Colonialism and Postcolonial Development (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)

Part of Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics of Spanish America, James Mahoney offers a new theory of colonialism and postcolonial development.
Table of contents

University of Missouri Press, Oxford University Press, The Emergence of Nicaragua, — Harvard University Press, The Making of Modern Colombia: A Nation in Spite of Itself. Cabezas Carcache , Horacio. Calero , Luis F. Campbell , Leon G. Canals Frau , Salvador. Su origen, su pasado, su presente. Essays on the Economic Histories of Brazil and Mexico, — , 65— Carmack , Robert M.

History and Culture of a Native American Civilization , 80— Upper Saddle River, NJ: Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario, The Evolution of a Highland Guatemala Kingdom. University of Oklahoma Press, Growth of the Chilean Population, — El salariado minero en Chile colonial: Su desarrollo en una sociedad provincial, el Norte Chico, — Chamberlain , Robert S. The Conquest and Colonization of Yucatan, — Chance , John K. The Conquest of the Sierra: Spaniards and Indians in Colonial Oaxaca. Race and Class in Colonial Oaxaca.

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Chapman , Anne M. Los lencas de Honduras en el siglo XVI. Universidad de Costa Rica, Pedro Francisco Javier de. Historia de Paraguay , vol. Indian Society in the Valley of Lima, Peru, — University Press of America, Land and Society in Colonial Mexico: Chinchilla Aguilar , Ernesto.

  • Colonialism and postcolonial development: Spanish America in comparative perspective.
  • Verse and Virtuosity: The Adaptation of Latin Rhetoric in Old English Poetry (Toronto Old English St.
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Clayton , Lawrence Anthony. History of a Colonial Industry. Cline , Howard F. Coatsworth , John H. Walter de Gruyter, The State in Eighteenth Century Mexico. Cobb , Gwendolin Ballantine. Cole , Jeffrey A. Compulsory Indian Labor in the Andes. Collier , Simon , and Sater , William F. A History of Chile, — Tercer Mundo Editores, Una sociedad esclavista, — Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, Conniff , Michael L. Urban Development in a Colonial System. Carlos , Contreras C. La costa del Ecuador entre y La ciudad de mercurio: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Cook , Noble David.

Disease and the New World Conquest, — Cook , Sherburne F. Essays in Population History: Mexico and the Caribbean , vol. The Indian Population of Central Mexico, Cooper , John M. Government Printing Office, Power and Violence in the Colonial City: Translated by Glick , Elizabeth Ladd. Cuenca Esteban , Javier. Cushner , Nicholas P. State University of New York Press, Lords of the Land: D'Altroy , Terence N. Daniels , Christine , and Kennedy , Michael V. Centers and Peripheries in the Americas, — Davies , Keith A.

Landowners in Colonial Peru. University Press of Colorado, Gortari Rabiela , Hira. Denevan , William M. University of Wisconsin Press, Recent Research and a Revised Hemispheric Estimate. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. Essays on the Economic History of the Argentine Republic. Yale University Press, The True Story of the Conquest of Mexico. Translated and edited by Idell , Albert. The Golden Age of Spain, — San Pedro Sula, Honduras: Prehistoria de Chile Central. Editorial Francisco de Aguirre, Charles Scribner's Sons, Reprinted with a revised foreword.

Slavery, Serfdom and Free Labor , 25— Encina , Francisco Antonio. Desde la prehistoria hasta , vols. Its Ancient and Modern History. Escobari de Querejazu , Laura. Caciques, yanaconas y extravagantes: La sociedad colonial en Charcas, s. Industrias Offset Color, Reprinted in Obras de Rodrigo Facio , vol. Editorial Costa Rica, Land Tenure Aspects, — Farriss , Nancy M. Maya Society under Colonial Rule: The Collective Enterprise of Survival.

Crown and Clergy in Colonial Mexico, — The Crisis of Ecclesiastical Privilege. Historia de Costa Rica: El descubrimiento y la conquista. El gobierno del Intendente Anguiano en Honduras — Universidad de Sevilla, Translated by Urquidi , Marjory M. Ferry , Robert J. The Colonial Elite of Early Caracas: Formation and Crisis, — Fisher , John R. Liverpool University Press, Spanish Trade with Spanish America, — Louisiana State University Press, Government and Society in Colonial Peru: The Intendant System, — Fitzgibbon , Russell H. Portrait of a Democracy.

Flores Galindo , Alberto. Mosca Azul Editores, Flores Macal , Mario. Floyd , Troy S. Promoter of Central American Economic Development, — Fonseca Corrales , Elizabeth.

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La tierra y el hombre. Fowler , William R. A Comparison of Two Approaches. Smithsonian Institution Press, The Pipil-Nicarao of Central America. Cash Crops in the History of El Salvador. Planeta Colombiana Editorial, Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems.

Colonialism and postcolonial development: Spanish America in comparative perspective

Translated by Macedo , Suzette. A History of Chile. Translated by Cox , Isaac Joslin. University of North Carolina Press, Una ciudad para la historia, una historia para la ciudad: Arequipa en el siglo XVI. Garavaglia , Juan Carlos. Los empresarios rurales en la pampa bonaerense a mediados del siglo XIX. Relaciones sociales y empresas agrarias en la Argentina del siglo XIX , — Editorial La Colmena, Garner , Richard L. A Comparative Analysis of Peru and Mexico. Economic Growth and Change in Bourbon Mexico. University of Florida Press, Relaciones sociales y empresas agrarias en la Argentina del siglo XIX , 1—6.

The North Frontier of New Spain. The Southeast Frontier of New Spain. Tlaxcala in the Sixteenth Century. The Aztecs under Spanish Rule: A History of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, — Origen de los inquilinos de Chile central. Between Silver and Guano: Commercial Policy and the State in Postindependence Peru.

Grahn , Lance R. Smuggling in New Granada, — Grieshaber , Erwin P. Costa Rica before Coffee: Society and Economy on the Eve of the Export Boom. Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Guilmartin , John F. Europeans and Andeans in the Sixteenth Century , 40— Haitin , Marcel Manuel. Lima in the Late Colonial Period. Economy and Society in an Era of Reform and Revolution. A Geographical Interpretation in Historical Perspective.

Historical Atlas of Central America. Liberalism in a Country Born Liberal. Economic Liberalism and the State in Latin America , 99— Translated by Southern , Richard. Hamilton , Earl J.

  • Spanish America in Comparative Perspective.
  • Interviews With Northrop Frye: 24 (Collected Works of Northrop Frye);
  • Pride of Britain: A Little Girls Bravery. A Familys Strength.;
  • Colonialism and Postcolonial Development;
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American Treasure and Price Revolution in Spain, — Hamnett , Brian R. Politics and Trade in Southern Mexico, — Brown University Press, Hardoy , Jorge E. The Spanish Empire in America. Imperial Expansion and Political Control. Trade, Tribute, and Transportation: Helms , Mary W. Chiefs in Search of Power.

A Culture History of Heartland and Frontiers. The Search for El Dorado. The Conquest of the Incas. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Hennessey Cummins , Victoria. Del clan a la encomienda y al latifundio en Colombia. The Eighteenth-Century Revolution in Spain. Himmerich y Valencia , Robert. The Encomenderos of New Spain, — Hoberman , Louisa Schell. Mexico's Merchant Elite, — Duke University Press, Mexico City and the Flood of Hussey , Roland Dennis. The Caracas Company, — Ibarra Rojas , Eugenia.

Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Race, Class and Politics in Colonial Mexico. The Peruvian Altiplano, — A Comment and Some Comparative Suggestions. An Attempt at Comparison. Centro de Investigaciones de Historia Americana, Jaramillo Uribe , Jaime. Ensayos de historia social. Jones , Grant D. Maya Resistance to Spanish Rule: Time and History on a Colonial Frontier.

Jones , Kristine L. The Southern Margin — Jones , Oakah L. Guatemala in the Spanish Colonial Period. Una breve historia de Colombia. Grupo Editorial Norma, A Society of Conflict. Keith , Robert G. Conquest and Agrarian Change: Kelly , John E. Imprint Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, Physical description xvii, p. Series Cambridge studies in comparative politics.

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Colonialism and Postcolonial Development by James Mahoney

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