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10 After they had passed the first and second guards, they came to the iron Prayer is at the same time the greatest and most unused resource that Christians have. When David saw the Philistine giant, Goliath, he expressed his “God made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him.
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He begins as a righteous ruler, but power and wealth take their toll on his moral compass. One day from the height of his palace, he watches as Bathsheba, wife of Uriah, one of his loyal warriors, bathes on her rooftop. In lust he calls her to the palace and gets her pregnant. When he can't blame her pregnancy on her husband, he has her husband killed.

Now outwardly righteous, but inwardly corrupt, he is far from God. But God is not far from him. One day God sends Nathan the prophet who tells him the simple story of a poor man being cheated by a rich man out of the little ewe lamb that he loves. Enraged, David says, "The man deserves to die. Nathan lifts a bony finger, points directly at the corrupt King, says with an even voice, "You are that man," and pronounces the Lord's judgment upon him.

This shocks David out his denial and cover-up.

Preprayered for the New Year…and Beyond

The Lord punishes David for his sin, a Father's stern discipline you might call it, but he forgives the sin that had become a wedge between David and his God and restores him to fellowship. The Lord draws him close and David, now chastened, responds. We're going to analyze Psalm 51 together, verse by verse.

#20 - The Power of Praying the Scriptures

But to get the big picture, I encourage you to read the Psalm over and over out loud. Pray it to God. Memorize its most memorable lines.

How Do I Pray for Victory?

Make it your own. Here is my outline of Psalm David begins by calling out for mercy. Because he recognizes that God's revealed character is one of love and compassion. From the time of Moses, God has revealed himself as:. This self-revelation is not just a single occurrence. He is the God who disciplines his children but also forgives and restores them. Some people think the angry God of the Old Testament is vastly different from the loving Father of the New, but they are wrong. God shows his anger against sin in the Old Testament and the New, but is known above all for his mercy. In the mid-twentieth century many scholars saw the word as expressing loyalty within a covenant.

It also carries ideas of love, faithfulness, good-heartedness, kindness. The KJV translation of "lovingkindness" may be a pretty good translation after all. This is Spirit-inspired poetry, so in keeping with Hebrew poetic style of synoptic parallelism where two or more lines repeat the same idea, David makes his request with three synonyms for forgiveness and three synonyms for sin. Blot out transgressions Wash away iniquity Cleanse sin We'll look at some synonyms for sin in a moment.

But, first, I am fascinated by the synonyms for pardon. Here and in verse 9 the word seems to suggest "removing a stain.

It is used of moral purity as well as the ritual purity of the Levites and of holy vessels in the tabernacle. David asks God for a full pardon -- and cleansing of his character -- based on God's merciful nature. It is a bold and very hopeful prayer prayed by a desperately wounded sinner longing to be restored to fellowship with his God. Confessing and Acknowledging Sin David does not hide or minimize his sin.

He owns up to it fully before God. I won't belabor the words for sin, but David uses a number of synonyms, each with a slightly different flavor and connotation. This isn't time to get into a full discussion of the doctrine of original sin.

Perpetual Prayer (Ephesians 6:18a)

I don't think David is blaming his sinful human condition, that somehow he just can't help sinning because he is "only human. He is acknowledging the awfulness of his sin in the clearest possible way by using these various synonyms of sin that describe its convolutions of rebellion, twistedness, missing the way, and wickedness. As long as we try to excuse ourselves, to rationalize our sins to make them seem somewhat less guilt-worthy, we haven't confessed our sins to God in the way that is necessary.

We must own up to our sinful behavior, take full responsibility for it, call it what it actually is, and be sorry for offending God in this way. Then we are ready for grace, but not until. Does this mean that David's sin against Bathsheba and her husband Uriah were meaningless, inconsequential? No, not at all. But David recognizes that the greatest sin of all is against the Lord that he purports to love.

Top 20 Most Damning Bible Contradictions | Bob Seidensticker

When he sins, he is flaunting his rebellion in God's face. He is saying to God, who told him that murder and adultery were wrong, that he doesn't care. Yes, we can sin against people and need to make these sins right Matthew But our sin is even more against our heavenly Father. It is that breach that must be healed at all costs.

Now he begins to contrast his own sinfulness with what God desires. He looks within. Sinfulness is not primarily in one's actions, but in one's heart. It is this inner person who must be converted and cleansed and discipled. Our actions when we are not putting on an act for others flow from this inner person, from our heart of hearts. Jesus taught:. Christ is the parachute God freely offers. You have but to accept it and put it on. Your God drowned the entire world, women, children, babies and animals who were innocent of any crime all because he fucked up with his own creation as written in your bible.

He regretted his mistake and vowed to never do it again but failed to realize humans would always be, by nature, what he got all pissed about and wanted to drown.

  1. Scumm?
  2. Why Dont You Love Me.
  3. A Terrible Case of Beauty.
  4. The Bible: So Misunderstood It's a Sin?
  5. The Bible: So Misunderstood It's a Sin.

Some omniscient God, not. Why this threat of everlasting punishment? Why not just live a good life without all this believing bullshit? Explain how this Jesus character had to go through a crucifixion to save me, because a fictional Adam ate from the tree of knowledge because a talking snake told him to do so? What is love, Tommy? If you are the end result of random mutations and evolution then love is nothing more than chemical reactions on your brain. The quality of being just; fairness.

The principle of moral rightness; equity. Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness. Sending someone to everlasting punishment is neither fair nor equitable. Do you have a beloved friend or family member who is an atheist? Would you send them to everlasting punishment? Also, how much fun will heaven be knowing that all your atheist and Mormon friends are suffering for all eternity with no chance of redemption while you are basking in glory. Does it make you feel more special?

More chosen? While the party is happening in the mansion upstairs, the torture chamber is on down below and the archangel Michael is selling tickets so you, too, can watch your ex-loved ones be skinned alive, over and over and over again…! One of the key things that demonstrated for me the absurdity of all this is that we all, Christian and non-Christian alike, express horror at what the Nazis did to the Jews, and yet that will pale in comparison to what God is going to do them.

By whose standard, the standards of man or God? If Hitler would appear before you fur judgement, what would be a fair sentence?

The Bible Sometimes Makes Things…Complicated

We have sinned against the highest authority in the cosmos. Even our own system of justice recognizes the severity of crimes against authority.

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  • Punches the eternal, holy and good God that gave him life and sustains his every breath. There is literally and justly hell to pay. Hitler was a Christian. What punishment he deserves IMO and what punishment he would get under Christian theology are not within shouting distance of each other. Everlasting punishment for finite sins is neither fair nor equitable.

    Why or why not? Judges in democracies receive their power and authority through the people. Spirits, lunar deities and even minor war gods like Yahweh are typically not dependent on anything for their authority. So yeah, still in error.