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Science. Mar 22;() Brain Browser: hypercard application for the Macintosh. Willis WD Jr(1), Koppe JA. Author information: (1)Department.
Table of contents

The Dictionary defines terms used in Brain Browser and allows users to add new entries. The program includes five high-density disks, a user's manual, and a complete tutorial. User support is provided by electronic mail on CompuServe r. Department site licenses are available, as well as a buyer's frequency plan. Contact the publisher for complete details. CompuServe r is a registered trademark of CompuServe, Inc. Macintosh r is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc.

with S. Daryanani

Hypercard r is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc. Es una grsn cludad industrial. Es muy ti. U n sefior iAdelante. A fragment of the Spanish beginner's text. Hypertext in cognate-language learning 31 zyxwvu Fig. A verb information card. The zyxwvu semantic information comprises the following cards: synonyms for the verb; dictionary definition of the verb in the same language; dictionary definitions of the verb in the other languages; miscellaneous 'tit-bits' of information - the aim being for the user to have a mental tag on which to hang his knowledge of the verb.

The origin of the word, its use as a noun, interesting expressions it forms part of, are examples of the information supplied in this section. Extra syntactic information available for a verb. Daryanani The syntactic and morphological information consists of cards containing: zyxw the principal parts of the particular verb Fig.

For example, corresponding to 'am working', verbs in the passage like 'am taking' and zyxwvu 'am going' would be highlighted; pronunciation of the word using an adapted transcription system.

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Other options available besides the cognate-language texts are: speed-reading: the system sequences through the passage with the key words previously identified by the implemented being high- lighted. The speed at which the passage is to be shown can be selected by the reader. In this way, the reader can obtain a summary of the information of the passage, either in the same language or in one more zyxwv familiar to him; comprehension test: the reader may optionally sit a brief comprehension test on the passage.

The test is organized as multiple-choice, with the reader required to click the correct answer. The questions are selected in zyxwvu a random order from a store of preset questions. The reader is free to progress through the text at his own rate and to decide which extra information he wishes to see. There are no constraints on the reader - he may use any part of the package at will and is not forced to follow a predefined sequence of operations. Problems with hypertext Two well-known problems associated with hypertext have been identified: disorientation: a reader may become 'lost in hyperspace'.

Psychologists have distinguished two forms of lostness. Firstly, objectively lost - a reader has confused the links between the various nodes and cannot use the displayed references. Secondly, subjectively lost - a reader feels out of control.

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How does a reader navigate the complex network of nodes and links without becoming disoriented? Some systems provide a graphical browser or use visual effects to give a sense of direction.


In our system, each card contains navigational instructions, for example, 'go back' i. A 'home-base' is also provided, the 'Control Panel' card which may be accessed from anywhere Fig. Some systems have successfully experimented with an explanatory message for each link or a graphical browser to alleviate this problem. Hypertext in cognate-language learning 33 Fig.

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Control panel for English texts zyxwv zyxw A third problem, on a different level, creates a disadvantage for the developer: the very advantage of flexibility for the reader which hypertext provides implies a huge amount of work has to go into preparing the material, even if the reader may only use part of it. The first part deals with the practical experience derived by the zyxwvuts zyxw developers from using an Apple Macintosh system with HYPERCARD for the development of CALL software, whilst the second will document the pedagogical experiences collected with the use of the package in the teaching process.

In order to evaluate the development of a CALL package, we suggest the following highly subjective and qualitative criteria; and then fry to provide some sort of response in the case of our own project. Usability:is the system easy to use or not? Can a novice make use of the system without much external guidance or documentation? Is the interface 'user-friendly'and consistent? Novices have found our system friendly, and relatively easy to use and understand. The cards are not cluttered with extraneous detail.

Text messages in or near any button inform the reader of the purpose of that button. To aid a confused user, a help button appears on most cards. Extensibility: is the system easy to extend? Could another cognate language, other texts or more pedagogical features be added easily? Is the system easy to maintain? Daryanani quite simply using the existing framework.

The present system also provides the necessary templates which may be borrowed to produce new cards. Features which we would wish to add to our system are facilities to: provide a bookmark - to allow the reader to stop and start at will, returning him to the same place in the passage; monitor progress - keeping a record of which passages have been read and how the reader fared on the optional tests; display grammatical structure-by, for instance, displaying the major components of the sentence in a parse tree or showing the parts of speech in different colours; write in the margins -this may be implemented either by allowing French and Latin.

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Responsiveness: does the system respond to user requests in a short period of time and in the appropriate fashion? However, we found the type of Macintosh used greatly influenced the response of the system. Can the system give intelligent guidance when the user makes a mistake? Full explanatory text messages are displayed if the user attempts something which is not possible. Portability: is it possible to port the system to a new computer family without much effort?

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Useful packages can be quite easily generated. The second stage of testing was on real users. A number of students of varying linguistic ability evaluated the pedagogic value of the package i. The users were encouraged to experiment with the package and roam around the different text levels to find which level best suited their own linguistic requirements. The package was reasonably well-received by the users.

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Many felt that it was an interesting learning experience and that, given that the package is specifically for cognate-language reading, it modestly fulfills what it set out to do. The program was judged good at providing students of different ability with the information necessary for understanding texts at various levels of difficulty. Existing features which users commented on as being particularly useful are: the ability to switch very quickly between different language texts; the ability to discover information on particular words at the click of a mouse button.

Clearly this is a useful facility, especially as the user can control the amount of information displayed. Before serious use, the package needs extending with more,texts at various levels to allow the user to develop and reinforce vocabulary. The dictionaries also need extension, with the principal meanings being highlighted.

Clear, concise instructions like 'Now please read the text' and clear prompts to indicate where to click were deemed to be useful additions.

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Colour would be of assistance here. Synthesized pronunciation of given words would certainly enhance the pedagogic value. Given the availability of highquality speech systems, this is not an impossibility, although such systems are notoriously hungry in disk storage requirements. We feel that our system does allow self-study of a second language either by reference to a cognate-language or in isolation. Clearly, benefits will vary according to individual users, but we would claim that this approach can zyxw contribute significantly to understanding foreign-language texts in terms of language units more familiar to the learner.

The enhancement of text with video and particularly sound in a language learning environment may make it particularly attractive.