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The Monitor The Monitor is an online tool for climatic, production, biophysical and economic information. Explore via region and time frame. Water policy and resources. Murray-Darling Basin water programs Urban water Water quality. Illegal logging Information for importers - illegal logging Information for processors - illegal logging Information for customs brokers - illegal logging.

Plantations and farm forestry Australia's Sustainable forest management Regional forest agreements.

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Importing wood products or processing logs? You need to be aware of your responsibilities.

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Find out more about our illegal logging laws Aquaculture The aquaculture industry in Australia The Australian fishing zone. Australia's seafood trade Fisheries and the environment Domestic fisheries. Recreational fishing Fisheries publications. Sharing fisheries resources Help us develop a fair and sustainable framework for all Australians. About us. Annual report Budget and additional estimates People and jobs Media centre Payments.

Name Virginia Commonwealth University. Related projects. Adv Cancer Res Mol Cancer Res Transl Cancer Res 5:SS Oncotarget J Biol Chem Expert Rev Anticancer Ther This alteration to the environment of genes renders them invisible to cells, often shutting down key tumor suppressing functions. Depending upon the combination of genes abnormally methylated, the risk of a lung cancer returning increased two- to fold.

The worst scenario proved to be the overmethylation of two particular genes, p16 and H-cadherin, which foreshadowed a swift return of the lung cancer. In fact, the investigators found that tiny tumors, even those as small as a pea, could harbor epigenetic alterations that can make them very dangerous and aggressive. If these findings are confirmed in additional studies, molecular staging of non-small cell lung cancer may become the standard. Identifying patients, whose cancers have the epigenetic alterations the research team uncovered, could allow them to be treated more aggressively with chemotherapy and surgery.

Editorial: Malignant disease in the Commonwealth Caribbean.

Working toward this goal, the team has already developed a new and ultrasensitive nanotechnology-based assay to further enhance the power of their biomarker approach. Nanotechnology involves the extension of the existing sciences into the study of ultra-tiny structures, materials, and devices.

Moreover, these marks of aggressive disease that are driving the molecular staging also can be targets for treatment. Therapies that block methylation of genes have worked in other cancers. Baylin and Herman worked with clinical investigator Stephen Gore to lead multicenter trials of the demethylating agent 5-aza-cytidine in patients with a pre-leukemia condition known as myelodysplastic syndrome MDS.

The experimental treatment resulted in complete remissions in up to half of patients with MDS and leukemia, resulting in the first FDA approval of demethylating agent. Researchers are now taking a similar approach in non-small cell lung cancer in clinical trials led by Charles Rudin and Rosalyn Juergens , and early results give cause for optimism with robust responses seen in at least two patients—one with a complete response and one with a high partial response, in both the primary tumor and metastatic sites. Therapeutic Vaccines for Pancreatic Cancer The Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center receives more than 60 calls each month, and even more emails, from patients wanting to receive our pancreatic cancer vaccine.

When the vaccine makes the news, the calls and emails increase. With pancreatic cancer being one of the deadliest cancers and few treatments making any real gains in long-term survival, the vaccine has garnered attention because it is providing new hope for survival.

Until recently, most studies have shown pancreatic cancer survival rates at about 63 percent one year after diagnosis and about 42 percent at two years. The long-term outlook has been grim, with just 15 to 20 percent of patients with local disease alive at five years. Early on, results of our pancreatic cancer therapeutic vaccine studies were hopeful, finding 88 percent survival at one year with 76 percent alive after two years in a study of 60 patients. Training the immune system to react to cancer has proven to be a huge challenge.

Developing therapeutic vaccines is more difficult than developing vaccines aimed at prevention. The immune system is naturally equipped to recognize things it has not seen before, but cancer cells are enough like our own normal cells that they do not solicit an immune response. The pancreatic cancer vaccine, spearheaded in the clinic by cancer immunology experts Elizabeth Jaffee and Daniel Laheru , uses irradiated pancreatic cancer cells incapable of growing, but genetically altered to secrete a molecule called GM-CSF.

Too Hot to Handle

The molecule acts as a lure to attract immune cells to the site of the tumor vaccine, where they encounter antigens on the surface of the irradiated cells. As a result, the immune system, typically blind to cancer, attacks cancer cells in the pancreas and throughout the body. In the newest vaccine study, patients are given the vaccine two weeks before surgery.

Jaffee says it gets the immune system juiced up, and she has the evidence to support it. When the pancreas is removed as part of the therapy two weeks later, the group can see that the immune cells are already in the pancreas and ready to fight the cancer. Jaffee and Laheru take advantage of the two-month recuperation time patients have after undergoing cancer surgery.

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Without additional therapy, this lag time, gives any remaining microscopic cancer cells time to travel, spreading the cancer. Laheru says pancreatic cancer is notorious for being in areas outside of the pancreas. Giving the vaccine before surgery may allow them to get ahead of the disease and attack microscopic renegades before they gain traction.

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  6. With promising results from early vaccine studies, including a modest but real improvement in survival time, the vaccine is now about to undergo testing by many cancer centers throughout the U. In addition, the investigators continue to tweak the vaccine, including a chemotherapy-vaccine combo. The chemotherapy seems to make the tumor more responsive to the vaccine.

    Using these approaches before surgery not only gives clinicians an advance attack on the cancer but also allows them to see, at the time of surgery, what impact the treatment has had on the tumor. More recently, Jaffee and Laheru have begun working with new faculty recruit Dung Le in an approach that combines targeted therapy with vaccine therapy. The protein mesothelin is believed to play a role in causing pancreatic cancer to grow and spread. Researchers have found high levels of the protein on the surface of tumor cells in many patients. Investigators believe that shutting down mesothelin may slow the growth of tumors and give the vaccine an advantage against cancer cells.

    Other work to strengthen the vaccine enlists the bacterium listeria. In general, it is considered a pretty wimpy germ. If a person has eaten bleu cheese, he has been exposed to listeria.


    In fact, listeria is almost everywhere and resides throughout the gastrointestinal tract. For most people, it is harmless, and this is especially true of the version being used by the pancreatic cancer team as it has been genetically engineered to remove its toxins. Listeria thrives within immune cells known as antigen presenting cells APCs. APCs consume foreign invaders and instruct the immune system to attack them.

    Pulmonary Hypertension

    To date, nine patients have been treated with no adverse effects. Two patients whose cancers had not responded to other therapies saw declining biomarkers of pancreatic cancer, and many of the patients treated for the first time with this vaccine are still alive more than a year later, even though they were thought to have just a few months to live. Investigators are now studying whether the vaccine can prevent cancer in high risk patients and if it could benefit colon cancer patients with liver metastases.

    The vaccine is injected under the skin, 12 doses at time, and four times over six months. It draws the attention of immune cells known as dendritic cells to the vaccine site. Dendritic cells are the ones that send out the critical danger signal that arouses an immune response.