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There's no single trait that makes someone a great leader. It is a collection of refined attributes. To find out more about the secret to leadership.
Table of contents

  • Wolfmated: An Erotic Tale.
  • The Leadership 'Secret' That Smart Leaders Have Known for a Century!
  • Jack London at Yale.
  • Smile.
  • 3 Leadership Secrets That Can Help Young Leaders Gain an Edge?
  • 10 Golden Secrets of Leadership And Success.
  • Five ways to resist the seductive allure of pointless technology!

Difficult or not, conflict resolution is, unfortunately, a necessary part of the leadership role. A poor leader will simply tell people what to do, but a good leader will guide. One of the most misunderstood areas of leadership is what the actual role stands for. Leading staff means to guide them, to inspire them and to encourage them towards achieving the common team goal. Those who go into leadership simply thinking they can bark orders and get the job done by ruling with an iron rod are not going to be that effective in the role.

There has to be mutual respect and that means you are in authority. You have to keep a healthy work distance. The most common time this becomes a problem is when a team member is promoted to team leader. If you are in the mix for a promotion of this kind, bear this point in mind, and know that there will be an adjustment period coming your way.

Three Secrets For Every Young Leader

I talked earlier about conflict resolution, and also about not being liked all the time, but how do you feel about giving bad news or making difficult decisions. For instance, if there are redundancies on the cards, you are likely to be part of the decision making process.

How do you feel about that?

When you become a leader, you need to be aware of the negative sides of the role, as well as the positives. You can be equally as an introvert, and still be a very positive and effective leader.

Five Leadership Secrets

There are many different types of personality out there, and every single one of us is unique in our one way. Of course not! Quiet people can be just as confident as outgoing people, they just show it in a different way. On the flip-side, outgoing, loud people still make great leaders, because they are able to command the attention of the room. It really depends on your personality, but it also depends on how you go about being a leader. If you are arrogant and refuse to listen, you will fail. If you are supportive, confident in your approach, always listen, and lead by example, you will succeed.

Top 20 Must-Have Qualities of a Great Leader – Secrets to Leadership

You have to understand and really know what leadership is, in order to be good at the job. Leadership is about leading, guiding, and inspiring. Those are fantastic accreditations to have to your name, and by being an effective and strong leader, you will certainly feel that fulfillment. These qualities include: Being a good listener. Being able to communicate well. Being good at solving conflicts and problems quickly.

Understanding people and what makes them tick. Hard working. From there, Alexander continued eastwards conquering large parts of south central Asia before heading to India. But it was here that Alexander's exhausted army refused to carry on, thus ending his eastern escapade. Modern lesson : Youth is no barrier to success. Be bold and learn to focus on your task, but don't let your ambition or ego cloud your judgment. Listen to the advice of those more experienced than yourself.

How To Be A Leader - Leadership Secrets Revealed!

But unlike Alexander the Great, Xenophon didn't command by the force of his personality, says Prevas, but sought to forge a consensus. He is elected by the soldiers to be one of the leaders based on his ability to articulate a course of action for them," Prevas said. Xenophon was a student of Socrates and didn't believe in democratic rule but he actually functioned as a democratic leader, Prevas says, leading a potentially unruly army of Greek mercenaries successfully out of Persia by occupying the middle ground.

Ancient quote : "In life a leader must resign himself to expect anything and never count on anyone but himself. Modern lesson : Tailor your message to your audience and be sensitive to the moods and opinions of the people you manage. Julius Caesar famously built the Roman Empire by conquest, but it was Augustus, his nephew and first Roman Emperor, who administered it and took it to its greatest heights, says Prevas. Augustus believed that the conquering achievements of Alexander the Great were actually easy when compared to the task of administering and building an empire, Prevas says.

Ancient quote : "That which has been done well enough has been done quickly enough. Modern lesson : Augustus said: "Make haste slowly.

Leadership secrets from the ancients -

But Cleopatra was also a woman of high intelligence, as evidenced by her grasp of several languages, says Sean Easton, assistant professor of classics at Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. She was a tenacious and resourceful leader who adopted a "hands-on" approach to power, consolidating her position through civil war with her brother and sister Ptolemy XIII and Arsinoe IV , he says.

Furthermore, Easton says, "she was a realist and wasn't afraid to gamble on bringing in a more powerful ally when that was what the situation called for," as shown by her personal and political courtship of Julius Caesar and Rome. Ancient quote : Easton says Cleopatra's attitude to power and life could be best summed up with the phrase, "Let it be done.