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Arcana saitica briefly discussed in three essays on the masonic tracing boards. by: Giles, Herbert Allen, Publication date:
Table of contents

A much sought after early book. The author's three year journey in the Middle East includes poems and is a tour guide and reference book on early Masonic places and people. Interesting read and while things have changed over the last years, one I would take with me on a trip there. Links Biblical references to actual places and tells the reader all he knows on them. Each chapter was written by individual person knowledgeable on the topic and all were combined into this history. Works like this are always dated on information and events. A lot of information, check over the index and find what you may find interesting.

His magnum opus of interconnecting spiritualism and beliefs. Great book with good chapters on ancient wisdom and thought. Mystic Masonry , J.

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Buck, pages, Light, airy and without much revealed truth, the author practices circumlution "saying a lot without saying what he really wants to say" well. The Builders , John Newton, pages, Moore made this version for the state of Ohio to help with the uniformity of their duties in the lodge. He also includes a interesting set of short talks on Masonic conduct in lodge, after lodge is closed but still in the building , when at home and at work. Gould gives us lists of "old" lodges starting at and going to , plus lists of important men in them, some of their records and the early taverns they met in.

Great information that is not seen very often. The Freemason's Treasury , George Oliver, pages, If you like Oliver, you will love this book. He takes 18 pages for his introductory remarks and the rest of the book is made up of 52 of his lessons on Masonic themes. A set of very early American remarks on Masonry, including some old English history involving our group and while not the ritual line by line, a good synopsis of what he thought it to be. When reading his book, don't forget to view the page notes as they will be a help to what is written there.

A great source of ancient information and thought. Printed during the Civil War, this is a collection of letters, general information and short Masonic talks. May seem quaint to some today, but in the day it was written; was a great source of encouragement and learning. Updates from various lodges, personal views on any Masonic topic can be found here. The index in the front of the book is a great help for those looking for specific information in it. The Historical Landmarks , George Oliver, volume one, pages, Another 24 lectures by a very prolific writer; who was well respected in his day.

This minister for the Church of England grew up in a Masonic family and spent a large part of his time educating others in our fraternity.

He may have leaned too much on others as sources without fully checking the validity of their words, but set the standard for others to follow. All his works seek to show the Christian character of Masonry and he dates the first Masons, not with Noah, but with Seth. Interesting in the style he uses and the arguments he puts forth. A Star in the West, George Oliver, pages, Or as the subtitle explains, showing the analogy that exists between lectures of Freemasonry and the Christian Religion.

Oliver wrote this to help explain away the differences as he saw between the Christian churches and our fraternity. Plus inform the general public that Masonry was different than other popular "clubs" of his day. Lectures on the Philosophy of Freemasonry , Roscoe Pound, pages, Four great Masonic lectures views on Masonry's philosophy are shown here: each are different and from different times. Interesting view on a usually untouched topic. A short biography of each is included.

The Mystic Tie, Albert Mackey, pages, A good book by Mackey, who you may know of by his Masonic encyclopedia. Although it was written in the late 's, this book was ahead of its time.


Broken into three parts, the second is a collection of short Masonic stories that show the practice of our ideals. A shortened, glamorized version of Pike's life. Typical of the dime novels in the early west. But, will give you some information on his life, if you neglect the hero worship in it. The Book of Words , Albert Pike, pages, unclear date.

You want deeper knowledge and light? Here is one for you. Pike explains word histories, gives his insights and passes on information on Hebrew, Samaritan, Phoenician and English Masonic words. At the end is a nice cross reference page of the letters of the alphabet from all these , Hebrew numbers and their symbols and much, much more. Good basic edition of book, the hardback will give you even more.

Cagliostro's Egyptian Rite, 51 pages, handwritten notes, unknown date. Laid out like our Scottish Rite ritual, this version shows a version with a totally Egyptian slant to it. Interesting, factual? Probably not. Few indeed were they who were admitted to the second degree and shared the orgies of Serapis. Fewer still they who made the final step which opened the door of the adytum. In the second degree, were communicated the secrets of astronomy, the movements of the planets in relation to the sun, and the postulant was instructed in mathematics and kindred sciences. He further received a certain portion of the revenues of the temple and.

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He was still kept under the same strict surveillance, he was expected to fast often, to spend much of his time in meditation and introspection, when not engaged in studying the application of such formulae as had been entrusted to him, and finally if judged worthy he was. The oath of secrecy seems to have been exacted but once, the penalty attaching to the violation of it however was invariably carried out and involved the unlawful recipient of the secret as well as the discloser.

Hence, if it ever has been divulged no record remains of such an act of perfidy. Les doctrines sublimes de la science sacree y font le sujet des entretiens. Des visions saintes et respectables tiennent les sens duns 1'admiration; 1'initie est rendu parfait; desormais libre, il n'est plus asservi a aurune contrainte. Couronne, et. In order to trace these it will be necessary to go back to the time when our forefathers invented the cycle of 4o2 years, from a consideration of which number it is evident by inspection that they had arrived at a of astronomical point knowledge which induced them to of the 'Jlft'J assign period years 5 times the above for the time number occupied by the sun in his progress one this would give a precessional year of through sign, In this 25, years.

Asking pardon therefore for the recapitulation of known I would here name that the earth as our forefathers were well aware has three motions; that of revolution round the sun, its parent, that of revolution round its own axis and that which has been compared to the swaying motion of a top about to cease. If the constitution of the earth. If originabout a it would axis of inertia revolving ally principal. In fact the precession of the equinoxes is a slow retroor grade motion of the equinoctial points from E to to the order of to Aries from the e.

The equinoctial points during the time of Aristarchus B. The ecliptic' is divided into 4 quadrants or ares of i n were. These divisions do not now coincide with the. Astronomical calculations are made from that point of intersection of the equator and ecliptic which is the position of the sun in the heavens on the 21st March and which is known as the first point of Aries. The time occupied between the periods when the earth is parallel to its own axis i.

About the 23rd March at the vernal equinox when all nature rejoices. Adonis, Brahma, Cristna, Hercules, Buddha, Christ, of every one of whom the same story has been told with but the trifling variations in detail induced by the difference of locality. To show you more plainly the parallelism between the rites in which we have all participated and those of early Magi or Masons, let me briefly describe one scene the details of which have been transmitted to us by an eyewitness after a lapse of nearly two thousand five.

All through the starlit night there had been scarcely a break in the long line of worshippers thronging towards the grandest fane the world has ever seen, its origin lost in the mists of ages; which even now, in ruins mocks the greatest efforts of the mason of to-day but then, in all its glory of hewn stone and carven pillar, of inlaid work and mystic emblem, was the seat of all the learning of the east, the repository of the lore of the Chaldees.

In the peristyle of the temple were 54 columns. The outer court was about feet in length by feet in breadth and covered four acres of ground, leading at the nortlfern end On the west, was into an octagonal court feet in diameter. These were surmounted by a frieze on which were graven The mystic signs referring also to the secrets of the initiated.

Through the long clay, thousands of priests had chanted hymns in praise of Ra, standing in the octagonal temple wherein, was the. Then from the aisles on either side stole files of white robed priests and from behind the altar carne the high priest of Isis crying aloud Hear ye People! He, returning hither over the winedark sea after that lie had rescued the nations from darkness and the plagues sent by the angry Gods, after that he had taught them wisdom and given them.

His body, rent asunder, was scattered to the four winds, neither was the Him, sorrowing, Isis long sought; place of burial known. Again he raised the dead to life and light returned to bless the dwellers on the earth. Then brought the acolytes the sacred ark and placed it before the high priest. In front, of it came and stood a youth as Him the high priest smote till as one beautiful as the day. Lights were put out and from all the people rose a great wail, as of a mother mourning for her first-born.

All through the night, through the next day and till the ;. Then when the morning broke and all the people waited as before in the great court of the temple, came the high priest and raised the youth from out the ark saying. Rejoice O Sacred Initiated your God is risen, his death, his And all the pains and sufferings have worked your salvation. I will endeavour to place an outline of this hypothesis before you in the briefest terms I can command in order that I may the better show how far the fragments of ancient writings which are left to us, bear out the opinion above expressed as to the knowledge possessed by the sages of old.

At a very early date time disappears in dealing with such periods as those of which I now speak the entire solar system consisted of the sun, a mass ol infinitely attenuated vapour in a state of incandescence, extending at least so far as would include the orbit of Neptune; the mean distance of which planet from the sun is about tf millions of miles.

These smaller bodies -would of course cool first until their temperature permitted the manifestation of vegetable and animal life and one of those smaller bodies is. System of Logic B. Ill Ch. And now to give a few examples of the lore of the Chaldees, which the curious may find collected and translated in that valuable work, Ancient Fragments '. He makes the whole woild of lire, and water, and all nourishing ether. Baring Gould.