Guide After Death

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Nov 20, - A WORLD renowned doctor has revealed to the world what it is like to die and says the process is “peaceful” and “pleasant”. Dr Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research at NYU Langone School of Medicine in New York City, said dying is "very comfortable".
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But why should people be brave and accepting of the end of their lives? This is why some in the hospice movement which helps people at the end of their lives question the very idea of a good death. Good for who? The belief in an afterlife runs psychologically deep and probably comes from our intuitions about the relationship between bodies and minds, Dr Jong adds. Bruce Hood and his colleagues ran studies on small children aged around four to five. He showed them a hamster then said he could clone an exact replica. But when asked about the psychological traits of the clone e.

Life after death: Scientist explains what ACTUALLY happens when you die - VIDEO

In another set of experiments by Jesse Bering and colleagues, children were told about a mouse that had been eaten by an alligator. And so it would seem that the children thought your biology ends when you die but some of your psychology lives on. This was true regardless of whether the children were brought up in religious or secular non-religious homes. But research by people such as Hood and Bering suggests that children naturally develop these beliefs, and sometimes keep them as adults.

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This basic and deep-seated idea, that our minds - our memories, our emotions, our desires - are somehow distinct and separate from our bodies is what enables us to believe that while our bodies might die, we might somehow still go on, perhaps as immaterial souls. Some people find belief in an afterlife very soothing. It can help with grief, loss and sadness. Especially for people who have a very harsh life, thinking it will be better after death can help.

For example, African-American slaves often sang songs about the afterlife to soothe their brutally cruel existence. It is a small step from believing that humans consist of bodies and souls to believing in an afterlife, and a smaller step from that to believing in a pleasant afterlife in which we are reunited with our loved ones. Not all afterlife beliefs are pleasant, but they often are. God goes, but heaven remains. And there are other ways that we keep the dead alive, without literally believing in heaven.

So in this sense, there is life after death. If you ask a biologist what happens to you after death, they will probably tell you all there is to know about what happens to your body after your heart stops beating. But is that really a full answer to our Big Question?

Is There Life After Death? The World’s Top Scientific and Spiritual Experts Share Their Insights

They say that you are not only your body but you are also your soul. After the death of your body, your soul lives on in a world beyond the physical world. Answer 2: Rebirth The major eastern religions Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism also teach that there is something about you that survives the death of your body. It does not leave this world though. Instead, it finds another body to go live in. On the basis of the New Testament - which tells us how Jesus died and returned to life - Christians hope that God will give them a new and eternal life after death.

They also believe that at some point, their lives will be judged by God. Those who have put their faith in Jesus will go to heaven and those who have rejected him will go to hell.

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Hell is often depicted as a place full of pain and suffering. But it shouldn't be taken too literally. Suffering means the anxiety we feel when we are doomed to an eternal life without God - the creator of life and all that is good — by our side. In the same way, heaven is not a place high up in the sky. It is where we are reunited with God, the source of our life. Like Christians, Muslims think that we have a soul that survives the death of our body.

And the idea that there will be a day where God judges humanity is one of the six core beliefs in Islam. On this day, everyone will either be sent to paradise Jannah or hell Jahannam. Whilst in the lower ones, your neighbours will be people like Jesus and Abraham. Hell also has 7 layers, each with a different punishment for a different class of sinner. It is possible that after serving their sentence, a sinner is welcomed into paradise. The Hebrew Bible — the earliest Jewish texts — is not entirely clear when it comes to the question of the afterlife. There is an underworld called Sheol.

But this is not the hell of Christians or Muslims. It is where all dead people go — whether they lived a good life or not — to spend eternity as a shadow of themselves.

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There is no punishment or suffering here, but neither is it the home of God. The later texts of the Talmud develop the more familiar ideas of judgement, hell Gehenna and heaven Olam Ha-Ba. But Gehenna is home to most ordinary people. But the truly evil — again depending on which scriptural scholar you ask — will have to spend eternity in hell or be completely destroyed. Secondly, there is no self or soul, there is no you.

If there is no soul or self, what is there to be reborn? According to the Buddha, your sense that you are the same person throughout your life is an illusion. For Buddhists, everything is always changing, nothing is permanent. So when you die, not you but the energies that shape you take on a new form. The bits that made you you, are arranged slightly differently and form someone else. This next life is connected to your previous one through something called karma. This is the idea that an action in a previous life has a reaction in the next. Did you do something horrible in a previous life?


You might be reborn as a cockroach! The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to escape this cycle of rebirths by reaching enlightenment or Nirvana. Similar to Buddhism, Hinduism also sees life as a cycle of death and rebirth connected by karma. If you have bad luck in this life, you must have done something wrong in the previous one. To break free of this cycle is again the goal. Hindus call this state of freedom moksha. Main article: Near-death experience. Psychology portal Philosophy portal. Biogerontology , the science of biological aging Death anxiety psychology Disorders of consciousness , including brain death Dualism philosophy of mind Eternal oblivion Information-theoretic death Life extension Neural correlates of consciousness Self Senescence , biological aging Unconsciousness.

Carter Snead. Kandel, M. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Retrieved 25 March Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine.

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Neurology International. Causes of death by rate Expressions related to death Natural disasters People by cause of death Premature obituaries Preventable causes of death Notable deaths by year Unusual deaths. We are therefore torn between needing to dispose of a corpse that might bear germs and wanting to hold on to the body that is still recognisable as belonging to someone we have known and loved.

This contradiction may be why we surround death with pomp dramatic displays and ceremony. We still see him as a person. There is little evidence that the question of what a good death is occurred in early human hunter-gatherer societies. It is something that developed culturally over time. There is certainly a long Western tradition of thinking about this, starting as far back as the ancient Greek philosophers. In the European Middle Ages, the Church even used to publish manuals for dying well, called ars moriendi, the art of dying.

Over the centuries, there is less reliance on the Church as a singular institution, and so death was, like so many things, privatized, and people had to make their own judgements about how to die well. But why should people be brave and accepting of the end of their lives? This is why some in the hospice movement which helps people at the end of their lives question the very idea of a good death. Good for who? The belief in an afterlife runs psychologically deep and probably comes from our intuitions about the relationship between bodies and minds, Dr Jong adds. Bruce Hood and his colleagues ran studies on small children aged around four to five.

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He showed them a hamster then said he could clone an exact replica.