Super Immunity Secrets: Fifty Easy Delicious Vegan Vegetarian Recipes for Everyday!

As a vegan or vegetarian, it's easy to feel like an outsider, like you're going at it alone. it off by sharing some of our favorite resources for new vegetarians and vegans. Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman; Thrive by Brendan Brazier; In Defense of highest quality whole foods (including the 7 foods worth eating every day).
Table of contents

Many people believe that they need to take pricey dietary supplements to get all the vitamins and minerals they need. But nutrients work best in your body when you get them the natural way: A high dose of one vitamin or mineral from a supplement can interfere with how your body absorbs or uses another important vitamin or mineral.

For example, high-dose iron supplements can cause your body to not absorb as much zinc as you may need. And not getting enough zinc can cause problems with some key functions of the immune system. On the other hand, too much zinc can interfere with copper absorption. Another problem is that supplements can interact or interfere with medications such as antibiotics and diuretics.

Nutrient-dense super foods offer a better bang for your buck. Most of our top 10 are healthy foods that also have hidden benefits. Eat them every day to boost your intake of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients that benefit the body and the immune system. Grapes, especially dark-colored ones, are loaded with phytochemicals, antioxidants that may help protect against cancer and heart disease.

Two of those phytochemicals, anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin, may be especially good for your immune system. Grapes also contain vitamin C and selenium. Recent animal studies suggest that blueberries may help protect cells from damage and lower inflammation. Blueberries contain many of the vitamins and minerals known to strengthen the immune system, along with key phytochemicals that may help protect against cancer and heart disease. Berries, especially raspberries and strawberries, contain ellagic acid, another phytochemical that may help protect against cancer-causing agents in the diet and the environment.

Nuts are one of the most balanced foods on the planet. Each type of nut offers a unique profile of minerals, phytochemicals, and types of fat. Walnuts are the highest in plant omega-3s, for example, while Brazil nuts are best for selenium. Most nuts also contain phytochemicals such as resveratrol and plant sterols, which help lower cholesterol. Popeye had a point: Kale and collard greens are also members of the esteemed dark green vegetable group. These super veggies are high in nutrients that help fight disease, including vitamins C, E, and A, and calcium.

Need another reason to go green? I have not seen any scientific evidence from you showing me growing organic beans and whole grains for human consumption takes more land, resources, water, habitat loss, loss of animal habitat or life etc. The beans and grains are a good nutritional substitute for b-vitamins and protein in meats. While grains and seeds provide the zinc. Again, you are complaining about things I never said. Please copy and paste in your reply the alleged comment where I claimed that growing said vegetable foods takes more resources than producing beef.

Grass-fed livestock are, as those references note, raised on scrub and grasslands unsuitable for any agricultural purpose other than grass-feeding. So, even after I gave you sources, you have just reiterated the same opinion that you did several comments prior. Grass feeding cows does not magically take away the environmental problems of beef production to meet American very high demands for beef. Though I think, grass fed is better nutritionally and in many environmental ways, these animals take much longer to fatten up.

This may mean 2 more years of eating forage, meaning 2 more years of farting and pooping, before their meat is harvested. As far as the bonus of manure used as fertilizer, the same fertilizer can be found by composting the non-edibles of the legume, grain and tuber plants. So, the stalks, leaves etc. If people choose organic beans and grains, these plant parts, as well as, city grass and tree clippings can be recycled to enrich soils.

I really do want to be open minded about this. Can you give me a scientific comparison of green house gases, water, and land needs for a 4 oz. Perhaps if you did not project so much, you could follow the thread and recognize a bit of sarcasm. Could you give me a comparison of greenhouse gases, land and water use of 4oz. You assume grass-fed beef is on non arable land and that somehow there is this infinite supply of non-arable land for all people to eat grass-fed vs. Also, non-edible parts of bean, tuber or grain plants are composted and used to fertilize soil.

Viewed a presentation by environmental scientists tonight, who said that grass fed cows need about 70 pounds of forage food daily, and because they take longer to come to slaughter, release more greenhouse gases in their lifetime, than grain cows. I do not agree with grain fed ruminant livestock, however. And that requires cows. You are obviously very well read on the subject — I congratulate you. However, I suspect your complaints about veganism have fallen on deaf ears, including my own. I think perhaps your passion could be better exercised in a more suitable forum.

Enjoy your retirement — put it to better use than arguing with strangers on the internet about what they choose to put in their bodies! Interesting that you think I am being argumentative, when there are some commenters sending replies to me every day, asking for citations, justification for producing certain foods, etc. Perhaps your comment says more about your mindset than my posts. I have never told folks they should eat meat or dairy or anything else. There are some here that feel compelled to attempt to lay a guilt trip on those that follow an omnivorous diet, and actually tell others what percentage certain foods should make up in their diets.

Diet should not be immune to critique just as religion should not be. Can I lay a guilt trip on those who eat my human friends? Would that be allowed? Some people equate animals and humans thereby avoiding speciesism. By all means, if anyone kills and eats a human friend of yours, criticize away.

Most would think it more effective to call and report the murder, but, in your case, none would be surprised if you used the occasion for a frugivore screed. All that sugar from too much fruit does that to people. No, dear, you are the hypocrite. You are a speciest, too, but you want to pretend otherwise. If it were worth my time, it would be easy to do reductio ad absurdum in your case.

The natural world is speciest. However, there are a couple of big problems with this. Many Americans, particularly if you are not caucasian, are lactose intolerant. Those like me, who have breast and ovarian cancer in family history… will not touch bovine estrogens and progesterones with a ten foot pole. And, if you are already vegetarian, eating conventional eggs will certainly tip your omega ratios in the wrong direction- omega 6 heavy. Though organic, omega 3 enhance would have a much better ratio.

There is a dark side even to grassfed beef. It takes a lot of grassland to raise a grassfed steer. There is no way that grassfed beef can begin to feed the current meat appetites of people in the United States, much less play a role in addressing world hunger. Grassfed meat production might be viable in a country like New Zealand with its geographic isolation, unique climate and topography, and exceedingly small human population. But in a world of 7 billion people, I am afraid that grassfed beef is a food that only the wealthy elites will be able to consume in any significant quantities.

What would happen if we sought to raise great quantities of grassfed beef? Much of the remaining 20 percent is for land to grow soy, which is not used to make tofu. It is sold to China to feed livestock. Amazonian cattle are free-range, grassfed, and possibly organic, but they are still a plague on the planet and a driving force behind global warming.

Trendy consumers like to think that grassfed beef is green and earth-friendly and does not have environmental problems comparable to factory farmed beef. But grassfed and feedlot beef production both contribute heavily to global climate change. They do this through emissions of two potent global warming gases: Methane is actually 24 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and its concentration in the atmosphere is rising even faster.

The primary reason that concentrations of atmospheric methane are now triple what they were when they began rising a century ago is beef production. Cattle raised on pasture actually produce more methane than feedlot animals, on a per-cow basis. The slower weight gain of a grassfed animal means that each cow produces methane emissions for a longer time. Meanwhile, producing a pound of grassfed beef accounts for every bit as much nitrous oxide emissions as producing a pound of feedlot beef, and sometimes, due to the slower weight gain, even more.

These emissions are not only fueling global warming. Women, like me with breast and ovarian cancer in family history, would not touch bovine estrogens, progesterones and natural growth hormones with 10 foot pole. And, vegetarians, already not eating fish, when including conventional eggs and dairy would be tipping their ratios of omegas, way into too much omega Though omega3 enriched eggs do have a better profile, and grass fed a bit better on dairy. But the study does show beans are more economically friendly than meats, as primary protein source.

If you disagree with the study, why not argue the points with the authors? Your statement on lactose intolerance is not correct; lactase persistence is prevalent in many populations that have traditionally been herders. There are peoples in Africa that measure their wealth in cattle, and whose diets are rich in dairy products.

Their findings will be published in a forthcoming issue of Evolution and Human Behavior. On average, Sherman and Bloom found that 61 percent of people studied were lactose intolerant, with a range of 2 percent in Denmark and percent in Zambia. They also found that lactose intolerance decreases with increasing latitude and increases with rising temperature, and especially with the difficulty in maintaining dairy herds safely and economically.

The methane, nitrous oxide and eurtophication caused by grass-fed poop cannot be ignored or denied. In the scientific community it is well accepted, and, thus the vegetarian recommendation you pointed out.

Learn How To Eat Right For Your Brain

I have given you several references that address the questions you raise. It does not appear you have read them. You might also want to do a little research on why cow manure is such a valued fertilizer, as compared the plant-waste compost. The soil companies charge the highest rates for their ag mix that contains a large percentage of manure. I could give you many other examples, but you have just ignored them, and keep reiterating that it is a problem. Obviously, there are many private parties, government agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, sustainable ranches, etc.

Obviously, my continued replies and citations are not working to encourage you to research the issues for yourself. The manure exchange is great, but composting plants for human consumption serves the same purpose. In history, the govt. At one time, meat was too expensive, and people could not afford to eat it regularly. When settlers started killing too many buffalo for their hides; they almost went extinct, no fear of this would happen with artificial insemination and domestication.

There was a natural respect to keep your food supply coming; unlike settlers, Native Americans were smart enough not to overhunt and overeat buffalo, and included many other calorie sources in the diet, so each year they would have enough buffalo to get them through winter, but leave enough alive to breed and continue the cycle. Wild ruminants like deer, elk mountain goat, sheeps etc. For centuries, staples largest percent of calories of countries and various cultures around the globe have been starches: Besides cold climates, mostly European and Scandinavian countries, dairy has not traditionally been part of the diet, most Asians and Africans are not lactose persistant.

Our much larger human population today eats much more large ruminants and their byproducts on such a large, unprecedented scale. Cow manure is very intense, but also very acidic, which limits its use for some plants and soil use. The evidence I see is that beans, tubers and grains for human consumption is the more eco-friendly choice, than grass fed beef, on many levels, and this is what the experts at Cornell found. I did read your citations, and, of course you can always improve things a little, but the evidence truly supports eating more beans rather than beef for green house gases, land, water use and health of waterways.

Annie, I appreciate your patience and the back and forth debate we have had. But we likely need to agree to disagree. Ornish, doing both simultaneously with whole plant foods and no oils, not just throwing animal products under the bus, here , reduced amounts of sodium and modest sugar intake. So, I would say to those needing to take a stance that plant-based diets, vegan, vegetarian, veganish with fish or eggs etc. However, I do think it wise to use this info. Every 80 seconds, a woman suffers a cardiovascular event, and 1 in 8 American women will have invasive breast cancer in their lifetime.

Butter has 11x the estrogen and 14x the progesterone in milk. So, before attacking those minimizing and avoiding animal products, why not have an open mind to what they have to share and say? I am very happy with my veganish diet, it has been sustainable for me for over a decade with vibrant health; I am lucky. And I feel very good about my diet in terms of carbon footprint, etc… I am not creating the local lake algal blooms with butter, yogurt, cheese pizza and ice creams cones, from dairy poop run-off. It already has been suggested by papers to taper consumption to save the lake.

WFPB and Paleo both forgo processed foods oils, refined flours, excess sugar , so there is some common ground. And, Annie I will continue to read about food choices and the environment, but for now I am going to leave the blog. As long as they post this last post of mine. Iron deficiency though sometimes genetic influences may play a role is typically caused by heavy periods or aberrant bleeding This iron deficiency during pre menopause is not more common in vegetarians.

In all honesty, vegans and vegetarians, can occasionally cook in cast iron pans during their time of highest risk, premenopausal stage. Most postmenopausal women and men, not only rarely become anemic. Water Claims in article: Whether using grey, blue or green, it requires a lot of energy because it needs to pumped mostly from the thaw of the Sierra Nevada, to where it is needed.

Pumping and irrigating dry Western ranches for cattle farmers requires energy to move the water, there, even if it is mostly retained rainwater or Mountain snow thaw from somewhere else. Also, she said gallons of blue water needed to produce beef. I have seen much higher numbers for beef and much lower numbers for plant foods. Is she also giving blue water numbers for rice. It appears she is not, so this is not an accurate comparison, and misleading. Again, other water grey, green still has environmental impacts, if it has to be pumped and irrigated to the cows.

But, it is true nuts do require a lot more water. Manure and CO2 sequester: Plants like beans, grains, fruit trees and vegetables also sequester CO2, but do not release the large amounts of the more damaging methane and nitrous oxide to our ozone layer, so this is nothing special about cow poop. Comparing beef farming to mono cropping used to feed grain fed animals, does not make grass-fed beef a better environmental choice than organic beans, vegetables, grains and fruits staples of a plant-based diets, with convetional and organic, rotation crop farming for plants for human consumption.

Her concerns about people eating more plants: So her comment about food storage, or chemicals for direct crop growth for human consumption, holds no water. She displays two very misleading charts, showing money spent rather than actual amounts calories or pounds eaten and the global calories for meat. Americans, Australians, Canadians, Brazilians Europeans are making the most GHG impacts from meat eating, because we are more eating in many cases double and triple amount of reasonable share of the pie.

Just not reality, not sustainable for the masses if everyone at GF beef. I am not suggestion grain fed livestock- more beans, less beef. I would also like to see America eating less sugar, high fructose corn syrup etc that she suggested but for animal based foods, for best nutrition and overall best for environment I would suggest…. Much less big fish tuna and salmon , but replace with smaller fish: Interestingly, the world is eating grain and in some areas starchy vegetables, as staples and outside of Western countries, they do not have the osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers and obesity rates we do.

Or, is there something in that lifestyle — a deficiency, perhaps — that drives those folks toward that behavior? Truly, I respect your tenacity and the strength of your convictions, Annie, even though our views are contrary. In fact, I think this is something we have in common. I know that I personally have never used any of those words, you mentioned to describe you: In my opinion, being in a debate and being a bit argumentative is part of the fun of visiting a blog, and I would rather woman let their intelligence shine than hide it.

And, if I called you obsessed, I would be calling the kettle black. Thought I was just having a spirited back and forth, respectful debate, and I was respectfully, though I know laboriously at times, making rebuttal to claims and citations you gave me. Though I do have character flaws, definitely prone to getting stuck into debates with people with very different views than my own as part of the list, I do feel I am persipacious or discerning.

I used to eat the healthy omnivore diet, meat and dairy with lots of veggies and whole fruits, no chips, soda, candy etc.. But I was still struggling with my weight and feeling sluggish, even though I exercised. With much research about nutrition, at book store, online at the library Have read a lot Paleo, Zone, Jillian Michaels, a little of everybody. When reviewing it all, I found Dr. Because I do not have established heart disease, I am not quite as strict as his patient protocol, but I have found a balance that works for me.

Knowing something is not working, researching how to make it better, and then finding a solution that works, in my view, is discerning. This is what I did with my own health. Definitely, I do not think you have a character flaw, just because I have not changed your mind. Never expected that I would, but hopefully, I have made you think just a little bit about some of the things I have brought up, and maybe gained acceptance that what may not work or be desirable for me, may work for someone else. I never once said to you, personally, that you needed to eat a different way or suggest that you have certain nutrient deficiencies you need to address.

Only gave what I thought is a great option for people, both nutritionally and environmentally; something that has worked for me. Lastly, I honestly, do not believe I am ignoring the natural world as you said. My diet is very similar in plant sourced and animal sourced foods as the traditional Okinawans, Loma Lindan Adventist population, the PapauNew Guinea Highlanders, Central Africans, traditional rural Chinese billions of people and, really, is probably most like the Sardinians, because I often choose sardines, and I like to have my red wine on the weekend!

But will just sip the rest of my green tea and wish you well. Deanna, I did not want to leave the impression that I was accusing you of saying I was argumentative.

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That was said by another commenter that was not even involved in our conversations. I personally believe that such discussions as we have had are productive — they at least get us thinking about other viewpoints, and perhaps further researching information that supports both viewpoints, even if, ultimately, we just agree to disagree.

Why that bothers uninvolved parties, I do not pretend to understand. When a B deficiency occurs, the doctor does not prescribe a not very well absorbed piece of meat, but a well-absorbed B supplement, usually the type that dissolves on tongue that is directly absorbed in body without entering stomach. Iron deficiency though sometimes genetic influences may play a role is typically caused by heavy menstrual periods or aberrant bleeding or sometimes, heavy junk food eating.

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This iron deficiency during pre menopause is not more common in vegetarians. Iron is in many environmental friendly plant foods. In all honesty, premenopausal women pairing eating fruit for dessert with legumes, vegetables, grains…. However, cast iron is absolutely not recommended for men and postmenopausal women. Whether using grey, blue or green, water it requires a lot of energy because it needs to pumped mostly from the thaw of the Sierra Nevada, to where it is needed, requiring a lot of energy CO2 emissions to use.

Pumping and irrigating dry Western ranches for cattle farmers requires energy to move the water, even if it is mostly retained rainwater or mountain snow thaw, from somewhere else. I have seen much higher numbers for beef and much lower numbers for plant foods she listed.

Is she also giving blue water numbers for rice? Again, other water grey, green still has environmental impacts, particularly in the dry West states, where much of the ranching happens, it has to be pumped and irrigated to the cows. So I thought the blue water emphasis was not entirely accurate and misleading. Comparing beef farming to mono cropping used to feed grain fed animals, does not make grass-fed beef a better environmental choice than organic and conventional farming of beans, vegetables, grains and fruits staples of with rotation and mixed crop farming for plants for human consumption.

Her point only drives home the need not to allow or encourage mono cropping. Americans, Australians, Canadians, Brazilians, Europeans are making the most GHG impacts from meat eating, because these countries are eating in many cases double and triple amount of their reasonable share of the world pie of animal products. Just not reality, not sustainable for the masses if everyone ate GF beef. I am not suggesting grain fed livestock- rather more beans, less beef. And include more eco-friendly plant foods: Less almond milk, more organic oat and soy milks.

Lot less nuts, but add some seeds: Eating variety of organic beans for protein, b-vitamins, antioxidants, resistant starch etc.. Interestingly, her chart shows the world is eating lots of grain and in some areas starchy vegetables, as staples. Outside of Western countries, they do not have the osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers and obesity rates we do. You have brought up habitat loss and killing of other animals due to crop farming with fire, herbicides, pesticides and, I believe, farmers directly killing animals scavenging their plants.

So land use and growing of forage crops not grain , and iterating the large amount 60lbs. And forage crops are almost never grown without herbicides, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers causing algal blooms, destroying lakes and pond ecosystems. I have seen with my own two eyes the feeding of grass fed cows with dried forage crops hay and wheat straw and also, being fed grass, alfalfa and other forage growing in fields that formerly grew crops corn, wheat, soybeans etc..

And the farmers who are selling it, are rotating these crops, meaning on the years they do not grow hay or wheat straw for the grass-fed cows, they are growing soybeans, corn or other crops. This forage for grass fed cows is grown on farmable land!!! So, my bringing up these points: No one shall be allowed to let any arable land go fallow or produce a non-edible to humans crop. Several commenters have noted they tried vegan or vegetarian diets, and were unsuccessful. In some cases by their own descriptions , it appears they were not doing all they could to achieve success.

So, because they failed, even if that failure was their own doing, no one else should try such a diet, and the people that are following such a diet should stop. We could have a lot of fun applying this approach to lots of other activities, as well. This is not though experiments. The study you pointed out did not say eat grass fed beef.

Their recommendation was a vegetarian diet with some eggs and dairy. As I said previously, this is getting ridiculous. Nor do you address the huge GHG impact of producing the chemical fertilizers — more than a ton of CO2 per ton of fertilizer, which is usually produced from natural gas, with its attendant CH4 emissions.

I can see you have a hang-up with cows, and I can also see that you are determined to let nothing in the way of facts deter you from it. So, have fun demonizing cows! I find it is sad, but true, that sometimes the factory-farm folks are more reasonable in achieving progress toward sustainable agriculture than those that profess to be environmentalists or animal advocates. This requires growth of forage crops for feeding during the grass, alfalfa etc.

There happen to be a lot of dairies saturated in our area. They make a lot of cheese nearby. This saturation is causing the problem. They are farming based on high demands of consumers. I am not sure what you what me to respond to that I have not already, but like I said the moderators have not posted many of my replies. Conventional crop farming with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is far less than ideal, in comparison to organic crop farming, no doubt. But methane gas emissions are some of the most damaging and potent climate change factors. I would encourage everyone to eat as much organic and do as much edible organic landscaping as they think they want to tackle: Causing more damage to the ozone layer, which GF beef does with the methane and nitrous oxide, not offset by CO2 sequestration, by what I have read, is not sustainable for our planet.

This diet is both sustainable and kind to the ozone layer, and uses no synthetic fertilizers and pesticides? Why are you so angry about what the environmental scientists at Cornell and the UN would call a fabulous choice. I think you are misrepresenting, albeit based on sincere beliefs, other approaches to producing healthful, sustainable foods. The USDA especially, as it has a two-fold mission, the parts of which are inherently in conflict — to protect the consumer of agricultural products AND to promote the sale of US ag products.

These practices hurt people that are trying to follow a more healthful lifestyle, whether vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. I never, ever said my neighbors were not using sustainable practices. In cold weather you have to feed forage crops!!! The problem in our area is the huge demand for dairy, and the saturation of dairy farms in our area. There is just too much poop. They have, trust me, tried turning the poop into biomass and all kinds of things to try and solve the problem. It is really sad. We have one of the most beautiful lakes, and it is being destroyed by cow poop run-off.

The land opened up by less grass fed livestock and forage and grain crops to feed stock, would be used for the higher demand of organic beans, tubers, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. And not import all that sugar, chemicals and not real food that Americans are eating now. For all grass fed cows, in areas that have ground freeze mostly Nov.

This is a big portion of the US. In the milder portions, that tend to be very dry, it requires huge amounts of water to irrigate forage crops and water the animals. In the very cold months, their poop is hauled out of the barn with an electrical manure machine plopped on one side of the barn. As this manure thaws in the spring, though some of it can be used on other crops, much of it seeps into the ground and into the underground water.

I have not noticed any undue delays in copying comments to subscribers, either. All of your recent ones have come into my inbox quickly. There has been one post, completely respectful, so should not be deleted, that did not get posted. I doubt that there is an active effort by any of his folks to stifle the give and take. If you could give me a comparison of greenhouse, gases, land use and water for 4 oz. Ornish, doing both simultaneously with whole plant foods and no oils, not just throwing animal products under the bus , and reduced amounts of sodium and modest sugar intake.

So, I would say to those needing to defensively take a stance that plant-based diets, vegan, vegetarian, veganish with fish or eggs etc. It is true that… dairy is associated with increased risks breast , ovarian and prostate cancer and decreased survival in breast cancer patients. The trend to put grassfed butter in coffee and eat with wild abandon is akin to taking a mini-hormone replacement pill for women, proven to increase risks of heart attack, strokes and breast cancer in women. So, before trying to shame a plant-based eater on their need to take B, or eat Nori, with very little omega6 oils, and maybe take an algal supp.

And I feel very good about my diet in terms of carbon footprint, etc… In my local world, I am not creating the local lake algal blooms with butter, yogurt, cheese pizza and ice creams cones, from dairy poop run-off, that is really destroying the natural beauty we are blessed with. It is a huge problem where I live. I have been a dairy and beef eater most of my life, so I have been there.

I feel I have been able to debate my views with accurate information in a respectful tone. And, again, I have appreciated your patience in our debate. Thank you for posting this. Just sent two respectful, but maybe hit a nerve posts.

Why You Should Think Twice About Vegetarian and Vegan Diets

One twelve hours ago, and one 10 minutes, ago with no reference study to look through and both are still in moderation. It will give me closure, and I will not feel the need to post anymore. Not sure why this post would take so long for moderation. I will not badger you, Annie, after this post. I will agree to disagree with you on environmental impact of animal sourced grass-fed proteins vs. This is more time consuming than getting sucked into political debates! It is true that…. Dairy is associated with increased risks breast , ovarian and prostate cancer and decreased survival in breast cancer patients.

Grass-fed or grain-fed cows, poop. Heightening the demand for beef, indisputably, puts more poop out there, and the problems that come with it. I am very happy with my veganish diet, it has been sustainable for me for over a decade with vibrant health, I am lucky. WFPB and Paleo diets both forgo processed foods oils, refined flours, excess sugar , so there is some common ground.

I would suggest one course correction, however. Namely, using V belief to defend your views on their health benefits is not in your best interests. According to the most recent and well done, relatively large survey of those diets when compared with a meat-centered diet clearly shows that mean dietary fat is virtually the same for all three, Dietary nutrient composition is the best predictor of food effects on human health.

These data show therefore why the health benefits of the V diets are often only modest. Vegans, while choosing not to use animal-based foods for ethical reasons, does not mean that this conclusion applies to the scientific evidence. This is why vegans still get much too much heart disease and cancer and people on the whole food plant-based foods do not. And this is why critics of these V diets are getting away with their criticisms. Arguments for the health benefits of plant-based eating which are primarily based on ideological belief may do more harm than good. I know, for me, two of the best things I ever did, was reading the China Study, and Dr.

Because, I do believe for me, it was not until I really squeezed the oil out of my diet that I gained the vibrant, unbelievable health and increased cardiorespiratory fitness, I enjoy today. Another lifesaver, was Jeff Novick, who gave some great tricks on how to squeeze and dilute the extra sodium out as well, from foods seemingly healthy like salsa, condiments etc.. I am glad you reminded me, and everyone on this blog, that it is important to clarify the WFPB diet it is not just the limiting of meat products as you see in vegan, and vegetarian diets , but also the oil, sugar and total low amounts of fat including limiting vegetarian choices: Chris Kresser and others have debunked the China Study.

But most people with bad dietary habits could make reasonable changes that would be much easier than trying to throw themselves into a strict regiment like veganism. The majority of folk who are overweight and feel unhealthy could make great strides towards losing weight and improving their general health by simply cutting back on meal portions and after snacking outside the 3 daily meals.

There you go, being logical again! What you are recommending is a version of the KISS principle.

It seems people would rather contort themselves into vegan pretzels instead of trying this simple, no-cost actually would save them money on grocery and medical bills approach. These are great choices because they have zinc without too much omega-6 fats to keep your omega fats balanced near the ideal 1: Making a daily habit of eating oats, quinoa and some pumpkin and chia seeds maybe as cocoa pudding some days , a few walnuts and including mushrooms, lentils, tofu, bok choy and rest regularly works for most.

For vitamin A, most plant-based eaters, for health, easily get daily multiple servings of leafy greens and orange root vegetables. Cooked kale, collard greens, carrots, as well as squash, sweet potato, paprika, cayenne, basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, oregano, cantaloupe, pink grapefruit, chili peppers, peppers, broccoli are all on the menu. First, many patients of Dr. Dean Ornish are still alive, and thriving, years after their cardiologist gave them a few months to live due to late stage cardiovascular disease.

They accomplished this by adopting a vegan diet. These patients are not waaackos as described by Ms. They have saved and improved the quality of their lives, giving their families much more time on Earth with them. It should also be mentioned that many of the male patients joked they owed Dr.

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  7. Esselstyn an extra check, or, hey, something has come up… because their erectile dysfunction was reversed, as well. Chris you said, I hope this article can serve as a resource for anyone on a plant-based diet, whether they choose to start eating meat or animal products, in the case of vegans again or not.

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    Some expert dietitians and doctors, such as Dr. Barnard and dietitians Brenda Davis and Ginny Messina, who wrote a wonderful resource, Becoming Vegan talks about how to plan a nutritionally strong vegan diet, supplemented with B and some encourage an algal supplement, with physician approval. And the others have websites, check out nutrition facts. Greger who also does recommend algal supplement, for most.

    Also, Forks over Knives is a great website with recipes, etc. And, researchers have noted many omnivores have too high omega-6 to omega3 ratios not conducive to optimal health. Omnivores are actually getting their B through a supplement though second hand too. In our modern world, with chlorinated water etc.. Almost no one, including animals, in our modern world is getting B, naturally as they used to. So no one should plan on getting enough B from eggs. Excerpt from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: In contrast with the poor absorption previously reported for spinach calcium, kale, a low-oxalate vegetable, exhibits excellent absorbability for its calcium.

    Plant-based eaters get the same benefits of vitamin D from sunshine and fortified plants milks as omnivores do from sunshine and fortified dairy. Dairy is not a natural source of vitamin D. Fish and, to a less reliable and lesser degree, mushrooms have vitamin D, without fortification. Also, because plant-based eaters are eating many vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables at their meals, and avoiding tea at mealtime, their absorption of iron is fabulous.

    They also include garlic frequently to boost both zinc and iron absorption. Pumpkin seeds, oats and other seeds and whole grains add to the zinc requirement. But even an occasional bowl of Cheerios or a little in a trail mix will provide a zinc boost and a little preformed vitamin A, for those who want a little insurance policy, for these nutrients.

    Or, is already covered if someone chooses a multivitamin. I did not, however, say a person cannot maintain a healthy vegan diet. I am sure a lot of people who are very unhealthy can change their tragectory with a vegan or vegetarian diet. The more unhealthy a person is the better they will get when they remove toxins from their diet. I do not feel that eating healthy meats, fish, eggs, cheese and raw organic dairy is unhealthy wtih lots of fruit and vegetables.

    I also think some animal products is more healthy than none. The reason why I call people wackos is because they refuse to accept that something other than what they believe is true or just as good or even otherwise appropriate. I truly appreciate the response. But I think you have to be careful to not overgeneralize. When you say vegans are wacko. You are saying all vegans are wacko, and that includes people under Dr. There is already too much vegan prejudice. Just in the same way they would not overgeneralize or discriminate against someone by race, gender or sexual preference.

    When they say that non-vegans are not so ethically advanced as they? Of course not all vegans are wacko. Again, the patients on the vegan diets that are having miraculous turnarounds in regards to good health are probably people who were very unhealthy to begin with and that needs to be stated. If you like a vegan diet and you are healthy that is great but there are many people who are not healthy on a vegan diet and many who eat animal products that can prove it is better for them and for the environment not all of them I know ….

    Grapes What makes grapes a Superfruit? A powerful antioxidant called resveratrol, which promotes a healthy heart. Researchers have also found that compounds found in grape seed extract seem to help slow Alzheimer's disease at least in mice and can clobber head and neck cancer cells grown in the laboratory.


    Oh, and forget bleaching your teeth. Snack on grapes that are just ripe, because the acid declines as the fruit ripens. Blackberries These tart and tasty gems rank in the top 10 for antioxidant power, according to the USDA, and they are specifically rich in polyphenols, the same family of antioxidants found in green tea, which may help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancers, and osteoporosis. Blackberries are also number one for fiber: One cup delivers one-third of your daily target of 25 to 35 grams a day. Kiwi If you've got digestive gripes, then kiwi is your Superfuit.

    In one study, 41 people who had irritable bowel syndrome IBS consumed two kiwis a day for six weeks and reported a reduction of symptoms compared to those who didn't. Kiwi, especially the skin, is high in fiber and pre-biotic complex carbohydrates. Lemon Tartlets With Pineapple and Kiwi. Oranges If you manage to eat just one medium orange, then you'll already have your reached recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which keeps your immune system humming.

    Plums contain an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid, which, according to French researchers, is linked to decrease in anxiety-related behaviors in mice. Pomegranate Pomegranates deserve their Superfruit status. The juice from this gorgeous fruit beat red wine to win first place in a list of beverages ranked by antioxidant levels in a University of California, Los Angeles study. However, if you are set on fresh pomegranate over juice, wait for winter; the fruit is at its best between September and February. Strawberries Strawberries are bursting with vitamin C; just a cup full and you've already reached your recommended daily intake.

    They are also an excellent source of folic acid, which can help protect your heart. Easiest of all, they whiten your teeth naturally! Crush a strawberry to a pulp, then mix with baking soda until blended. Spread the mixture onto your teeth and leave on for 5 minutes. Reapply once a week. Avocados Yup, these are a Superfruit remember, fruits have seeds, vegetables don't.

    Packed with monounsaturated fat and fatty acids, avocados can help lower LDL bad cholesterol levels while raising the amount of good cholesterol in your body. Tomatoes The tomato pretty much tops our list of Superfruits even though some people still think it's a vegetable. Tomatoes pack a sought-after antioxidant called lycopene, which is rarely found in other Superfruits, and they're high in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, and super-low in calories.

    Papayas Summer colds are the worst, so have some papaya! This tropical fruit is bursting with vitamin C — just one cup gives you more than you need each day.