Guide Emotions

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Sep 9, - For those of you Philadelphia sports fans who think that there are only two emotions (disgust and disappointment), a study just published in the.
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Eckman later added a number of other emotions to his list but suggested that unlike his original six emotions, not all of these could necessarily be encoded through facial expressions. Some of the emotions he later identified included:. As with many concepts in psychology, not all theorists agree on how to classify emotions or what the basic emotions actually are. While Eckman's theory is one of the best known, other theorists have proposed their own ideas about what emotions make up the core of the human experience.

For example, some researchers have suggested that there are only two or three basic emotions.

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Others have suggested that emotions exist in something of a hierarchy. Primary emotions such as love, joy, surprise, anger, and sadness can then be further broken down into secondary emotions. Love , for example, consists of secondary emotions such as affection and longing. These secondary emotions might then be broken down still further into what are known as tertiary emotions. The secondary emotion of affection includes tertiary emotions such as liking, caring, compassion, and tenderness.

A more recent study suggests that there are at least 27 distinct emotions, all of which are highly interconnected.

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In other words, emotions are not states that occur in isolation. Instead, the study suggests that there are gradients of emotion and that these different feelings are deeply inter-related. By building a better understanding of these states, he hopes that researchers can develop improved treatments for psychiatric conditions. Emotions play a critical role in how we live our lives, from influencing how we engage with others in our day to day lives to affecting the decisions we make.

By understanding some of the different types of emotions, you can gain a deeper understanding of how these emotions are expressed and the impact they have on your behavior. It is important to remember, however, that no emotion is an island. Instead, the many emotions you experience are nuanced and complex, working together to create the rich and varied fabric of your emotional life. Ever wonder what your personality type means? Sign up to find out more in our Healthy Mind newsletter.

Gruber J, Moskowitz JT, eds. Happiness and longevity in the United States. Soc Sci Med. Depression gets old fast: do stress and depression accelerate cell aging? Depress Anxiety. Harv Rev Psychiatry. Adolphs R. The biology of fear. Curr Biol. Disgust as a disease-avoidance mechanism.

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  • Psychol Bull. Anger and health risk behaviors. J Med Life. Gottlieb MM. Ortony A, Turner TJ. What's basic about basic emotions? Psychol Rev. Anwar Y. Emoji fans take heart: Scientists pinpoint 27 states of emotion. Berkeley News. More in Psychology. Happiness Of all the different types of emotions, happiness tends to be the one that people strive for the most.

    This type of emotion is sometimes expressed through:. Facial expressions such as smiling Body language such as a relaxed stance An upbeat, pleasant tone of voice. Sadness Sadness is another type of emotion often defined as a transient emotional state characterized by feelings of disappointment, grief , hopelessness, disinterest, and dampened mood. Sadness can be expressed in a number of ways including:. Dampened mood Quietness Lethargy Withdrawal from others Crying.

    Fear Fear is a powerful emotion that can also play an important role in survival. Expressions of this type of emotion can include:. Facial expressions such as widening the eyes and pulling back the chin Attempts to hide or flea from the threat Physiological reactions such as rapid breathing and heartbeat. Disgust Disgust is another of the original six basic emotions described by Eckman. Turning away from the object of disgust Physical reactions such as vomiting or retching Facial expressions such as wrinkling the nose and curling the upper lip.

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    Anger Anger can be a particularly powerful emotion characterized by feelings of hostility, agitation, frustration, and antagonism towards others. Anger is often displayed through:.

    Facial expressions such as frowning or glaring Body language such as taking a strong stance or turning away from someone Tone of voice such as speaking gruffly or yelling Physiological responses such as sweating or turning red Aggressive behaviors such as hitting, kicking, or throwing objects.

    Surprise Surprise is another one of the six basic types of human emotions originally described by Eckman. Surprise is often characterized by:. Facial expressions such as raising the brows, widening the eyes, and opening the mouth Physical responses such as jumping back Verbal reactions such as yelling, screaming, or gasping.

    Emotion (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

    Other Types of Emotions The six basic emotions described by Eckman are just a portion of the many different types of emotions that people are capable of experiencing. Other Theories of Emotion. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback!

    Sign Up. What are your concerns? Article Sources. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial policy to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Self-report captures 27 distinct categories of emotion bridged by continuous gradients. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.

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    Surprise: A belief or an emotion? Chandrasekhar Pammi and Narayanan Srinivasan Eds. Is sadness only one emotion? Psychological and physiological responses to sadnesss induced by two different situations: "Loss of someone" and "failure to achieve a goal. Journal of Medicine and Life.