiod, uncle Homer and the rest of the gang always quarreled over who was to blame.

I well remember their animated debates down at Thanasi's Olympus Greek Restaurant , lasting till Eos Dawn showed up to spoil their party, or until the Apelia red wine finally ran out and Orpheus' lyre was stilled To save her, cousin Aphrodite turned Smyrna into a myrrh tree. Not to be denied, the king sliced this tree in half, and Adonis emerged from the split. Aphrodite was so moved by his beauty that she concealed the baby boy in a chest and entrusted him to my third cousin Persephone, who was queen of Hades, the Underworld.

Bad move, in hindsight.

Adonis grew to be quite the hunk Hellenic People magazine named him Most Desired Bachelor for 16 straight years , and eventually my cousins Aphrodite and Persephone came to fight over his affections. You see, Persephone was also enamoured by Adonis' beauty, and refused to give him back. I remember Hermes, the messenger god, discreetly showing me the following curt message from Persephone to Aphrodite regarding Adonis:.

Surely there are enough gods and mortals on the upper levels to satisfy even a notorious hussy like you. Me, I'm surrounded by a bunch of stiffs! Besides, I raised my Adonis since he was a baby, remember how you just dumped the poor little darling on my lap one day, so you'd have to be a complete airhead to think that any Olympian court would find for you.

I've already hired Themis to handle the case. If you think you're getting your filthy hands on my Adonis, you can go to Hades!

I swore to Hermes that I wouldn't tell anyone that he showed me the memo, for at least a couple of thousand years. You can lose your job, you know. That's private mail. Zeus sent the muse Calliope to decide the issue. Calliope ruled that each woman would have access to Adonis for one third of each year, and the remaining third would be Adonis' to spend alone Giving poor, exhausted Adonis time to recover, I suppose, but he chose to spend his own third with Aphrodite.

Must have been that golden girdle Calliope's custody ruling made jealous the god of war Ares, Aphrodite's jilted ex-lover. Ares turned himself into a giant boar and killed Adonis. Shame on him. What a jerk!

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Even when I was a child, Ares was - and still is - the least favourite of all my Olympian relatives. I have tried hard to like the god of war, and I have failed miserably. He was such a brute! I can't wait to shred him to bits when his turn comes After Adonis' murder, cousin Aphrodite became enraged, since he was now spending the entire year with Persephone in the underworld. She beseeched Zeus, who ruled that Adonis' year would now be split in half; one part would be spent in the underworld, the other among the Olympians.

I've often wondered if anyone bothered asking Adonis what he wanted. Not that he had much reason to complain, mind you, but sometimes it's hard being a sex symbol. Sure, it's nice being built like a Greek god, but do you get any respect? I often wanted to ask him how he felt, but he was always so darn tired, what with the hunting and all. Aphrodite lived in constant fear of losing her Adonis, and had repeatedly warned him to stick to safer game when hunting.

48 Best Olympus has fallen images | Greek gods, Gods, goddesses, Greek mythology

And keep your darn dogs out of my temple until they become domesticated! Sadly one day she wasn't with him and he tracked down a mighty boar boars always got a bad rap in Greek mythology, for some ungodly reason. For hours he pursued the terrifying behemoth throughout the forests, reveling in the intense pleasure of the hunt. Eventually he brought the exhausted beast to bay with his hunting dogs and hurled his spear at it, but only wounded the animal.

Before Adonis could spring away, the boar mad with pain rushed at him and gored him with its great tusks. High over the earth in her winged chariot, Aphrodite heard her lover's groans and flew to him. She kissed and cried to him as life softly left him, dark blood flowing down his skin of snow and his eyes growing heavy and dim. She sprinkled nectar on the drops of blood as it painted the earth deep crimson. And for the first time the goddess of love, who indiscriminately pierces the hearts of gods and men alike, knew how it felt to be herself wounded in the heart, a wound worse than even his But I myself must live who am a goddess And may not follow you.

Kiss me once again, the last, long kiss, Until I draw your soul within my lips And drink down all your love. The mountains all were calling and the oak tree answering, Oh, woe, woe for Adonis.

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He is dead. And Echo cried in answer, Oh, woe, woe for Adonis. And all the Loves wept for him, and all the Muses too. A crimson flower sprang up where each drop of his blood had stained the earth. Every year the Greek maidens mourned for him and every spring they rejoiced when his flower, the blood-red anemone, the windflower, was seen blooming again.

What a pleasure it was just being with them. They are usually considered the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, or Dionysus and Aphrodite, leading to more late night Apelia wine debates down at Thanasi's. Either way, you can bet my cousin Aphrodite and her retinue turned a few heads when they entered the room! Aphrodite's partner in crime was her darling son Eros Love, Cupid , a very wicked and mischievous boy some say, lacking all manners. The brat spent his time in running all night from building to building, and with his love arrows breaking up respectable homes. Nobody was immune to his capricious nature, not even Zeus, in whom Eros often inspired sexual desires.

And how! Some versions of Eros give him a primordial origin, a contemporary of Chaos, in existence long before Cronus and Zeus. God Eros came out of the egg which formed the earth and sky when it broke in two, wouldn't you know. Bad news. The embraces of Heaven and Earth were too tight, and none of the children could rise towards the light until Cronus castrated his father.

Stop me if you know the rest Aphrodite's festival was the Aphrodisiac which was celebrated in various centers of Greece and especially in Athens and Corinth, the city that adopted her as their patroness. Newly-found manuscripts, unearthed when in the name of progress the City of Corinth tore down some useless ancient ruins to build a fast-food restaurant, records the minutes of the Corinthian city council meeting passing that resolution:. Every year we will hold a month-long festival worshipping and honoring all that our Patron stands for. We asked both gods to appear here today to state their case, and we are delighted that Aphrodite was able to make it.

Hermes just delivered word that Hephaestus is still on his way, says he can only walk so fast. By the way, nice girdle, your majesty. Can you say "mismatch"? Does "blowout" ring any bells? It wasn't a pretty sight, poor Hephaestus had no chance. I can vouch to the authenticity of the Corinthian transcripts, I was there in disguise at her request, and I cast a vote for my cousin.

Not that she needed it, but you know Aphro, she always covers her butt, in a manner of speaking. Speaking of which, Aphrodite asked me to make it clear that her priestesses were not prostitutes but women who represented the goddess, and sexual intercourse with them was considered just one of the methods of worship.